9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." Vladimir Lenin
This is a rework, with permission from Andrew Johnson, on an article originally written by CB Brooklyn which he posted to his website in 2007, with some of my own additions… It’s a lengthy one, but worth a read to see the evolution of the 9/11 disinformation and distraction from truth.
Vladimir Lenin, the first Communist dictator after the takeover of Russia in 1917, is widely credited with the following quotation, "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."
First, a short history of the “Scholars for 9/11 truth” founded in 2005.
There are three basic versions of the 9/11 events.
Although differences and / or overlapping may occur, the following three versions generally describe what most people believe:
1. OGCT: This is known as the “Official Government Conspiracy Theory”. This version states that a guy from a cave in Afghanistan conspired with 19 box cutter-wielding Muslims to hijack airplanes, outwit the USA’s entire multi-trillion dollar defense system, and cause the Twin Towers to collapse. This is the version pushed by the government and media as being the truth of 9/11.
2. APCT. I call this the “Alternate Propaganda Conspiracy Theory”. This version states that, more or less, there were hijackings on 9/11, but the planes might have been taken under remote control to ensure they crashed as planned. Airplanes most likely crashed at the Pentagon and Shanksville, but planes definitely did crash into the Twin Towers. The Twin Towers and WTC 7 collapsed from conventional explosives and thermite, and molten metal was found in the rubble. This is the version pushed by the government and media as being the “wacko conspiracy theory” that the “truth movement” believes.
3. REAL. This, simply, is the REAL version, backed by actual evidence, Laws of Physics, and common sense: There were no hijackings, no plane crashes, and the WTC complex (not just the Towers and WTC 7) was destroyed with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). The government and media steer clear of these.
Refer to the Lenin-credited quote above.
Is it possible that the “truth movement” has been run by the 9/11 perpetrators since day one?
Is it possible that certain individuals have been planted to steer the “truth movement” away from the perpetrators? Is it possible these plants have affiliations with directed energy weapons (D.E.W)?
Is it even possible that some of these plants are “in on it” while others got suckered in? You be the judge.
*** Former Transportation Secretary, Norman Mineta, has ties to the Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS).
Mineta was Vice President of Lockheed Martin, a sponsor of DEPS.
Mineta ensured minimal interference with the DEW by grounding as many commercial airliners as possible during the timeframe of the towers’ destruction.
Mineta steered the “truth movement” toward hijackings and plane crashes by spreading the “Cheney stand down order” hoax.
*** Former BYU physics professor, Steven E. Jones, has done research at Los Alamos Labs where directed energy weapons are researched.
Jones steered the “truth movement” toward thermite / conventional explosives / molten metal theories. Jones’ molten metal evidence has been shown to be fabricated.
Jones ridicules the directed energy weapon and no plane theories with statements such as ”These two are noted for their no-planes-hit-the-Towers theories and for promoting the notion of ray-beams from space knocking down the Towers.”
*** Physicist Greg Jenkins’ has connections to the NSA and DEW:
"This work was supported in part by NSF grant DMR-9705129 and by funding from the NSA.”
Jenkins’ papers were listed in an annual report which also listed at least one manufacturer of directed energy weapons (Rockwell).
Jenkins steered the “truth movement” away from directed energy weapons by conducting an ambush interview of Dr Judy Wood.
(However, a read of the transcript reveals Dr Wood won the debate hands down.)
ALSO READ: My article on Jenkins’ ambush interview for more detail. Link
*** Official at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Van Romero, has ties to the Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS).
Romero participated in events at DEPS before and after 9/11.
Romero steered the “truth movement” toward standard controlled demolition by stating "It could have been a relatively small amount of explosives placed in strategic points."
Romero is a controlled demolitions expert. Scroll down a little and note the photo. Does Romero actually think this was caused by a “relatively small amount of explosives”?
*** Former Director of the Star Wars program, Robert Bowman, is about as close to directed energy weapons as one can get.
Bowman steered the “truth movement” toward hijackings, and NORAD standing down. Although he is in Jim Fetzer’s Scholars group, I have not heard him speaking about Dr Wood’s DEW evidence. In an interview where Bowman states that he “doesn’t fall for conspiracy theories” with regard to controlled demolition. Bowman has a PhD in Nuclear Engineering. How can he possibly call this a conspiracy theory?
