The 21st anniversary of 9/11 made me take a stand.
Too many people have been fooled by trusted "truthers".
In 2022, we passed the 21st anniversary of the attack on Sept 11, 2001.
I stumbled upon this interaction with American college students, and it shook me to my core, because as a South African, most people around the world their age, know more about the events of September 11, than they do. How is this possible? Listen:
I was 23 on the day of September 11, 2001 and it shook me badly, after all, a wee little plane, CANNOT do to a building, 8 buildings to be exact, not just the 3 buildings people have been conditioned to look at, to cause the destruction that we witnessed on that fateful day.
Then to have seen how little American kids know about the events of September 11, 2001 so I decided I had to take some action.
After the COVID plandemic hit, I decided to revisit everything I've been looking into on 9/11 for over 12 years, and it’s been a rough ride debating people on chat groups, investigating their claims and honing my knowledge on 9/11 and also on how to convey it to people, who just want to keep their heads buried in the sand.
Please take note: I do NOT see myself as a “truther” or a “debunker”.
9/11 Has become an industry and it makes me sick!
What I do know, and most of us by now are all on the same page that the official 9/11 narrative is bunk, just like COVID has shown in the last 3 years and a lot of people are now ready to have their long held beliefs regarding “truth” they’ve trusted, to be challenged.
It won’t be easy for most to break their cognitive dissonance, so hold on tight.
Through all the years of looking into the main arguments of what happened on 9/11, I have found the 9/11 “truther” movement is full of charlatans and organisations, regurgitating old THEORIES, interviewing people on a weekly basis who looked into 9/11 multiple years ago, who just dust off their old information, presenting it as if it is new information and trying to extort more and more money from their over trusting supporters...
What did we learn the past three years when our talking heads said, “two weeks to flatten the curve”, “masks are effective”, “trust the science”, “it’s safe and effective” and the coup de grâce of “don’t do your own research”?
We learnt, or those that don’t have their pronouns and an Ukraine flag on their bio, that most of our opinion shapers are a bunch of lying fools, who have their own agendas and people in the shadows pulling their strings.
If someone tells you not to look into something, then they are definitely hiding something or afraid you might see them for the disinformation agents they are.
After investigating what you aren’t allowed to investigate and you find your talking head to be correct, then at least you did your due diligence and you know on the specific subject he / she warned you on, was true and you might just believe them till the next bombshell comes along.
Unfortunately most are too lazy or scared to challenge their long held belief and to investigate a narrative that will completely challenge their world view.
I have like most, worked through all the “9/11 truther” narratives through the years and MOST of them are hiding a certain truth about WHAT happened to the buildings at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
They should be ashamed! I wonder how they sleep at night.
I’m just like you, but my “research” on 9/11 might be different than yours.
What is so great about this little screen we all carry around in our pockets, is that it is a portal to endless information as well as disinformation.
How do you discern from disinformation and real information? You need to investigate everything being presented and then make up your own mind, but still be open to change your mind.
Today people want you to toe the line and not question anything and if you disagree with someone, they either resort to name calling, hateful stereotyping and end up having a green / blue haired, woke, soy boy snowflake melt down and they try and cancel you without actually taking the time to re-investigate the beliefs they hold.
Well, I’m not woke, I’m not a soy boy and I won’t try and cancel you - I actually love lively debate, as I do not have all the answers, neither do you, so let’s share ideas and see if we can get to the real truth.
Why am I starting this sub stack?
The short answer - because I can.
The main reason is that trying to debate people on various social media platforms is tiring and why not have them come to my playground and in so doing, I cannot get reported, banned and have my time be wasted by people who will never ever be able to actually think about what is being discussed.
If you’re like me, we’ll have a fun time sharing ideas.
Question: Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and noticed they’re not listening to your argument, but they are just formalising their answer or attack on your opinion without even taking a second to digest what your argument is all about?
Well, I will listen to what your point of view is and then I’ll answer you and discuss the points raised and I will then either agree or disagree. That is how you have a nice civil discussion without getting personal.
I’ll be the first to agree that my mind has been changed if your argument is substantive, but you will also have to have that mindset, before you decide to attack me and my point of view, or then just scroll past.
I do not know how often I’ll post or what the main topics of discussion will be, but as I work through my thoughts, I’ll be sharing them here and look forward to the exchanging of ideas and even the battle of ideas.
If you like reading my articles and listening to my jabbering and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not release payments to my country yet, I’ll really appreciate it.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
9/11 – Finding the Truth and also 9/11 – Holding the Truth
Come watch a couple of cool videos here
Join the rest of the conversations here
There are always controlled operatives to make you look in the wrong places and misdirect you and confuse the truth.
Can you please make an overview of your almost 100 articles here? An overview with hyperlinks to each article.