During the “Covid pandemic” (read hoax), we saw for the first time in history how specialists, professors, doctors (medical or intellectual) were being canceled in mass and narratives were put in place to have these “experts” (there are experts and then there are experts) were vilified, called names and made out to be kooks. Why?
Could it be due to the fact that what they had to say went against the approved government narrative? Then you also had the MSM and social media being weaponized to keep people afraid and to make sure people will not listen to these dissenters. Now, do you think that with 9/11 and narratives around what happened that day could not happen just like it did with covid? NO! Never, our government will never manage our perceptions.
NEVER, EVER, EVER contemplate that your perception during traumatic events can be managed. DON'T be aware of the men in black!!
“Harley Shirt Guy” aka Mark Walsh (A “Crisis Actor” on 9/11)
Now with regards to perception management, we heard a lot of repetition for the first 24 hours, collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse - But does this look like a collapse to you due to fire caused by jet fuel, explosives, thermite or nukes?
We have NEVER seen a solid building turn into a frothing sea of dust before 9/11 or after. I’ve watched hundreds of conventional controlled demolition of concrete buildings, steel structures, like bridges and more - I’m yet to find ANYTHING that looks similar.
Someone who did not outsource their thinking, wasn’t too traumatised and her consciousness stayed in tact - She immediately started looking at the whole event critically and started making notes, listening to what was being said on the TV and kept on observing….
Let me introduce you to the scientist who Wikipedia has had on a block list since 2010.
Any mention of this scientist is NOT permitted. Wikipedia allows the following with regards to 9/11
- Jet fuel - Non critical thinkers (sheep)
- Explosives (architects for an engineered truth)
- Conventional Controlled demolition
- Thermite (Steven E. Jones / Richard Gage and co)
- NanoThermite (Steven E. Jones / Richard Gage and co)
- Nukes (mini or buried)
Yet, NOTHING is allowed on one specific 9/11 scientist ANYWHERE on Wikipedia.
The video is an important piece of information and well worth the watch in order for you to understand why they do not want people to know about this researcher or look at the evidence that this scientist presents… (24 minutes)
Then we need to delve into the proof as confirmed by Wikipedia moderators that this scientist is on a block list - Have a listen to this 7 minute explanation.
You can talk about ANY whacky theory you have about 9/11, but just don’t dare mention Dr Judy Wood or look at her work, because then you’re a kook and part of a cult.
Rather interesting to note, how many impression all the posts of this X account (2 million followers) usually has (100's of thousands), but once anything relating to Dr Wood is shared, it gets throttled like crazy....
But share the disinfo of thermite, it goes viral....
As the world slowly stirs to consider what really happened on 911, we need direct unambiguous answers.
Challenge, Questions / Controversy between Where Did The Towers Go and the controlled opposition traitors like Richard Gage, Ted Walter, Corbett, Steven E. Jones, Alex Jones, James Fetzer et al. must be embraced and directly answered.
The world needs to recognize that Directed Energy Weapons have been around for decades and were used on 9/11.
About 3 000 American people were murdered by the perpetrators in order to launch unfounded wars that murdered over 4 million innocent people in the middle-east.
The American people, via the consent of the governed, are ultimately responsible for the actions of the UNITED STATES and US Federal Government.
The People have to stand up and peacefully, resolutely fix the problem.
The same underlying technology demonstrated on 911 can be used to peacefully power the world with free energy or shatter it to pieces like a 1 000 mile diameter asteroid impact.
The time for conscious, fully informed choice has now come.
Choose you this day who you will serve.
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payments to my country yet.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all 80 of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
Great work keeping this in the limelight, dim as it may be....
I've followed the scenario since day 1. I've always been a sceptic and avid investigator and 9/11 was the Daddy of them all.
Clearly NOT achieved by Muslim "terrorists" so who did it.
We know, the same people involved in the Convid scam, the same people involved in the Ukraine "war", the same people involved in potential WW3.
The very same people!!!
Who are they and why???
Some of us know, the rest aren't allowed to know.....
The truth WILL set us free.... maybe 🤨
Keep up the good work folks... ❤️✌️🏴
Actually being blocked by PedoPedia is a badge of honor since it's basically a psyop posing as an "encyclopedia".
My research on 9/11 consists of showing that the media narrative derived from the FEMA and NIST reports which both should have won Hugo Awards for speculative fiction if not fantasy is total BS.
First the myth that two aluminum alloy aircraft could have penetrated those massive tempered steel and reinforced concrete towers:
Scientific proof that they would have been like a bug hitting a windshield at 60 MPH.
Okay jet fuel is basically kerosine which burns at around 1300 max meaning it can't melt steel nor can it vaporize the occupants.
Note neither the FEMA and NIST reports mention the Solomon Building AKA Building 7 owned by "pull it" Lucky Larry Silverman nor the Customs Building AKA Building 6 which was cratered by a highly brisant blast of some kind.
How it was done?
Well we can eliminate jet fuel. Thermite would have taken hours if not days and the towers woulda burned like July 4th Sparklers.
Conventional explosives?
It took months to rig the Aladdin in Vegas. The Twin Towers and 7 would have taken years for a controlled demolition.
Thus nukes ( there is such a thing as Nuclear Demolition) or Judy Woods' theory of DEW seems like the more likely candidates though the latter doesn't explain the Cherenkov effect (i.e. those pretty blue "memorial lights") noted after the debris was cleared from over the bath tub.
Oh yeah what about the planes?
What planes?
Over at September Clues they did an extensive poll and found that the majority of witnesses never saw one hit the South Tower and witnesses saw a small twin engine aircraft hit the North Tower which was reported to Bush when he was in Florida.
Cruise missile?
BTW according to BTS AA 99 was never scheduled to fly that day from Logan and according to Pilots for 9/11 Truth UA 175 was still transmitting ACARS 20 minutes after allegedly hitting the South Tower. Go figure.
I could go on but I'll stop here.