DEPS - The Directed Energy Professional Society
You'll be surprised to hear who the members are.
Lately there has been a lot of talk with regards to Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) especially in the wake of the fires in Hawaii and the the California fires in 2017, but have you ever heard about the Directed Energy Professional Society?
The Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) was founded in 1999 to foster the research, development, and operational transition of Directed Energy (DE) technologies for national defense and civil applications through professional communication, education and outreach.
We intend to be the premier professional organization for the advocation and exchange of information between academia, industry, service laboratories, and the warfighters, while continuing to develop and support the next generation of scientists and engineers in Directed Energy.
Find their Wavefront newsletter: 2000 - Confirms DEW capabilities and a $30,000,000 budget.
I suggest you go and check out their website and Symposium in Monterey, CA this November 2023.
Here is Senator Heinrich’s comments for the Feb 2023 Directed Energy, T&E Joint Conference...
How long has there been interest in the development of these weapons? Well, you’d be surprised to hear what U.S. Army Col. Tom Bearden (ret.) had to say in this 1985 CNN investigative report. Here is a short clip from the report.
Then we also have had U.S. Army Col. John Alexander (ret.) weigh in on what research was done at Los Alamos Labs in 1986 with regards to DEW in this excerpt from an excellent documentary on WHAT happened on September 11, 2001.
What did U.S. Army Col. Tom Bearden (ret.) have to say about the work of John Hutchison in this 1996 Documentary Clip?
Who are these companies that form part of the The Directed Energy Professional Society?
And how does this tie into the events of September 11, 2001? Have a listen to the lawyer who led two whistleblower Qui-Tam cases against the NIST government subcontractors in 2007, who were tasked with security and cleanup at ground zero, as well as submitting reports for the NIST Report, for SCIENCE FRAUD. The two main defendants of the 23, were SAIC and ARA.
One of the Qui-Tam cases made it all the way to the US Supreme Court in 2009.
Question, why do you think the cases against the US Military Industrial complex was railroaded and why NONE of the 9/11 “truther” talking heads ever mention these cases, or these companies? Why is hurricane Erin so important that it does not get mentioned by anyone?
Most people don’t even know there was a hurricane the size of Katrina (2005), just 400 miles from NYC on September 11, 2001? If it made landfall, maybe the attacks would not have happened?
Let me introduce you to the term “Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reactions”.
Hopefully this will peek your interest to read this book that the 9/11 “truther” community has been actively steering you away from reading for the last 16 years. It’s the scariest book on WHAT happened on September 11, 2001 that is out in the public domain. After all, if people realise what it uncovers, people will be up in arms.
Imagine if your power and gas bills disappeared tomorrow. How much cash will that free up?
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book full of evidence.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF downloads: 9/11 – Finding the Truth & 9/11 – Holding the Truth
Pretty shitty website given who their "sponsors" are.
I'm NOT surprised in the last that this involves the mil/industrial complex. Who else has the power(literally) and ability to pull this off.
When the USA decided to sub contract all its dark projects to "prvate" companies in order to conceal them, we should have been more suspicious.
Of course they rollout the "preparing for the enemy" when in actual fact, these technologies are almost ALWAYS used against it's own people.
This year HAS to be the year they PUSH the RESET button and ALL of this and life as normal will pale into insignificance.
Maybe they HAVE a beautiful plan for us all. Free energy, peace and harmony on the planet. Abundance.
Why not? What are these fuckers about??? That's the question I would like answered.
Is it ALL about control and power?
Must be..... ✌️😎🏴❤️