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Jun 29
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Musk has "fired" the company and is now using the company "Stripe".

It happened this past week...

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I think that company was Kroll on 9/11.

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I'm kinda new, to this

You all are compelling and Dr. Wood is a complete badass. I love her! I live people who Search for Truth. I hate deceivers.

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Official narrative – Jet fuel.

Option behind door no 1 – explosives,

door no 2 – thermite,

door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.

Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to.

Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement?

What happens if you ask TRUTH questions?

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/questions-for-the-911-truther-talking

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So I'm fascinated with your stuff.

For a beginner, why would they be directing us away from dustification/ energy weapons?

Ill probably get answer… but beginners will wonder.

Im a sedevacantist, no pope in 66, “bishops” in union with Francis are all non Catholic FRAUDS

I , all true Catholics DESPISE now

Almost all if us REJECTED FORCEFULLY PFIZER DEATHVAX and that crime.

God bless. Fascinating stuff you have.

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With regards to the technology used on 9/11, MOST are missing the bigger picture!

Just as the hazardous and wasteful technology behind a nuclear bomb can also be used to provide hazardous and wasteful nuclear power, the technology which caused the clean and effortless molecular dissociation of the twin towers could also be used to give the whole world effortless clean energy.

Exposing this clean free energy technology means and end to the ruling elite's ability to control and exploit the general population through scarce, expensive, dirty and inefficient resources such as oil, coal, nuclear and "renewables".

Any group with an interest in maintaining the current paradigm of artificial scarcity and crappy energy technologies, which keeps the general population enslaved, would have an interest in helping to maintain the 9/11 cover up, because exposing the crime also exposes the TECHNOLOGY to commit it.

Maybe the people who did 9/11 operate under a code of conduct where they have to show this technology to the people, so they have the opportunity to claim it.

And if the people are too stupid or apathetic to show any interest, they will then feel justified in keeping it for themselves and continuing to control and exploit the human herd, like the CATTLE they have shown themselves to be.

You might think it's insane, and it is, but remember we're talking about a group of people who are willing to turn skyscrapers to DUST, live on TV.

In the final analysis there is no "grand" deception" or cover up.

There is only BLUFF!

Because everyone can see what happened to the buildings was clearly and PROVABLY NOT a structural failure (collapse) or a conventional controlled demolition by ANY thermal or kinetic mechanism!

Official narrative – Jet fuel.

Option behind door no 1 – explosives,

door no 2 – thermite,

door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.

Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to.

Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11:

1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/pdf/9-11%20-%20Finding%20the%20Truth.pdf

2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth - http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/911%20Holding%20The%20Truth%20-Andrew%20Johnson%20-%202017.pdf

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Damn, going through this. Feel so stupid.

To be fair, it's one Huge thing after another. And since Mar 2020, tons if smaller ones. Peace, ty

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Show us, and if we're too apathetic to care....

You are describing Illuminati Rules.

They tell (Simpson's etc) and if it happens, we've consented.

Illuminati are involved in so many crises, wars , fear fear fear. Quite evil little bastards

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Question 2. So they got endless wars, they three grip by nwo.

What else did they get by 911 and deceptions?

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A fake war on terror had a lot of people make bags full of money.

The heroin trade picked up again and the destabilisation of the middle east was a long planned exercise, that is causing the flood through the open border of America at present.

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The Patriot Act , The Prep Act , increased military - industrial funding, growth of the admin and security apparatus, surveillance, censorship, model state acts, control of food supply and transportation, loss of freedoms and constitutional rights, wealth transfer, creation of ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, and support given to other via CIA/5 Eyes/ Mossad created groups designed to create internal conflicts and destabilize countries and cause mass migration, citizen compliance through fear, increased funding for scientist on bio and chemical weapons disguised as counter measures, more military bases in the middle east, control of foreign owned resources, increased drug traffic, protection of the chosen ones, human misery, the global design of pandemic preparedness through WHO/UN - IHR amend 2005, increased funding for NATO, one world government, insurmountable debt with interest payable to the group that prints the fiat money and controls the governments. The same can be said for WWI, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf wars, Ukraine and Israel wars all started with a planned events/false flags to get Americans and others on board.

