The Molecular Dissociation of the Thermite & Nuke theories
A recent truth summit I was following has opened a can of worms with regards to 9/11 and the 9/11 truth movement, talking heads' talking points.
The truth summit was organised and hosted by Elsa Schieder, PhD from June 12 to 23, 2023 and during the two weeks she had interviews with 21 “truthers” with vast array of differing subjects they specialise in and one of the guests was Richard Gage and let’s just say that Elsa was in for a surprise, when it came to the subject of the September 11, 2001 attack on America. More on Elsa’s truth summit here.
Elsa Scheder has a triple disciplinary PhD - Psychology, Sociology, Literary Theory.
She has taught in 6 departments at the university and college level: Humanities, Education, English, Film Studies, Women's Studies, and Sociology. She was long a tenured Humanities prof at John Abbott College.
Richard Gage was one of the first interviews she had recorded for her “Truth Summit” scheduled for June 2023 and after posting about the interview to her contacts, she was contacted by numerous people for an additional 9/11 researcher that she must get a hold of and it ended up in some rather interesting additional conversations on the 9/11 subject.
I suggest you check out the following articles she wrote after the summit, make sure to check out the explosive comment sections as well as the rather explosive panel discussion on the close of her “truth summit” where two 9/11 “truthers” ended up having a sparring session and surprisingly enough most of the panelists DISAGREED with Richard Gage, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich included, as Fuellmich recalled a recent interview he had with an ex-MI5 & MI6 operative. (Video below 5 minutes)
1. A Personal Taking Stock on 9/11
And with that background I would like to get into this article with regards to the molecular dissociation of the thermite & nuke theories.
It’s pretty obvious for anyone with a working brain to accept that the official narrative put forth by the US government that two planes hitting two buildings cannot cause 3 buildings to disintegrate and cause massive anomalous damage to another 5 buildings, which I will dub the 9/11 orphans (Buildings 3, 4, 5, 6 and the Bankers Trust building).
They hardly EVER get discussed by the various 9/11 “truther” talking heads, because their unproven THEORIES and assumptions of WHAT happened during the attacks cannot explain the observable damage to the 9/11 orphans.
Some points to ponder first and most damaging aspect to most of the 9/11 “truthers” THEORIES regarding explosives, thermite, molten metal, buried nukes or mini nukes are the 16 survivors of stairway B of the North Tower 1 disintegration that they NEVER discuss
Please read my previous article on all the anomalies to the 7 buildings with a WTC prefix, for a more detailed explanation.
What you also to notice to the left of this picture, is the remnants of WTC6, which is a 8 story building that is towering over the remnants of tower 1. So, where is all the rubble for the 110 story building that was standing there a few minutes ago?
Now you need to consider the following points discussed in this short video discussing the survivors of stairway B of the North Tower 1…
From the above video with regards to “explosive” evidence, we can make the following statements regarding the use of explosives.
And you need to listen to these testimonies of the firemen that survived in order to understand what they experience during the disintegration of the North Tower 1.

The most vocal “truther” out there is Richard Gage, formerly with AE911, and his “explosive” evidence then turned to Dr Steven E. Jones’ thermite found in the dust samples at ground zero. So let’s investigate what we could have expected if thermite was used to disintegrate the towers. Put on your thinking cap students.
I highly recommend studying Dr Wood’s blog: The Thermite Free Zone first.
I’ve found a another “debunker” page that is dedicated to showing exactly what is wrong with the claims of thermite and molten metal on 9/11 and I’ll copy and paste two of the important debunks here for your reading pleasure.
Public Service Announcement though - some of the comments on the page and the articles, are from people who still think jet fuel had something to do with the molecular disintegration of the towers, which just goes to show, some people will always stay lost.
Also check out some of my previous articles.
It’s time people wake up from the big bamboozle of architects for an engineered truth and Richard Gage and go ask that their donations are refunded, as you’ve been sold a provable LIE.
How do you debunk the theory of thermite being the cause of molten steel from the twin towers during 9/11 to a conspiracy theorist?
Ok, first debunk by Ruben Lopez
What definitely was the molten metal, the precise temperature color of molten iron, that is seen streaming down one of the twin towers on 9/11 2001? Has anyone analysed it to see what it is? If not why not?
The answer? Batteries. - Yes, batteries.
It’s an open secret that the NIST investigation was inadequate and left more questions than answers. It’s been pointed out numerous times that their analysis of the collapse are not very accurate, one that comes to mind is the breakdown of the North Tower’s collapse and are relatively inconclusive. What the NIST case did provide is an abundance of good photos and background info on the buildings. Take for example this blurb from the report about construction changes made by tenants in the South Tower.
But in a later version, they change it to this.
Your average World Trade tower layout.
