The Anomalous Bankers Trust Building & 9/11
The fifth orphan of the WTC complex that hardly gets discussed
Seeing that it’s been over 22 years since 9/11, a lot of people are under the impression that they are rather smart for knowing about Building 7, but boy o’ boy do they get upset if you ask them why they cannot count past three.
Could it be that they’ve been conditioned for over 10 years just to focus on Building 7 by “truther” talking heads like Richard Gage and organisations like architects for an engineered truth and the 2023 newcomer “The International Center for 9/11 Justice”, suppression and then also misrepresenting the sounds of explosions to be some sort of proof for bombs?
How does that saying go again? “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” - Joseph Goebbels. It pertains beautifully to those who have positioned themselves to be seen as arbiters of truth, trying to fight the official narrative, but at the same time are steering truth seekers on a road of distraction.
We saw a great interaction in 2011 proving that indeed is the case. Video
There are a lot of strange anomalies on 9/11 that don’t really get discussed and when they do, only a partial piece of information is given, as to make you think everything is indeed being covered. You need to look more closely at what is not being discussed;
If you haven’t yet, I suggest working through my presentation from February 10, 2024 where I take on 10 points of contention with regards to thermite being able to discount the use of DEW on 9/11 - You’ll find it rather informative.
The below articles are a must read.
The anomalous seismic readings without P or S waves.
The 1 400 “toasted” cars - engine blocks missing and the strange holes in them.
100 Days of smoke at ground zero - people don’t realise the rubble pile was COLD.
The plane / no plane debate has been settled
Ok, let’s jump into pointing out the anomalies with the 5th WTC orphan, the Bankers Trust Building.
Where was the Bankers Trust Building in relation to the twin towers?
It was right across the street from Building 4 - to the left of the picture above.
Let’s start with what we saw just after the towers went away. In what shape was Bankers Trust (BT)?
The Bankers Trust Building, a 40-story building, had pulverized dust and some WTC aluminum cladding on its roof, plus some damage mostly confined to its lower floors. This same pattern prevails in other damaged buildings adjacent to the WTC complex. This is surprisingly little damage following destruction of 110-story buildings directly across the street. Why is there no serious damage to the adjacent buildings above the 20th floor of those buildings? Such damage is less than 20% of the height of a Twin Tower. What would explain this?
Disintegration and pulverization into talcum-powder-sized dust above the 20th floors would explain this.
The FEMA report (Fig6-10) states there were no fires in Bankers Trust (BT), so why is this beam shriveled and burnt in appearance? Note the holes in the beam, yet the white paint above the shriveled portion is still good.
Notice the shriveled, warped metal beam hanging at the top of the photo.
Now listen to Dr Wood’s description below of this strange phenomena.

There is no obvious cause of the gash in Bankers Trust (BT). The wheatchex hanging from the gash did not make the gash that is several times wider and deeper and taller than the wheatchex. Also the wheatchex shows little or no apparent damage.
Two years after 9/11 the missing floors are being replaced and by early 2004 the floors were restored. Soon after the completion, deconstruction of the whole building started. Why?
Bankers Trust was infected with a non-self-quenching process of molecular dissociation initiated on 9/11/01.
The people in charge of Banker's Trust apparently thought it could be contained by replacing the damaged portion and adjacent beams. By March 2006 deconstruction begins… What did they find during the deconstruction?
This ongoing spontaneous rusting appears to be related to the deconstruction. What caused this? How many years at the bottom of the ocean would be required to cause such thorough rusting of steel? This strange, rapid rusting was seen as early as the afternoon on 9/11, while WTC7 was still standing.
Below is a stainless steel bar exhibiting spontaneous, rapid corrosion after being affected by directed energy in a laboratory setting; Hutchison Effect sample.
During the deconstruction, on August 18, 2007, a fire broke out killing 2 firefighters and injuring 115. It was blamed on "smoking" but the building was mostly empty and images of the fire appear to show the STEEL on fire.
The steel appears to be on fire more than the wood does. Source for video. (1 min 30 sec)
Banker's Trust Building Fire - Raw Footage August 18, 2007 source (6 minutes)
Where else did we see fires break out?
As an addition, please listen to this video, discussing the dirt being trucked in to the WTC complex, soon after the cleanup operation began, as well as the statement with regards to the energy being non-self-quenching…
I have covered the ongoing fuming of the rubble pile in this article, yet in the picture below, where the PATH train tracks were, stirring the mud triggers fuming five years after 9/11. The fuming emerges from saturated dirt and mud. (9/06)
Now I would like to have the thermite and nuke proponents explain these anomalies to me, or better yet - Someone who believes the official narrative that jet fuel caused what we saw on September 11, 2001.
Some additional information received from Christopher Bergier - Boston 9/11 Truth & MathEasySolutions.
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payments to my country yet.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all 80 of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
This substack does not get the attention it deserves.
While I’ve had my suspicions, I never saw all this information before. Very interesting.