Also of note is the following:
The government contracted with several sponsors of the Directed Energy Professional Society for the NIST (NCSTAR 1) Report:
Boeing – Gold Level Current/Founding Sponsor
Applied Research Associates (ARA) – Silver Level Founding Sponsor
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) – Silver Level Current Sponsor
Dr Judy Wood has discovered that ARA and SAIC are manufacturers of Directed Energy Weapons and have expertise in Psychological Operations (PSYOPS).
Dr Wood also discovered two images on ARA’s website that are similar to the World Trade Center. She details this in her Appeal to NIST’s denial of her Request for Correction. Article 1, article 2, article 3.
The New York Times is a mainstream media source. Do they tell the truth of 9/11 or do they hide it? Why on earth would they help the “truth movement” by publishing evidence of explosives?
The New York Times steered the “truth movement” towards explosives demolitions by publishing the WTC Task Force Interviews. However, they redacted evidence for Directed Energy Weapons.
Who’s Popular On Corporate Media? Who’s Not?
William Rodriguez – publicly speaks up against DEW / No lanes
David Ray Griffin – pro Global Government (aka New World Order)
Steven Jones – pro explosives-demolition, pro thermite, pro molten metal
Kevin Barrett – supports Steven Jones
Robert Bowman – expert on NORAD’s jet-scrambling procedures
Dr Judy Wood – never invited to discuss the DEW evidence, despite her filing of an actual court case
Morgan Reynolds – never invited back after discussing NO Planes on FOX News and also filed a court case
Jerry Leaphart – mainstream attorney never invited to discuss his clients’ (Wood / Reynolds) 9/11 legal actions
In an interview with Kevin Barrett, trial attorney Jerry Leaphart has said:
"What I can tell you and the listeners, Kevin, is this. There is more admissible evidence associated with the theory that the World Trade Center was destroyed by directed energy weapons than there is admissible evidence for any single other theory out there that has been promulgated." - Listen to the full interview here
The following is a timeline relating to promotion of the Alternate Propaganda Conspiracy Theory by government plants and the media, and suppression of the REAL version by government plants and media. Also included is suppression of free energy research.
1978 (circa) – Steven Jones
Jones conducts post-doctoral research at Los Alamos.
Los Alamos is a center known for research on unconventional weaponry, including directed energy weapons. Los Alamos is under the supervision and is funded by the Department of Energy (DEO).
1989, March 23 – Stanley Pons / Martin Fleischmann / Steven Jones
Drs Pons and Fleischmann (P&F) hold a press conference revealing their discovery of excess heat (free energy) from Cold Fusion experiments. This press conference followed an announcement from Jones claiming his intention to go public with his own Cold Fusion experimentation, which discounted the excess heat.
Jones learnt of P & F from an informant at the DOE. P&F decided to go public first to avoid being cheated, but were ridiculed by the media due to their Cold Fusion process not yet being perfected. Jones sabotaged research and development of free energy technologies, in order to keep us addicted to oil.
1991, June – Eugene Mallove / Steven Jones
Dr Mallove’s book “Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor” is published. The book includes much detail of Jones’ damage to Cold Fusion research. Aside from P & F, Jones’ name is mentioned more than any other individual. Jones’ Cold Fusion deceptions mirror his 9/11 deceptions in many ways.
1993 – Eugene Mallove
Dr Mallove is interviewed on TV news program. Mallove discusses his book, and says goodbye to the oil age.
1993 – Steven Jones
Jones has affiliations with Los Alamos at least through 1993. Relevant quote: “Spokesman for LAMPF Experiment #727 and co-spokesman for LAMPF Experiments #963 and #1151 (1982 – 1993).” LAMPF = Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility
1999 – Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS)
DEPS is founded. From their website:
DEPS Mission: The Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) was founded in 1999 to foster research and development of Directed Energy (DE) technology for national defense and civil applications through professional communication and education. We intend to be recognized as the premier organization for exchanging information about and advocating research, development and application of Directed Energy.
Silver Level Founding Sponsor: Applied Research Associates, Inc. (ARA)
Silver Level Current Sponsor: Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC)
ARA and SAIC (as well as other DEPS sponsors) would later be contracted by NIST to assist in the WTC investigation. Dr Judy Wood has discovered that ARA/SAIC have expertise in the manufacturer of Directed Energy Weapons as well as Psychological Operations (PSYOPS). Things to consider: Why would NIST contract with them?
2000, August 18 – Van Romero
Romero is Vice President at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Research and Economic Development Department. He taught courses and published papers on explosives and is considered an expert in controlled demolition.