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Wonderful - You said a lot.

Now tell me what happened to 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on 9/11...

What was the destruction mechanism?

What black ops technology was in play for the whole world to witness in real time?

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Based on the evidence - transmutation

I am not sure how it was initiated but heat does not appear to be involved. I believe directed energy weapons were used and other natural forces were harnessed. The perps or directors of this crime I believe had another motive. If you wanted to stage a spectacular event to blame on an adversary as a justification for preplanned action of retribution you could use conventional means as have worked in the past. You could take down an airliner like was planned in operation Northwoods as an excuse to invade Cuba or sink a ship (USS Liberty). There have been hundreds of false flags or events used to justify a response. But they chose to display a novel technology to the world. The press told much of the Western world what they were seeing so they owned the narrative. But intelligence officials in other countries probably did a more complete examination and realized that what was on display was the use of a new weapon of mass destruction and its power was demonstrated for all to see and was used by a government on its own citizens- that may have been the real message - a warning of sort.

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So 3 options.

Official. - muslims

2. Dynamite etc

3. Dr. Wood.

I see #1 for all that. I rejected #1.

But #2 vs #3.... I see #3 is really solid.

But why did they even try #2? Why not tell the truth?

(I got an answer on this, but overwhelmed looking at it all).

Btw, Francis/ Vatican are commie assets. I'm a sedevacantist, a remnant Catholic.

FBi Richmond, SPLC wants us wiped from face of earth.


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post 9 hrs ago has it. But still reviewing.

This is a huge question, nevertheless, for average Joe of good will.

Alex Jones, Tucker very clever. I'm still boggled by this new info

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Ok.... You now need to step away for 24 hours. 9/11 is a biggie.

Come back in 24h and listen to the presentation of the evidence presented to the US Supreme Court in 2009.

Presentation: https://youtu.be/aWNzq9OWGmY

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Catholic principle of subsidiarity. Control at most local level possible. Throw in Just War theory, this is all anathema to me. 800,000 local communities, leaving each other alone, grouped into 200 countries, leaving each other alone.

Except for trade they both want, culture etc.

We don't have Vatican. NWO, freemasons etc have it they are completely opposite.

I go down to Cathedral, across street to make reparations to Jesus and Mary. To change this.

What would a Pope do with Dr. Wood? Help her in any way he could that she would accept.

Wicked Francis, v climate change, destructive migration run by nwo. Just so furious

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I hear you - what we are seeing is controlled demolition of not just the US but of the world - it is following a plan that has been laid out centuries ago - they are not seeking an immediate transformation to be realized with in the lifespan of the members - they think like corporations with long life spans. Think of it like this - they have the solution first - then they create the problem and engineer the reaction - events that will drive the population to accept the solution. Fear - lockstep messaging , atrocity propaganda, focused hatred, censorship - rinse and repeat.

IMHO one of the main goals is to eliminate religion - one method is by making the religious sects more open and accepting of things that go against the teachings in their Holy Books. Or create a new interpretation of the bible -Example for evangelical Christian Zionist - (Scofield Bible was introduced in late 1800s)- the movement was created with a purpose - yet these believers have never read the Talmud and believe the Jewish religion is based on the old testament - why? because the preachers (performance artist) have led them astray and hijacked their critical thinking through mass formation. https://stopworldcontrol.com/israel/

10/7 was just like 9/11 which was like all the false flags and engineered events before, of which there are thousands. Slaughter of the innocent.

They also engineer division in populations while they generally control both sides of the coin and use blackmail, money and/or threats when selecting who will lead. You probably are familiar with Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's fight with the "Pope" and church -He is a real saint for calling it out https://files.constantcontact.com/73a8d269901/175fe1dc-7bc6-4f9c-9419-bde15a1e0b98.pdf?rdr=true

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Your 2nd paragraph, Vatican II false council and spirit of the council all demonic. Francis, idolatry on Vatican grounds. Explained away, ho hum


Documents of evil Vatican II call for international force, read: nwo. Secret society ghouls hanging around Vatican.

