2024 Is here and the clown show is back in town
Get ready for a laugh a minute when keeping an eye on the 9/11 talking heads
People tend to throw around the word “troll” quite easily on the various social media platforms, but I’ve found it mostly happens when people have their belief systems challenged.
We’ve seen it during the last 3 year’s CV-19 clown show quite regularly when the evil anti-vaxxers tried to warn the over trusting television watching news believers NOT to line up for their experimental gene therapy injections.
Luckily with time and a lot of injection related injuries and unfortunate deaths, people are starting to wake up to the fact they’ve been lied to, even though it’s a bit late.
The same goes for the 9/11 ‘truth” narrative.
The last two years, I’ve seen A LOT of people waking up to the 9/11 bamboozle.
I like most had issues with the official narrative and then fell for the various traps with regards to all the alternative narratives that opposes the official narrative and I’ve met many people along the way who tell similar stories. I have also met a lot of people who just cannot let go of the alternative cover story they’ve become emotionally and sometimes financially invested in. Having such people see the light is a very difficult undertaking and most are just plain impossible, as they subscribe to 9/11 talking heads that have made lying a career and some, an art form. When looking into the events on 9/11, one MUST realise it was an attack on human consciousness, a trauma based mind control event and people very quickly outsourced their thinking to the MSM and then later the various 9/11 ‘truther” talking heads that have come forth with very weak theories, whilst screaming for a new investigation whilst reminding you NOT to forget to donate to their cause.
There was one scientist though with integrity and who DID do the independent forensic investigation of the observable evidence of what happened to 7 buildings with a WTC prefix that all these 9/11 “truther” talking heads and organisations are STILL screaming for, way back in 2007 and even filed a lawsuit against NIST and it’s 23 subcontractors for SCIENCE FRAUD with regards to the NIST Report, but just DON’T DARE looking at this scientist’s work or mention this scientist’s name… Even Wikipedia has this scientist on a block list since 2010.
Now, getting back to the clown show that’s back in town.
This is where a lot of people will think I’m being 'trolley”, because I seem to be going after 9/11 ‘truthers” that seem to be on the same side.
Issue is, I’m no ‘truther” or ‘debunker” as I see myself as a truth seeker.
These so called ‘truther” talking heads and organisations sure as hell aren’t on the right side of history due to their disingenuous approach to seeking the truth of what happened on September 11, 2001.
Here is a quick thought experiment and history lesson one of the 9/11 ‘truther” narratives out there that you might find amusing…
As you saw in the video above, DON’T you DARE mention the scientist’s name and the theory these 9/11 talking heads spout is completely and utterly laughable…
If you want a real laugh, I've just watched the most comical interview with Richard Gage talking about 9/11 on the Stone Zone from January 5, 2024.
Someone please help Roger Stone by getting him to read Dr Wood’s book, or even better get her on his show because as you’ll hear in the interview, he’s never looked into the alternative narrative to the government narrative.
I wanted to do my normal video edit of showing each and every statement Richard Gage makes during his presentation, which is complete and utter misdirection, but if I had to do it, it would most probably turn into a 2h long video, so just work your way through my various substack articles in 2023, then you’ll be able to see past his misdirection.
Gage comes over as so desperate in believing his own lies, I nearly fell off my chair laughing.... He’s so animated, you really got to feel for the guy.
He's using pictures, terms (toasted cars) and papers by researchers that have pointed out flaws with the original narrative, as well as his, and now that he’s got the audacity to use terms for phenomena someone else has coined and then he bans you off his platforms for even mentioning or asking questions about what this scientist presents, so it just proves once again that he has no conscience, as you’ll see in the two interactions below, where he was caught with his pants around his ankles in 2023.
Richard Gage, here’s to 2024 - See you in the live podcasts, get ready to answer questions you have no answers for…
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payments to my country yet.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
I just watched most of (well, part of) the Gage/Stone garbage of the day.
I can't believe Gage had the lack of intellect to say, "The towers were made of steel, so what was IRON doing there?" Stone lapped it up like mothers' milk.
What kind of architect would even pose such a question? You may sign me, aghast.
Amazing any adult would ever listen to a word after that.
(I did ask Gage, in the comments, if he truly believes what he said. If he answers, and you know he doesn't like being tested, I'll follow up.)
What surprised me was to learn that James Corbett (corbettreport.substack.com), who is usually rather heads up on subjects, doesn't comprehend Judy Woods' work. Stone should know better.