9/11 and the Debunking Olympics.
It's been ongoing since 2005 and the truth seems to be lurking in the shadows.
I’ve recently come across a 9/11 article of Craig McKee here on substack.
It seems to be worth a follow, due to him stating the following in his article:
“But I can tell you that some who purport to be “truthers” are actually working against the Truth Movement by sowing division and pushing us to accept more and more of the official story. As to their actual motives, I’ll leave that to the reader to assess. Here are a few possibilities: They are agents, they have been bribed by agents, they have been threatened by agents, or they have been duped by agents or they are complete psychopaths.” - Craig McKee
Andrew Johnson and Dr Wood has a very good take on this as well;
McKee goes on: “I’ll be naming names, and I’ll be exposing lies. I’ll also call to account those who are lending credibility to these disinformation peddlers. The choice made by some to protect these operatives or dupes (sometimes under the guise of promoting “unity”) will not age well. Those in the Truth Movement who think we should treat everyone as if they are genuine regardless of how duplicitous their behavior is, might not want to hear what I have to say. Or they know what I’m saying and have been refusing to acknowledge its implications for years.”
I do have one question though, why does he want to start with the Pentagon?
Time will only tell…
Before I jump into the “9/11 Debunking Olympics”, let me just share this little video, you might not have seen yet. (Thanx MES)
Now note: At the bottom of the video, you have Building 7 and the spire that stood for a few seconds is what was part of the SOLID steel core of the North Tower, which was approximately 900 feet (70 stories high), which fell down vertically and the whopper is that 16 people survived at the bottom of that. They weren’t blown to bits, deafened by loud explosions, blinded by massive thermite flashed going off or burned by molten metal and they did not die due to radiation poisoning from buried or micro nukes going off - Have a listen to the 9/11 surfer, that was on the 22nd floor of stairwell B and fell to about the 6th floor of the partially intact stub of what was left of the stairwell. He only suffered a broken ankle and was back home with his wife at 8pm that evening. His 1 hour 2023 interview, a 20 minute highlight clip.
Sorry I digress, back to the “9/11 Debating Olympics” that have been in full swing since 2005 and Craig McKee was a bit late to the game with his website article in 2012, under the heading:
“For some time, I’ve been thinking about creating a post where the comment thread is the focus and the article more of an introduction to the discussion. That’s what I’ve decided to do here with what I hope will be an open, substantive discussion on the research of Dr. Judy Wood.” “Rather than just having comments about her pop up in other discussions and other threads (usually involving name calling and ridicule), I’ve decided to create a post where her research can be rationally debated; at least I hope it’ll be rational and that the discussion focuses on science rather than hearsay.”
“I look forward to read some substantive exchanges on the buildings turning to dust, toasted cars, molten metal, the seismic evidence, the Hutchison Effect, and Hurricane Erin.
I’d like to know what her detractors have to say about Hurricane Erin – how it headed straight for New York City, stopped on the morning of Sept. 11, then turned sharply away – all the while being virtually ignored by the media.
Here are a few questions that might be worth discussing concerning her research:
Does the amount of rubble fit with two massive skyscrapers being brought down in a conventional demolition, with or without thermite? What could account for the lack of rubble?
Why did so many cars burn (or melt) in such odd patterns – parts of vehicles melted, parts totally undamaged? Why were some vehicles flipped over and others not? And why did blowing paper and leaves on trees seem not to burn in the midst of the burning cars?
What caused massive “holes” in other World Trade Center buildings?
What about her references to phenomena like buildings “lathering up,” being “dustified,” or steel beams resembling “rolled up carpets”?
Is the photographic record that she bases much of her observations on reliable?
For Wood’s detractors: is there information in the book you find valuable?
For Wood’s supporters: is there information in the book you find fault with?”
There were a total of 545 comments before McKee closed the comments and then posted a link to a Richard Gage article attempting to refute Dr Wood’s work and boy do I have to tell you, what a laughable 15 year old piece it is - Go read it for a good laugh.
McKee also stated in the piece he has NOT read the entire book, and he also states “It seems that most of Wood’s most vocal critics have not read her book at all, but this may be proven wrong in the comments to follow.”
My question is, was this piece intended as a "Please, oh please, oh please, ...someone find how to debunk Wood's book." Why else was he calling for a debunking Olympics?
The comment section is a great read through, as you may learn some great insights on trolls. There were some great comments and revelations too:
"It appears that this thread was set up as part of a campaign to distort the image of Dr. Wood, beginning with the title of the thread. You may as well have labeled your article, “Let’s promote propaganda to convince people Dr. Wood is wrong.” If the comments do not address what is in Dr. Wood’s book, then they are nothing more than propaganda. In other words, propaganda about Dr. Wood’s work is insulting and is an attempt to distort the information she presents in her book."