Fairly inconspicuous, right? They just abbreviated United Parcel Service…but what if it wasn’t for UPS?
The thing is, United Parcel Service was a tenant for the 2 World Trade Center’s 81st floor, but they weren’t the last one. On 9/11, Fuji Bank was the main tenant on that floor, apparently occupying the southwest and northeast corners.
The northeast corner being the area where the “molten metal” flows, and the area previously reinforced to support additional weight, and where the collapse initiated.
UPS does not stand for the postal service, but for Uninterruptible Power Supply.
For big companies and firms dealing in sensitive data, an uninterruptible power system is a necessity. A UPS will provide electricity for major computer systems in the event of a power outage and keep operations running. It differs from a backup generator in that it draws power from a battery, or a mechanical flywheel in some cases. UPS systems are common in hospitals, nurseries and police station and especially for banks, banks that have space in the tallest office buildings in New York, these would be vital to keep international data transfer going.
And this battery system was so heavy, Fuji Bank spent money having to reinforce their floor just to support the weight of the batteries. A floor that would be the direct damage area of Flight 175 (right in the middle, hitting between the 77th-85th floors), a floor that would see the most severe of the fires, and the floor where a rooms worth of massive, high voltage lead batteries were glowing with power. The batteries, exploded from the impact, are now subject to thousands of short circuits from contact with hanging metal floor trusses and ripped up aluminum plane parts. Lead would have a lower melting point than steel and even aluminum (which is why even on tiny AA batteries there is an explosive warning on them), and that would generate the “molten steel flow”.
It’s not steel, it’s lead. Which is why the molten flow is gooping past the columns and aren’t actually cutting anything. The perimeter columns are actually starting to buckle in as the hat truss 40 stories above struggles to redistribute the catastrophic weight load. All those batteries have been smashed together and are now melting and morphing into a superhot lead clump, soaked by jet fuel.
My note - He should really read Mark Conlon’s 9/11 Planes Research substack.
If this really was thermite cutting through the steel columns despite there being no actual evidence of this, why would it only be on this one floor on this one corner? Why wasn’t it present in the impact crater on the other side of the tower? And why was this thermite spill not documented in the North Tower, which took even longer to collapse?
If that wasn’t enough, NIST acknowledged it was a typo and that the floors were modified for Fuji Bank specifically for a battery system.
But, that hasn’t stopped truthers from lying about it anyway, as seen in this truther comic called “The Big Lie” about a time traveler (the brown haired lady) who goes back to 9/11, armed with her truther websites and all, to save her husband (the orange haired guy) from dying in the North Tower.
Dun, dun, duuuun! What a joke. What column is the guy looking at anyway? The floor trusses ran horizontal. The core columns were all concealed, and they wouldn’t be standing there if the explosion exposed the column. Also who the hell took the time to wire every single floor like that so high up in the middle of an office with nobody noticing? Hundreds of people trapped in the North Tower wrote emails and made phone calls to loved ones and friends describing their conditions. Don’t you think at least one of them would’ve said “Jesus Christ, they taped explosives to the floors!” if the charges were so easily spottable like that? Also, why would they tape explosives to floors above the impact zone? It’s the lower floors unaffected that need to be destroyed. While I do think the idea of a time traveler trying to stop 9/11 would be a great comic (one set at the Trade Center no less), such a shame it was wasted for truther lies.
“There’s nothing noble about a big lie.” Say it ain’t so, Uncle Sam. Say it ain’t so…
I must say it’s a rather good piece of research. Now on to the second article of interest.
How do you debunk the theory of thermite being the cause of molten steel from the twin towers during 9/11 to a conspiracy theorist?
The following was shared by Alex Mann
This is the easiest part of their conspiracy to debunk
The claim: Thermite was used to cut through steel beams and weaken the Towers thus bringing them down”
First, let’s examine the evidence of thermite being found
Unexploded pieces of thermite (extremely small) were found in the rubble
Steel beams being cut at a 45-degree angle (picture below)
Steel beams do not melt at the burning point of jet fuel
Molten steel was found in the rubble and this is a common sign of thermite being used
Explosions heard at ground zero
Seems cut and dry right? Only if you don’t know how to do research.
1: Thermite found in the rubble
If thermite is found in the rubble of the WTC that would really prove this theory.
But there is a problem- no thermite was actually found.
There were a number of people who collected dust and debris for 9/11. Some were even collected by scientists who preserved them. In every case, there was no thermite found at all.
The ONLY person to find thermite was Dr. Steven Jones, well-known loon and conspiracy theorist.
He wrote a paper titled “Active Thermatic material discovered in the dust from 9/11”. In this paper, Dr. Jones shows that thermite was found in the dust and even provides pictures.