Romero was a Roundtable Discussion moderator in DEPS event: “The Future of Directed Energy Education: From Vocational Schools Through Universities”. Things to consider: Van Romero has directed energy weapon connections.
2000, Winter – DEPS’ Newsletter “Wave Front”
The first article in Volume 1, Issue 1 of Wave Front starts with the following quote:
"Lasers in space, lasers in the stratosphere, lasers on and over the battlefield – we’re at the
beginning of an evolutionary new wave of weaponry."
Things to consider: DEPS is most definitely involved with the development of directed energy weapons.
2001, September 11 – Norman Mineta
At 9:45 AM, former Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta orders all civilian aircraft to land as soon as possible. Also at 9:45AM, the Senior FAA Manager orders all aircraft to land.
Eighteen minutes later, at 10:03AM, the South Tower is destroyed.
At 10:28AM, the North Tower is destroyed.
Three minutes later, at 10:31AM, military flights resume.
Mineta was Vice President of Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin is a Gold Level Founding and Current Sponsor of the Directed Energy Professional Society.
Things to consider: Airplanes did not hit the towers.
Why would Mineta ground airplanes shortly before the South Tower was destroyed? Why were military planes let back up three minutes after the North Tower was destroyed? Did they want as few planes in the air as possible during the timeframe of the towers’ destruction for least interference with a DEW?
2001, September 11 – Van Romero
The Albuquerque Journal publishes article “Explosives Planted In Towers, N.M. Tech Expert Says” where explosives expert Romero, says:
"My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse"
"It could have been a relatively small amount of explosives placed in strategic points".
Things to consider: Remember that Romero has affiliations with DEPS and is an explosives expert. Was he planted to steer the “truth movement” towards controlled demolitions? Did he actually think the WTC destruction was caused by a “relatively small amount of explosives”?
2001, September 21 – Van Romero
Romero retracts his previous statement and sides with the official account.
The Albuquerque Journal publishes article “Fire, Not Extra Explosives, Doomed Buildings, Expert Says” which quotes Romero: "Certainly the fire is what caused the building to fail."
Things to consider: He may have retracted it, but the “truth movement” promote his original comments as “expert opinion”.
2001, October 16 – Van Romero
New Mexico Tech is named one of 16 “hot schools” for that Fall in the Wall Street Journal.
Things to consider: A reward for steering the “truth movement”?
2002, January 11 – Van Romero
Romero appointed National Chairman of the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC).
Things to consider: Another reward?
2002, September 18 – Van Romero
New Mexico Tech receives $15 million grant for anti-terrorism program, funded through U.S. Justice Department’s (DOJ) Domestic Preparedness Training and Technical Assistance Program.
Things to consider: Yet, another reward?
2003, March 26 – Van Romero
Romero attends DEPS’ “Directed Energy Modeling & Simulation Conference 2003” where he participates in the presentation “Platform Independent Interface for using Supercomputers in the Modeling and Simulation of Directed Energy Weapons”.
Things to consider: Romero presents material relating to directed energy weapons!
2003, May 23 – Norman Mineta
Mineta tells the 9/11 Commission that he witnesses (what the “truth movement” calls) a stand down order issued by Dick Cheney.
Things to consider: How could Mineta issue a stand down order if there were no hijackings? Is it propaganda designed to mislead the “truth movement”? Let’s remember Mineta’s connection to the Directed Energy Professional Society.
2003, December 18 – Van Romero
Romero is one of “six lobbyists who made an impact in 2003” in an article in Influence magazine.
Other quotes from the article include:
“From his perch 2,000 miles outside of the Beltway, this physics Ph.D. understands exactly how Washington works.” “A major chunk of his job involves lobbying for federal government funding, and if the 2003 fiscal year was any indication, Romero is a superstar.”
2004 (early) – Eugene Mallove
Dr Mallove writes an open letter to the world asking for Cold Fusion and Zero Point Energy research funds.
Things to consider: Dr Mallove knows the importance of CF/ZPE research and development.
2004, February 3 – Eugene Mallove
Dr Mallove is interviewed on “Coast to Coast” radio program.
Things to consider: Dr Mallove wants to educate people of the importance of CF/ZPE research and development.
2004, May 24 – Eugene Mallove / Steven Jones
Dr Mallove is murdered, allegedly by two people during a robbery.