False popes constantly repeating what global is s saying, climate change , immigration lies.

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Last section of yours. During beginning of Covid, I was banished to internet ghettoes, found very new criticisms. But constantly watching for control opp (my worst ability to spot… I try to make up by listening to many, many folks).

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Speaking of 10/7, as a 9/11 copy psy-op:


Understanding the problem of Freemasonry in 10 idiot-proof sentences:

1. The sole purpose of being a secret society is that evil requires secrecy.

2. There's no division of powers when Freemasons are occupying all power benches.

3. There’s no real oath of office, when masonic blood-oaths override any oath, requiring blind obedience down to treason and genocide, under masonic death penalty. Freemasonry is incompatible with patriotism and government for the common good.

4. Masons rigged democracy from scratch to make it vulnerable to secret constant plotting. That’s the point of being a secret society!

5. Masons authored “modern democracy” as a facade, imposing top-down power, instead of people’s bottom-up (county-coop-republic, based on the original greek direct democracy).

6. There’s no such thing as a free lunch when you are the lunch!

7. Sheeple were psy-opped that the slaughterhouse is a cozy barn and that the farmer is just selflessly hard-working to serve the interests of the sheep.

8. Sheep are just allowed to vote the lesser evil, granting that they always get a ration of more evil.

9. The wolves rule the farm, no matter who the sheeple vote, provided the winner can’t change the system.

10. The house always wins, unless we completely change the system.

President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?



Weaponization of Justice


Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:


Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:


Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:


Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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If they pop-up out of nowhere with a huge following and are interviewed on mainstream media or a well-known alternative information brand then something might be up.

If you stumble on something or someone that took awhile to find and them or the idea is not being talked about by well known, "Freedom/Truth Fighters" grab a cup of coffee(or tea), open a note book, and start taking notes.

Is the narrative being proposed just scary/uncomfortable to deal with?

Or is it scary/uncomfortable to deal but has some silver lining that will lead to a better life for you and your neighbors?

Congrats on the 1000!!!

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Great compilation of info, thank you for your tireless work.

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So many people murdered. I wonder if Dr. Wood experienced any attempts on her life?

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She has not talked about it in depth, but her assistant that was doing experiments with her to prove aluminium glows orange in daylight got "robbed" and shot twice in the head, a friend working on cold fusion, Eugene Maslow was beaten to death at his house and there was a mass shooting at the university where she was teaching and if memory serves me it all happened around the time she filed her whistleblower qui-tam case in 2007.

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May God keep her safe. Thanks.

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Well done, thanks for the timeline, it helps to see the progression.

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Seems Statestack is unsubbing Me willy nilly! Good piece!!!

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Glad that you found my stack again....

I'm on my 4th YT channel, Odysee recently nuked my channel, after two years work and 500+ 9/11 related videos uploaded and on X all my replies to posts, are marked as "spam"...

O, and with 14k followers, my posts are massively shadow banned.

My Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2588430 and my Telegram channel seems to be unaffected: https://t.me/Sept11_Deprogramming

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WHAT!?! Odysee nuked Your channel??? But They claim They don't censor!!! I will have to ask Them about this.

I know You don't put NSFW stuff, or any advocating violence. What could They think is a reason to take You off the platform???

Not sure about Rumble, but good They're leaving You alone. Will join Your telegram group - glad They're not messing with You!

As for X-Twatter, I can relate. Though I don't have nearly the followers You do, I used to get 20-50 interactions on My tweets, then suddenly it dropped to 1-3. When the Muskrat took over, being hopeful, I asked that the shadow ban be removed. And immediately... I got zero interactions. I still get zero interactions, despite hashtags and all.

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With Odysee, I had 3 channels on my log in profile...

Then the one channel, that's NOT 9/11 related got a warning for copyright, but they did not want to tell me what videos they have a problem with. That channel had over 1000 videos....

