I got hooked onto Fox news at the time and distinctly remember Fox news pinning the blame on Osama bin Laden. Today, people like Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck and a handful of others are unable to separate DEW, from Controlled demolition or Islamic terrorists. I like your reverse psychology at the end there - I see what you're doing... :)

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12Author

A news anchor actually blamed Osama 45 seconds after flight 175 allegedly hit the South Tower...

I'm currently in correspondence with Roger Stone on X - He recently had Richard Gage on and it seems Roger is now willing to look at other narratives that are not the government narrative... I sent him some short video clips and links to some of my articles and Dr Wood's book - So, let's see what might come from it.

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My sense is Richard Gage is getting paid to say what he says, so unlikely to change his mind. I can see Roger changing his mind - he wrote an excellent book on the JFK assassination The Man Who Killed Kennedy. He had a 30 man FBI SWAT team arrest him in the early morning, so he is probably not a fan of pig gov.

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What Gage's motivation for being a LIAR one can only speculate on, but one can rest assured he will have to atone for his sins one day...

I really hope Stone will look into what I've shared with him and I know a number of people who've contacted him after the Gage interview... We'll just have to wait and see.

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Jan 13Liked by 9/11 Revisionist

Great work keeping this in the limelight, dim as it may be....

I've followed the scenario since day 1. I've always been a sceptic and avid investigator and 9/11 was the Daddy of them all.

Clearly NOT achieved by Muslim "terrorists" so who did it.

We know, the same people involved in the Convid scam, the same people involved in the Ukraine "war", the same people involved in potential WW3.

The very same people!!!

Who are they and why???

Some of us know, the rest aren't allowed to know.....

The truth WILL set us free.... maybe 🤨

Keep up the good work folks... ❤️✌️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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We know who to ask...

DEPS - The Directed Energy Professional Society

You'll be surprised to hear who the members are.

Read the article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/deps-the-directed-energy-professional

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deletedJan 13·edited Jan 13
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Magnetic electro-gravitic nuclear reaction - A lot like the work you see that Hutchison did for the US Military at Los Alamos Labs in 1986...

I'd suggest listening to this 2012 interview, Dr Wood explains it here: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-The-EVIDENCE--Theo-Chalmers-interviews-Dr-Judy-Wood:3

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deletedJan 13·edited Jan 13
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Jan 13·edited Jan 13Author

Hutchison had things disappear - One of his colleagues he worked with managed to have a whole building disappear - It's discussed in this awesome docci - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Where-Did-the-Towers-Go-2nd-edition:1

1:03:19 to 1:04:24 - Another building disappeared

Well, we all would like to know how the machine / weapon works, but unfortunately the US Supreme court railroaded Dr Wood by stating that they are ignoring the law by not listening to her case. If the case went ahead, she would have been able to depose the 23 NIST subcontractors, especially ARA and SAIC that were tasked with security and cleanup of ground zero. These two companies in turn specialise in DEW and weather manipulation, as she thinks hurricane Erin had some sort of role to play in the 9/11 events.

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deletedJan 13·edited Jan 13
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Apr 4Liked by 9/11 Revisionist

Yeah, 9/11 is totally debunked. I thought it was a hoax when I was watching it on TV that day, but in the aftermath I wasn't so sure.

I'm sure now.

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