Interview 1 - Interview 2 - Interview 3
Things to consider: Eugene Mallove’s work interfered with Steven Jones’ deceptions.
2004, November 11 – Kevin Ryan / David Ray Griffin / Steven Jones
Former Underwriters Laboratories (UL) chemist, Kevin Ryan, emails NIST questioning their statements regarding the WTC steel. Ryan carbon copies the email to David Ray Griffin, and gets fired from UL.
Things to consider: Ryan’s firing sends a signal to all professors and scientists within the “truth movement” on the dangers of speaking up. Could this have been staged? Ryan is a strong supporter of Steven Jones and co-editor of Jones’ journal.
2005, July – Judy Wood
Dr Judy Wood anonymously publicizes first draft of her paper “A Refutation of the Official Collapse Theory”, more commonly known as the Billiard Ball Example, or BBE.
Things to consider: Although not understood within the “truth movement”, Dr Wood’s paper is proof that the government’s account is false. However, it received no media coverage whatsoever.
2005, August 12 – Patricia Ondrovic
The New York Times publishes EMT Patricia Ondrovic’s WTC Task Force Interview (along with about 500 others) on their website.
These testimonies are scoured by the “truth movement” and evidence for explosives is discovered. However, a later interview with Ondrovic confirms that supporting testimony for directed energy weapons was redacted from her transcript.
Things to consider: Does the New York Times tell the truth about 9/11? Why on earth would they publish evidence for explosives? Is it designed to steer the “truth movement” towards the controlled demolition theory? Ondrovic’s transcript contains over twenty blacked-out lines!
2005, August – Steven Jones / Judy Wood
Jones publishes first version of “Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?” on Brigham Young University’s website. Jones calls his paper a hypothesis, and promotes “explosive-demolitions” and “molten metal”. Molten metal was later proven a hoax.
Things to consider: Jones’ hypothesis mysteriously comes out after Wood’s proof but somehow Jones’ gets the attention.
2005, November 14 – Steven Jones / Judy Wood
Jones goes on mainstream media (MSNBC). Jones promotes “explosives demolition” by calling it a “hypothesis to be tested”, and promotes the “molten metal” hoax.
Things to consider: Dr Wood receives no media coverage for her proof, but Jones goes on corporate mainstream TV with his “hypothesis to be tested” and “molten metal”.
2006, February 10 – Patricia Ondrovic / Killtown
Killtown interviews Patricia Ondrovic. Ondrovic confirms she witnessed cars blowing up and that she had mentioned it in her WTC Task Force interview. However, it has been redacted from the New York Times transcript.
Things to consider: Cars blowing up supports Dr Wood’s DEW theory.
2006, February 28 – Judy Wood / Michael Zebuhr / Steven Jones
Dr Wood and Mr Zebuhr conduct demonstrations on molten aluminum that refute Steven Jones’ claims.
Michael Zebuhr was a student of Dr Wood at Clemson University and a student member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth.
2006, March 18/19 – Michael Zebuhr / Steven Jones
Michael Zebuhr is murdered, allegedly by two people during a robbery.
On March 18 he was shot twice in the head and on March 19 he died.
Things to consider: Michael Zebuhr’s work interfered with Steven Jones deceptions.
2006, June 7 – Judy Wood
Dr Wood attends 2006 Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference and makes presentation entitled “The World Trade Center Towers as Bio-inspired Structures: Characteristics of their Design and Demise”.
Things to consider: Despite her presentation proving the government’s account of 9/11 false, no media outlet reports it.
2006, June 20 – Alex Jones / Steven Jones
Alex Jones’ Infowars publishes article entitled “Scientific Analysis Proves Towers Brought Down By Incendiaries – Steven Jones’ analysis on WTC steel about to be released”. Infowars receives more traffic than most, if not all, 9/11 sites. They are well known for promoting Steven Jones and opposing DEW and No planes.
Things to consider: Where and when were Jones’ findings released?
Answer: they weren’t.
2006, June 25 – Steven Jones
Jones attends the “Americans Scholars Symposium” (ASS) and discusses evidence for thermite. This was taped and later aired on C-SPAN, a mainstream source.
Things to consider: Jones continues to be recognized for his “hypothesis to be tested”.
2006, August 1 – Kevin Barrett / Steven Nass / Steven Jones
The New York Times publishes an article detailing Representative Nass’ attempts to have Barrett fired from the University of Wisconsin-Madison due to his 9/11 related coursework in his class “Islam: Religion and Culture”.