So, then instead of deleting the specific troublesome channel, they nuked my log in profile, so my 9/11 learning hub and my other non related channel that had no strikes, issues also went bye bye....

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Ahhhh. I do ponder why They would not inform You of precisely where the issue was.

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Hey, I got Judy's book, it is very good. In the intro is says something about nukes suggesting she believes in, Nukes. You do understand there can be no flash nuclear explosion and there are no nuke weapons, right? After the intro spent all that time going over her degrees and publications. Just look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they were obviously fire bombed just like 68 other Japanese cities. Concrete buildings unblemished and trees standing and bridges looking good at ground zero where there is supposed to be a fire bomb at 6,000 degrees.

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I'm with you on the firebombing premise - But what we had happen to the towers and the 5 other WTC buildings, was what Dr Wood calls - Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reactions...

9/11 was the dawn of a new age - "Somebody" has the ability to direct energy to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter.

Direct or control - Where it goes, what it does.

The whole world saw it live on TV, but our small brains could not register what we witnessed.

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She should make a note somewhere that she knows nuke weapons are a psyop.

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I am sooooo glad to have found a site that talks about ALL of the WTC buildings. I have been frustrated for years wondering what happened to them, but no one was covering it.

The immensity of that day is beyond belief.

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One of my first articles...

WHAT exactly happened to ALL 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on Sept 11, 2001?

The following points need to be made regarding what exactly happened to the buildings and the observable evidence at ground zero, that the “9/11 truth movement” never touch on…

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

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Yes, I read that earlier today. Thank you.

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There is a reason the 9/11 "truth" movement does not want you to count past three...

I wrote separate articles on the 9/11 orphans... Buildings 3, 4, 5, 6 and the Bankers trust building...

Looking forward to hear your thoughts on them...

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Well, both you and Judy's presentation show such a bigger picture than both the official narrative and even the 9/11 truth movement.

I have never seen so many of the photos of the different buildings.

Being able to see the landscape in one photo and the details of where each building was, and how it was affected.


I suppose I went along with the thermite and controlled demolition theory but I tend to think, now, that it was directed energy.

I will look further into Hutchison.

I'm not sure where I stand with the plane/no plane theories.

I do not think a plane hit the Pentagon.

Or Shanksville.

I don't get into a twist about it, though. All I know is that it was intended. And not by 19 Saudi's with box cutters.

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Where can I find more on this "magneto electro gravitic" stuff? I think by this point in time (2025) Dr. Woods should at least pin down what it is she thinks could possibly have generated and then directed all that energy, so precisely on 9/11. And when has it ever been deployed again? Why wouldn't Israel just use that in Gaza, or the US military in other countries by now? They could easily gin up a patent trail and it would be HUGE money for whoever controls the technology.

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You’re missing the point of Dr Wood’s research. Have you even bothered to read her book?

Have you read the court filings?

Link: https://www.drjudywood.com/wp/court-case-qui-tam/

Do you know DEW has been in use since the 1950’s?

Let me know if you want to do a face to face online, as the whole to and fro in comment sections is just way too limiting.

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DM me. We'll figure something out. And yes, I did read the book AND the case documents. But I'll read them again in the next few days.

The existence of directed energy research, technology or weapons is not up for debate. What is up for debate is that there is no known DE tech/weaponry capable of violating the (known) laws of physics or scalable to a manner such that what Woods is ALLUDING to (but never actually letting herself be nailed down on) is possible without "alien" technology according to energy harnessing considerations (basic laws of physics and thermodynamics) and a whole host of other limitations on (known) tech or energy storage capacity.

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Let's do a Skype - mail me: norman@ic911a.org

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It's always been the doctrine of the CIA, play both sides for the win.

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You can't discount the pictures at this Google blocked web site (don't be a chicken go in) and Bobby is on the pedo list:


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Bro, did you even read the article?

What has this got to do with the fact you've been brain raped by the 9/11 truth distraction movement?

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Without getting into bomb or DEW debate, how is it possible to deny the airplanes crash, considering trusted witnesses, passenger lists, their families getting compensation, flight records, etc.?