Here is the problem with this paper- which was published and peer-reviewed in “the open chemistry journal”.
It was not peer-reviewed. The Open Chemistry Journal is notorious for being a joke. In fact, a few men submitted a paper that was nothing more than made-up words and nonsense and it got “peer-reviewed” by the journal. No scholars ever peer-reviewed this
Those little red bits were found in the dust collected by others too- and it was proven to be paint chips which makes sense
Dr.Jones has not allowed anyone else but him to examine his dust and confirm his claims
2: Steel beams were cut at 45 degrees
This is actually true. The lateral steel beams were cut at a 45-degree angle.
The issue here is remarkably simple though. These beams were cut after the towers collapsed by firefighters trying to remove the rubble.
Those famous photos are taken during the cleanup and rescue process the days after the tower collapsed.
3: Jet Fuel does not melt Steel Beams
This is also true but people making this claim totally miss the point.
If you take steel and heat it up to half of its melting point what happens?
That’s right, it weakens!
You see the World Trade Centers were made up of long vertical steel beams and then smaller beams that ran horizontal. The intense fire caused by the impact of the jets caused these horizontal beams to heat and sag.
* My note - The writer should really look into the work of John Hutchison
You can even see the towers bowing in.
So no thermite was needed to collapse the towers.
4: Molten steel found in the rubble
This did not happen and there is no proof it happened at all.
There was molten metal found in the rubble but it was molten aluminum not steel. The towers had a ton of aluminum in them and aluminum melts at super low temps.
5: Explosions heard
What was heard what the horizontal steel beams snapping. Elevator shafts helped to make the sound louder and also carry further.
This is the weakest piece of evidence on my part as I have no real proof but given how horrible this theory is even if I could not explain the explosions logically that hardly proves there was thermite.
So, there you have it, two quick little articles showing you that even the people who believe the jet fuel hoax can easily prove the thermite and molten metal narratives being sold to over trusting truth seekers, that outsource their thinking to the “trusted experts”, should not be blind followers.
There are two video’s I want to share here that compliment what these two individuals pointed out.
The scientifically flawed paper by Steven E. Jones and friends. (10+ year old video)
2. The 45 degree cut beams. (From this YT account that also believes the government’s conspiracy theory)
Ephesians 5:11 - Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but expose them.
Galatians 4:16 - So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payments to my country yet, I’ll really appreciate it.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all 79 of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood. And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
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Discussion about this post
Liked by 9/11 Revisionist
Great work!
Interesting that clip with the walls (buckling) inward......
Without significant core damage, it wouldn't be synchronized on both faces uniformaly, due to different beam numbers in sections, and the top being anchored.
Looks like an implosion/ vacuum effect.
That would be the floor in the middle with possible device there.
Lift shafts?
Is it on all 4 sides? Synconised.
Is the UPS a new company to the building, did it "thwart" other cyber cover-ups planned ? (Power out data loss, hurricane etc), or just for fireworks or a source of elements for other uses, combined...
I hope you don't mind me sound boarding, it relaxes me 🤯
Still possible a drone with precision laser targeting with a payload on board was used, the holographics may have been projected onto the drone plane to make it look commercial.
Video quality is to rubbish to be sure.
Keep rockin'
Liked by 9/11 Revisionist
Thermite was put there to stay there. Of course it's bullshit.
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Now, if you decided to let go of the official narrative of jet fuel not being able to bring the buildings down as well as thermite not being able to do it, well there is another option you can fall back on and that is the nuke theory. So, let us investigate that as well, whilst we’re at it.
James Fetzer worked alongside Steven E. Jones under the umbrella of “Scholars for 9/11 truth” in the mid 2000’s and at that time was also involved with other researchers and he had some interesting points that intrigued him, but later on he changed his tune. I wonder why? (I do apologise for the low quality video and audio)
A rather interesting take away from the 2007 interview with Fetzer was his statement of how to go to work to discredit a fellow researcher.
In 2011 during an interview with Ralph Winterrowd, Richard Gage employed some of these tactics calling a scientists work witchcraft, tactics which he employs to this day.
Steven E. Jones has also not fallen short of employing similar tactics trying to defend his assumption of thermite disintegrating the towers and melting steel, which there is no proof of.
Something else to keep in mind with Richard Gage and his involvement with AE911, there is a strange fact regarding his go to explanations for the disintegration of the towers by means of “thermite and molten metal” which is explained in the following interview of why this explosive evidence they preach has never been filed against NIST for correction and it is rather telling.
The question remains, why are all these talking heads dead set on NOT looking at the evidence that is being presented in the book “Where did the Towers go?”.
For a full 1 hour of “The controlled demolition of thermite” click here.
If you like reading my articles and listening to my jabbering and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not release payments to my country yet, I’ll really appreciate it.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
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