Things to consider: This sends a signal to all professors and scientists in the world on the dangers of speaking up. Could this have been staged? Barrett is a strong supporter of Steven Jones.
2006, August 23 – Morgan Reynolds / Judy Wood / Steven Jones
Drs Reynolds and Wood publish their paper “Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Disintegrate? A peer-review of Steven E. Jones’ 9/11 Research”.
2006, August 28 – David Ray Griffin
An Associated Press article reveals Griffin to be pro-Global Government. Global Government is also known as New World Order; something that George Bush Sr called for in a speech to a Joint Session of Congress on September 11, 1990. Griffin is known for pushing “explosives demolition” and molten metal, and has been on corporate media numerous times.
Things to consider: What is a pro-New World Order person doing in the “truth movement”? Why would the corporate media promote Griffin?
2006 (late) – 911Blogger.com
911Blogger requires all blogs to be “approved” before showing up.
The moderators systematically censor directed energy weapons and WTC no-plane theories.
Things to consider: 911Blogger is one of the highest traffic 9/11 sites on the internet.
2006, September 10 – Morgan Reynolds
Dr Reynolds appears on mainstream media (FOX News)
Things to consider: If TV-Fakery was really “crazy disinfo”, why didn’t FOX discredit the “truth movement” by inviting him back?
2006, October – Eric Salter / Steven Jones
Jones’ “Journal of 9/11 Studies” site posts Salter’s anti-TV-Fakery paper
This strawman paper does not refute the TV-Fakery smoking gun proof: It is physically impossible for an aluminum airplane with a plastic nosecone to glide into a steel and concrete building.
Things to consider: 911Blogger “regulars” were overwhelmed with glee by the release of this paper.
2006, October 17 – Judy Wood / Morgan Reynolds
Drs Wood and Reynolds publicize first version of “The Star Wars Beam Weapons” paper.
Wood and Reynolds reveal this paper at an early stage for self preservation.
Things to consider: This paper was attacked from the get-go.
2006, November 20 – Steven Jones / James Fetzer / Judy Wood / Morgan Reynolds
Jones includes the following in an email to Dr Fetzer. (Emphasis added.)
"I will also observe that there is a group of 9/11 researchers, including Reynolds, Wood, Haupt and Holmgren, who take the approach of personalized attacks on any other researcher who dares to suggest that real planes hit the Towers. Really – they support the "no-planes-hit-Towers" notion so strongly that they resort to personal attacks on anyone who challenges their pet theory. As I have done."
“The current "pet theory" that I have challenged is one now supported by you and (not surprisingly) Wood and Reynolds – the idea that "space beams" or "energy beams" were directed at the Towers to bring them down.”
Jones ridicules the DEW / no plane theories in an attempt to discourage people from taking it seriously. Jones uses the term “space beam” even though Wood and Reynolds have never said the weapon must be in space.
Things to consider: Jones worked at Los Alamos where directed energy weapons are researched.
2006, November 25 – James Fetzer / Steven Jones / Judy Wood
Dr Fetzer includes the following in an open letter on the Scholars website. (Emphasis added.)
“Although [Judy Wood] did not commit herself to that specific hypothesis, she also suggested that directed energy could have come from above, such as from a space-based satellite using a mirror to direct energy. That has led to a veritable propaganda blitz attacking us both for considering "space beam" weaponry!”
“I had become aware of [Jones] strenuous objections to having "star wars beam weapons" hypotheses mentioned on our home page. (Judy’s use of "star wars" was a subtle intimation of its probable origins, but Steve has used "space beams" in order to denigrate it!)”
Things to consider: Fetzer is on to what Jones is doing.
2006, December 6 – Steven Jones / James Fetzer / Judy Wood / Morgan Reynolds
Jones includes the following in an email announcing his resignation from Scholars for 9/11 Truth (Emphasis added):
“Of late, [Jim Fetzer] refers often to his association now with Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds. These two are noted for their no-planes-hit-the-Towers theories and for promoting the notion of ray-beams from space knocking down the Towers.
I join Kevin Ryan and many others in withdrawing from the group so that my name will not be attached to the personalized attacks and ray-beams-from-space stuff on www.st911.org.”
“We won’t spend much time on ray-beams from space knocking down the Towers!”