Is there anyone else talking about the Deutsche Bank?

Since I'm sharing this to Notes, for the newbies:

9/11: two "planes", yet 8 towers down. WTC7 imploded, free falling on its footprint, in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach as well as the unblemished Deutsche Bank. All 7 World Trade Center towers and that bank needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center...

The “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings.

The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!



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Dr Judy Wood has been speaking to the Bankers Trust building since 2005.

Maybe you should follow my instructions from a couple of months ago, when I instructed you to read Where did the towers go, by Dr Judy Wood.

I guess you still have not done your homework now have you?

Going in Search of Planes in NYC on 9/11

Revisiting 1st Responders’ Accounts

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/going-in-search-of-planes-in-nyc

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"3. REAL. This, simply, is the REAL version, backed by actual evidence, Laws of Physics, and common sense: There were no hijackings, no plane crashes" This goes plenty far, If I were a juror on this case, the above sentence would suffice to seal the deal as to the criminal nature of the act, the whole story about some weapon, that is if such weapon exists, was it used in this case? This would be VERY difficult sell to me.

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Then maybe you should read Dr Wood’s book and the research of Mark Conlon aka 9/11 Planes Research and watch the well researched documentary, 9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality….

There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11;

1. Problem solving skills

2. Group Think

3. They just can't handle the implications

Elephant in the "Plane Hugging" 9/11 Truth Movement Living Room

A Difficult Fact: No Emergency Locator Transmissions on 9/11

Article: https://911planesresearch.substack.com/p/elephant-in-the-plane-hugging-911

Podcast with Jerm Warfare: https://rumble.com/v646fsm-jerm-warfare-talks-to-911-planes-research.html

Watch: 9/11 Alchemy - Facing Reality

Rumble Link: https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html     

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/CrzNeZUp0tU

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So much of this rides on "if you read this book, you will see the TRUTH"

Great, however given the differences in humans, it is totally possible to having read the book and still be a skeptic.

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No... If they're still skeptic they are lying to themselves.

I'm yet to meet someone who studied the book and is still skeptic.

Only skeptic people you would find is the people who have yet to read it...

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I've read the book and I'm still a skeptic. I have one of the very early versions/editions though. Is there one newer than 2007 (edit: I actually read the one supposed to have been published in 2010) which addresses some of the holes that others have poked in Dr. Woods' initial work?

Here's a link for it: https://1lib.sk/book/5825670/002e73/where-did-the-towers-go-evidence-of-directed-freeenergy-technology-on-911.html

I also don't buy the official story on Shanksville or the Pentagram. I think this guy does a good job of debunking it. https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/september11/

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Lets schedule a face to face, as this comment section is way too limiting and the recording of our conversation will be beneficial to many other people with an incorrect, uninformed opinion.

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I don't consent to having my face 'broadcast' to the entire world. I would be happy to have a face to face with you under most other circumstances, including a promise that you're not using facial recognition or other biometric and data gathering techniques because I have zero idea if you're some kind of spook. I read Wood's whole book and I have a STEM university background/degree. I'm shocked by her utter lack of willingness to apply the scientific method - or at the very least have the courage of her convictions to actually propose what kind of DEW technology (whether human invented, reverse engineered from extra-terrestrial, or any other origin) could possibly have been used in the manner she vaguely hints at such that all the buildings had selective components/substances/materials "dustified", vaporized, or sublimated (you should look up that term, as it is very applicable to what I THINK she's getting at) to the extent that buildings "collapsed", "disintegrated", "fell down" or whatever term you and her are willing to accept (since the debate with Jenkins involved so many silly semantics-based diversions).

TL/DR if you want to have a VOICE call over the Internet I'm more than down. But you need to come up with a way to let me get in touch with you, because I'm not posting my personal contact info here, I'm not paying to subscribe (your DMs are limited to paid subscribers). So DM me via Substack and we can figure it out.

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It's patently ridiculous that the calculations from Jenkins are ignored. Energy is energy, and unless Dr. Woods or Conlon are proposing some sort of previously and still completely unknown method of violating the 2nd law of thermodynamics, this whole argument goes "poof."