“Read Dr Judy Wood’s book Chapters 18 & 19 to get the facts straight about Hurricane Erin and the high pressure cold front which moved into the area just as Hurricane Erin arrived in the area. The atmospheric pressure at JFK Airport reached its highest point at almost exactly 10:00 am (page 424 figure 435 Where Did The Towers Go?)”
“I’m thinking about buying a copy of Dr. “Wood’s book and I came here to see what others thought of it. From what I’ve been reading an various websites, the book is irrefutable. From what I’ve read here, no one here has found anything wrong with Dr. Wood’s book. (You know, page number and paragraph number and reason and their proof it is wrong.) The posters here seem to have only found things wrong with each other.”
This is rather eye opening:
“Last year in a pay-it-forward fashion to get various 9/11 leaders or worthy debate opponents over “kooky, loony, nutty” mental obstacles that otherwise prevented them from acquiring Dr. Wood’s textbook, Señor El Once offered to purchase them a copy in exchange for a fair and objective reading and “the good, the bad, and the ugly.”
Little did he know that the very act of accepting or declining such an offer would prove to be an early test of their objectivity and a hint of their agenda.
– Mr. Phil Jayhan of Let’s Roll Forums: “I decline your gracious offer… It’s a moral thing. And based on principles.”
– Mr. Simon Shack of September Clues: “I will respectfully decline your offer – out of intellectual honesty.”
– Mr. LeftWright of 9/11 Blogger was sent the book, but after confirming receipt has communicated to the gift-giver not a single word, let alone a good, bad, and ugly assessment, despite pings every other month for about half a year: “How’s the book report coming?”
– Mr. David Chandler upon receiving the book gave these first impressions: “Heavy book. Heavy pages. Extravagant use of color. Somebody put a bunch of money behind this project.” He goes on to say: “There’s not a whole lot I agree with. I haven’t gotten that far yet.” Six months later when prodded for a more detailed good, bad, and ugly review, he admits that he started but didn’t finish the book because he had “better things to do with his time” [e.g., the anti-CIT paper co-authored with Frank Legge.]
– Mr. Jonathan Cole, Richard Gage, and Gregg Roberts of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth wrote FAQ #3: What’s Your Assessment of the Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) Hypothesis? that did not reference anything from Dr. Wood’s textbook [which the authors probably do have], misrepresents and misframes her work, and consumes half its space promoting nano-thermite [that has its own crippling issues.]
The closest Señor El Once was able to come to contacting these authors directly was Mr. Cole relaying through his gatekeeper (Mr. Chandler): “Don’t even waste time responding.” Mr. Chandler elaborated: “Jon Cole and I concur that we consider Judy Wood to be a distraction, a disruption, and one who is promoting theories that are unsupported by evidence and transparently false. We have no interest in discussing her work further.”
For the sake of brevity, many other data points clustering around the above trend line are not provided. The trend line is, however, that Dr. Wood and her work should be avoided and need to be marginalized before and to prevent others from objectively reviewing its content and from judging independently what is applicable and what is not.”
The only thing I can take from this is by not wanting to read the book, they cannot be held accountable or taken on for the fact they are not sharing this evidence, though you heard that Richard Gage owns the book, has read the book and has actively been supressing the evidence by not discussing it and banning people sharing it since 2011.
“The objective of disinformation is not to convince you of one point of view or another, it is to create enough uncertainty so that everything is believable and nothing is knowable.” - Robin Fisher
I wonder if McKee is at all aware of this interaction with Richard Gage in June 2023, where he was shown once again, as a disinformation spreader and got demolished by everyone on the panel? Read the article here. I have made a quick 7 minute summary below of the best interactions and boy will you enjoy it.
Now, the piece Richard Gage wrote and which McKee shared, was deconstructed by Dr Wood 15 years ago and due to the 2023 interaction on this panel, she just had to bring it home once again: Refutation of Gage’s Game - read and download it.
My criticism of McKee might be a bit premature, but he has had an additional 11 years to look at Dr Wood’s book, since posting his article, so why call out the “truthers” now? l look forward to following his substack articles to come…

Thank you for reading, thank you for watching, listening and still caring about 9/11 truth.
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payments to my country yet.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all 80+ of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
The links to odysee.com in this article are not working. Possibly there is a change to the url for odysee.com since the article was posted.