“I support this statement made recently by Dr. Frank Legge, Kevin Ryan, Victoria Ashley, and other (previous) members of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth: "…As of this date the web site continues to promote assertions which [are] unsupported by the evidence (ray-beams from space caused the demolitions, mini-nukes were used in the WTC towers, real commercial jets did not hit the WTC towers, etc.)…."”
Things to consider: Jones continues ridiculing.
2006, December 14 – Judy Wood / Morgan Reynolds / Steven Jones
Drs Wood and Reynolds publish their paper “The Scientific Method Applied to the Thermite Hypothesis”.
2006, December 29 – Alex Floum / Fred Burks / James Fetzer
Dr Fetzer writes an open letter to the Truth community detailing, among other issues, theft of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth domain name by Burks and / or Floum.
Until Nov 2007, Floum was a moderator at 911Blogger; a site that censors DEW / no planes and promotes Steven Jones, molten metal, thermite, and real plane crashes. Floum is an attorney.
2007, January 4 – Morgan Reynolds / Kee Dewdney
Dr Reynolds is booted from the Scientific Panel Investigating Nine Eleven.
The Founder of SPINE, Dewdney, ejected Reynolds due to his Sept 10, 2006 TV-Fakery comments on FOX News.
Things to consider: Punishment for speaking on taboo (and truthful) subjects?
2007, January 10 – Greg Jenkins / Judy Wood
Jenkins interviews Dr Wood on video.
This was not an official National Press Club interview. It was unscheduled, unauthorized, and conducted at 11:00PM. Wood did not intend to be interviewed at this 9/11 Truth event.
Jenkins previous research was funded by the NSA, as shown here:
"This work was supported in part by NSF grant DMR-9705129 and by funding from the NSA."
www.physics.buffalo…. www.physics.buffalo….
Jenkins’ papers were listed in an annual report which also listed at least one manufacturer of directed energy weapons (Rockwell).
www.csr.umd.edu/csrp……nnualreport.pdf www.globalsecurity.o……at-overview.htm
Things to consider: Why did Jenkins promote this video? Was he trying to make the “truth movement” look good? What is someone with NSA affiliations doing in the “truth movement”? When one reads the transcript of the interview, its obvious Dr Wood wins the debate hands down.
2007, February – Greg Jenkins / Steven Jones
Jones’ “Journal of 9/11 Studies” site posts Jenkins anti-DEW paper
Things to consider: By the size of this paper, it’s obvious that Jenkins spent a lot of time on it. Why would he do this? Why is someone with NSA / DEW connections trying to discredit the DEW theory?
2007, March 8 – Morgan Reynolds / Jerry Leaphart
Dr Reynolds files a Request for Correction (RFC) with the government regarding the 9/11 NIST Report (NCSTAR1). drjudywood.com/pdf/0…
Reynolds’ RFC reveals evidence of fake airplane crash videos at the WTC, and requests the NIST Report be corrected due to false and misleading statements.
This RFC utilizes the Data Quality Act, a law uncovered by Reynolds’ attorney, Jerry Leaphart.
Things to consider: An official legal document prepared by a former high level government insider and a mainstream attorney and no media outlet reports it! Why?
2007, March 16 – Judy Wood / Jerry Leaphart
Dr Wood files a Request for Correction (RFC) with the government regarding the 9/11 NIST Report (NCSTAR1). drjudywood.com/artic…
The NIST website (at present) has a visually distorted version of the RFC.
Dr Wood reveals evidence of Directed Energy Weapons at the WTC and shows NCSTAR 1 to be false, deceptive and misleading.
Wood explains that since NIST did not analyze the Towers’ destruction, they cannot claim (scientifically, legally, or otherwise) that they “collapsed”.
The RFC utilizes the Data Quality Act, a law uncovered by Wood’s attorney, Jerry Leaphart.
Things to consider: An official legal document prepared by a former university mechanical engineering professor and a mainstream attorney no media outlet reports it! Why?
2007, March 27 – Steven Jones
Jones’ team files a press release titled “Independent Investigators Release Suppressed Blueprints of Destroyed World Trade Center Tower”. stj911.org/press_rel…
They push “explosives demolition”, “collapse”, and “molten metal”.
Comments: Isn’t it strange how this appeared just eleven days after Dr Wood’s official and legal filing of Request for Correction with NIST?
2007, March 29 – Judy Wood
Dr Wood files Supplement #1 to her Request for Correction to NIST. drjudywood.com/artic……supplement.html
2007, April 14 – Steven Jones
Jones and his team file press release titled “Scholars and Family Members Submit Request for Correction to 9/11 NIST Report”. stj911.org/press_rel…
The press release and RFC promote “explosives demolition”, but make no mention of thermite or molten metal.