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O, dear - Here are two articles you've NOT read.

9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

Dr Greg Jenkins’ “Directed Debunking Energy” and Dr Judy Wood

Scholarly Questions and Inquiry, or Badgering, Misrepresentation and Harassment?

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/dr-greg-jenkins-directed-debunking

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Trust me man, I'm a fast reader and I'm scientifically/engineering (STEM) literate. I read that second link earlier. Simply pointing out that some people who have proposed controlled demolition have alleged ties to allegedly powerful directed energy technologies (back in 2001, mind you) is not sufficient to quash the very basic physical calculations that Jenkins (and others) have provided to explain the pure energy requirements to accomplish what Woods is HINTING at. She never once puts her money where her proverbial mouth is and proposes ANY possible technologies (again whether alien or human engineered) could have the ability to do what she says was done to multiple buildings, dozens of cars, and without any detection (I can address her arguments about the earth's magnetic field, the seismic data, and other elements of her statements given a few weeks' time - I'm employed full-time.

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There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11

1. Problem solving skills

2. Group Think

3. They just can't handle the implications

Were the towers destroyed by a gravity collapse? The evidence says no.

Were the towers destroyed by explosives? The evidence says no.

Were the towers destroyed by thermite? The evidence says no.

Were the towers destroyed by nukes? The evidence says no.

The answers to these questions can easily be found by studying the evidence.

The problem is NOT a shortage of evidence.

The problem is nobody wants to LOOK at the evidence and think for themselves.

Instead, everyone wants to be TOLD WHAT TO THINK by "experts" in the MSM, alternative media, the scientific community, the government, and the "truth" movement, but these "experts" spend the whole time covering up and muddling up the evidence.

Here is a 20-minute video that most can follow: https://rumble.com/v5jnndx-understanding-the-911-evidence.html

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This is too long to follow. Where can I find a single document explaining Dr. Judy Wood's directed energy hypothesis which includes the alleged type of DEW employed, or the type that would have had to be employed to direct sufficient energy at the towers without producing any visible evidence or artifacts? I downloaded her book "Where Did the Towers Go?" and it merely goes into looking at pictures and watching videos. I was immediately thrown off by her 'analysis' of the cars on, I think, FDR Street. Those were towed or moved there away from ground zero. The transcript of the debate is also very disingenuous and the 'interjections' after the fact are not enlightening or germane to the actual conversation. Further, it's pretty funny how every reference to Dr. Greg Jenkins leaves off the "Dr." but every reference to Dr. Judy Wood includes the "Dr."

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O, so you downloaded a pdf and you did not get the actual book?

How do you know the pdf is an accurate representation of the physical book?

Sorry, your opinion is mute.

BUT - I’m willing to engage with you face to face, via an online call to help educate you. Send me your contact details and we can arrange it.

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Did you see the link to the book I put in the other comment? It's a PDF of literal photos/scans of every page in the book.

My opinion is "mute"? Do you mean "moot"?

Why don't you turn on "accept DMs" (I can't DM you unless I'm a paid subscriber) and I'll DM you right now to arrange a video call if you can assure me you aren't some kind of spook using facial recognition software or something. I'm not sure what your angle is with an "online call." But I'm more than happy to meet you face to face if, again, you can promise me that you're not logging biometric or other data. Before you take that a step further, I want you to find that link to the online library where I posted the PDF and confirm to me that's the real book (it is, but I want to see you say it).

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Substack allows you to email me - Let's get a face to face chat to happen sunshine...

Here is my email: norman@ic911a.org

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Are you Zionist, Jewish or sympathetic to the apartheid mission of colonial occupation Israel? Do you deny that they had foreknowledge of 9/11? Yes or no.

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I'm an Afrikaner, from South Africa.

A lot of people had foreknowledge, as the insider trading has proven. 9/11 was a planned 30 year conspiracy.

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I think 29k tons of Thermite would've set the whole NYC ablaze, even the Hudson river would evaporated!

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