Things to consider: Strange how Jones hides evidence of thermite and molten metal that he claims to have. Why didn’t Jones send his RFC “return receipt requested” like Wood and Reynolds have? Jones’ RFC isn’t even dated! Real legal, huh???
2007, April 16 – Judy Wood
Several of Dr Wood’s instructors were killed at Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
NBC News & Chicago Sun-Times ran reports on the REAL BALLISTICS Monday night before the official story cemented into place Tuesday morning.
Things to consider: Why didn’t the police close off the area after the massacre? Perhaps they already knew who the perpetrators were? Dr Wood’s instructors were killed exactly one month after her RFC was filed.
Dr Wood files Supplement #2 to her Request for Correction to NIST.
2007, April 25 – Judy Wood / Jerry Leaphart
Dr Wood, with Mr Leaphart, file Qui Tam case under seal.
drjudywood.com/artic……orig_filing.jpg & drjudywood.com/artic…
Dr Wood sues the private contractors hired by NIST alleging they conspired to hide evidence of directed energy weapons at the WTC. Included in the suit are ARA, SAIC, and Boeing, sponsors of the Directed Energy Professional Society.
This case is filed under seal and therefore not known to the public.
2007, May 1 – Morgan Reynolds
Dr Reynolds files Supplement to Request for Correction with NIST
2007, May 16 – Judy Wood / Greg Jenkins
Dr Wood posts first version of her paper, “Molecular Dissociation: from Dust to Dirt”:
Dr Wood got the idea for this paper from the information that Jenkins tried to avoid in the January 2007 ambush interview.
Things to consider: We all thank Jenkins for the information!
2007, May 28 – Steven Jones / ae911truth.org
Jones’ crew files press release titled “"Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth" Announces Website Launch” stj911.org/press_rel……essRelease.html
ae911truth is a strong promoter of explosives demolitions of the Towers and WTC 7. They also promote the molten metal hoax, and support Jones. They make no mention of the damage to WTC 3, WTC 4, WTC 5, and WTC 6, all of which exhibit signs of damage from directed energy weapons. ae911truth is covered in the mainstream media.
Things to consider: It’s strange how this organization came out of nowhere after Wood and Reynolds filed their RFCs, and after Wood’s new Dust to Dirt paper. Just as puzzling is the fact that ae911truth was in the mainstream media while Wood/Reynolds’ legal filings were not.
2007, June 14, 2007 – John Del Giorno / Jeff Hill
Del Giorno was the camera operator on the WABC 7 chopper on 9/11, and caught one of the two live “second plane impacts”.
9/11 researcher Jeff Hill calls Del Giorno for some information. Del Giorno says he’ll call back, but never does. www.shure.proboards1……read=1192128055
Things to consider: Why didn’t he call back?
I received this correction: I am a student at Ithaca College and just had an in-class interview with one of our alumni, John Del Giorno. Just thought I’d clear up one of the points made on your website. John Del Giorno, one of the news pilots on 9/11, did not actually transmit the live feed. It was actually a traffic helicopter that was being used in conjunction with the news helicopters to capture feed of the buildings. While he was up in the air, it was not his camera that was live.
2007 – June 29 – Morgan Reynolds
NIST asks for ‘more time’ to respond to Reynolds’ RFC. www.ocio.os.doc.gov/……K/PROD01_003259
NISTs typical response time is 60 days.
2007, June 29 – Judy Wood
NIST asks for ‘more time’ to respond to Wood’s RFC. drjudywood.com/artic…
NISTs typical response time is 60 days.
2007, July 26 – Judy Wood / Andrew Johnson / Ambrose Lane
Dr Wood and Mr Johnson are scheduled to be interviewed on Mr Lane’s XM Radio show “The Power”. www.checktheevidence……task=view&id=43
Before interview time, XM cancelled the show and fired Lane.
2007, July 27 – Judy Wood
NIST denies Dr Wood’s RFC. However, they confirm the statement from the NIST Report that they didn’t analyze the “collapses”.
"As stated in NCSTAR 1, NIST only investigated the factors leading to the initiation of the collapses of the WTC towers, not the collapses themselves." drjudywood.com/pdf/0…
Dr Wood is the ONLY 9/11 Research Scientist to get NIST to confirm the statement in their own report on not analyzing the “collapses”.
Things to consider: An official government document prepared by NIST declining Dr Wood’s Request for Correction, and no media outlet reports it! If the DEW theory had no merit, why didn’t the government and media discredit the “truth movement” by publicizing this?
2007, August 22 – Judy Wood
Dr Wood files Appeal with NIST regarding their RFC response. drjudywood.com/artic…
NIST posts a low quality black and white version.
Things to consider: Why did NIST convert Dr Wood’s original document to a low quality version before posting to their website?
2007, September 12 – Judy Wood
The US District Court in Southern New York unseals Dr Wood’s Qui Tam case.
drjudywood.com/artic……orderunseal.jpg drjudywood.com/artic…
2007, September 28 – Morgan Reynolds
NIST declines Dr Reynolds’ RFC.
Things to consider: An official government document prepared by NIST declining Dr Reynolds’ Request for Correction, and no media outlet reports it! If the TV-Fakery/No-Plane theory had no merit, why didn’t the government and media discredit the “truth movement” by publicizing this? NISTs typical response time is 60 days. Why did NIST need 6 and a half months?
2007, September 25 – David Ray Griffin
Griffin makes presentation in Ohio. www.columbus911truth……a-huge-success/
He states his belief in “Global Government” (aka New World Order).
2007, September 29 – James Fetzer / Judy Wood
Dr Fetzer files press release detailing Dr Wood’s RFC Appeal.
2007, October 4 – Kevin Ryan / Steven Jones / Greg Jenkins
911Blogger posts Ryan’s blog which promotes Jenkins’ new anti-DEW theory paper on Jones “Journal of 9/11 Studies” site: www.911blogger.com/n…
Things to consider: Is it coincidence than this anti-DEW paper came out just five days after Dr Fetzer’s pro-DEW theory press released?
2007, October 8 – Paul Smith / Jeff Hill / John Del Giorno
Paul Smith was the WABC Chopper 7 pilot. The camera operator, John Del Giorno, was called by Jeff Hill four months earlier.
Smith is run over and killed by a taxi, which swerved after being cutoff by a “black car”.
Things to consider: Is Smith’s death a random event? Or is there more to it?
2007, October 9 – ae911truth
Ae911truth is mentioned in Raw Story, a top left-wing alternate news site.
Things to consider: The media continues to push the molten metal hoax.
2007, October 11 – Judy Wood / Jerry Leaphart / James Fetzer
Dr Wood publicizes the September 12, 2007 unsealing of her court case against the private contractors hired by NIST. She and Mr Leaphart appear on Dr Fetzer’s Dynamic Duo radio show, and Fetzer publishes a press release.
www.opednews.com/art……r_files__22.htm tinyurl.com/3dmpqo (MP3 of show)
2007, October 26 – Morgan Reynolds
Dr Reynolds files Appeal with NIST regarding their RFC response.
2008, January 14 2008 – Dr Judy Wood
Appears on Ambrose Lane show with Andrew Johnson to discuss her latest research: Hutchison Effect and 9/11. On 18th Jan, John Hutchison also joins the program.
2008, May 19 – Dr Judy Wood
Dr Wood posts new research linking Hurricane Erin into the events on 9/11. The study references "field effects" in relation to Erin and the Hutchison Effect:
www.drjudywood.com/a… www.prlog.org/100733…
2008, May 29 – Dr Judy Wood and John Hutchison
They give presentations in Portland, OR regarding 9/11, The Hutchison Effect and Field Effects.
This is just a short summary of the timeline on how a concerted effort was made to stifle the research of Dr Wood.
You can also read my article: 9/11 and the Debunking Olympics.
For even more detail, please download and read Andrew Johnson’s two free e-books;
You can order hardback books here.
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payments to my country yet.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all 80 of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
I'm kinda new, to this
You all are compelling and Dr. Wood is a complete badass. I love her! I live people who Search for Truth. I hate deceivers.
If they pop-up out of nowhere with a huge following and are interviewed on mainstream media or a well-known alternative information brand then something might be up.
If you stumble on something or someone that took awhile to find and them or the idea is not being talked about by well known, "Freedom/Truth Fighters" grab a cup of coffee(or tea), open a note book, and start taking notes.
Is the narrative being proposed just scary/uncomfortable to deal with?
Or is it scary/uncomfortable to deal but has some silver lining that will lead to a better life for you and your neighbors?
Congrats on the 1000!!!