Has she done any interviews this year?

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Then in November 2023 she made an appearance..

Link: https://911revision.substack.com/p/dr-judy-wood-reaches-out

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Jan 13Liked by 9/11 Revisionist

I'm NOT surprised in the last that this involves the mil/industrial complex. Who else has the power(literally) and ability to pull this off.

When the USA decided to sub contract all its dark projects to "prvate" companies in order to conceal them, we should have been more suspicious.

Of course they rollout the "preparing for the enemy" when in actual fact, these technologies are almost ALWAYS used against it's own people.

This year HAS to be the year they PUSH the RESET button and ALL of this and life as normal will pale into insignificance.

Maybe they HAVE a beautiful plan for us all. Free energy, peace and harmony on the planet. Abundance.

Why not? What are these fuckers about??? That's the question I would like answered.

Is it ALL about control and power?

Must be..... ✌️😎🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤️

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Have a listen to what Dr. Andrija Puharich has to say about Nikola Tesla & the Military Industrial Complex Weapon Technology: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Military-Industrial-Complex-and-Testal-Weapon-Technology:2

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It is not absolutely necessary for Gage and Alex Jones to be part of an op, although that may be the case.

"You cannot tell anybody anything, that they do not already at some level understand". William Burroughs.

Captain Cook had a cannon fired directly behind an island chief. He did not flinch. Because such a thing was completely outside his experience.

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Pretty shitty website given who their "sponsors" are.


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Indeed! Almost like we’re supposed to be doubtful about it

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The first reported use of DEW in combat was during the Panama invasion of 1989 - Testimony is given by people caught in the crossfire in the 1992 Academy Award Winning documentary, The Panama Deception.

In 2006, the documentary “Star Wars In Iraq” also made mention of citizen and hospital reports of people being attacked by DEW.

I also want to bring your attention to the 2003 question and answer session at the Pentagon where Donald Rumsfeld and Col Meyer were asked about the use of DEW during the “War on Terror” and they were noticeably shook by the question…

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The first reported use of DEW in combat was during the Panama invasion of 1989 - Testimony is given by people caught in the crossfire in the 1992 Academy Award Winning documentary, The Panama Deception.

In 2006, the documentary “Star Wars In Iraq” also made mention of citizen and hospital reports of people being attacked by DEW.

I also want to bring your attention to the 2003 question and answer session at the Pentagon where Donald Rumsfeld and Col Meyer were asked about the use of DEW during the “War on Terror” and they were noticeably shook by the question…

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Colonel John Alexander keeps coming up in my research. Friends of Jim Channon and the fringe military research departments.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Author

9/11, Tesla & the Military Industrial Complex Weapon Technology

What did Tesla have available for the MIC in 1943?

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-tesla-and-the-military-industrial

Well, you have Col Tom E. Bearden talking about dustification of buildings in 1985 - https://rumble.com/v4hnblk-1985-cnn-multi-part-investigative-report-rf-radio-frequency-weaponry.html

You have Col John Alexander working with John Hutchison in 1986 and talking about it in 2024 - https://rumble.com/v4dqlw5-col.-john-alexander-and-john-hutchison-and-the-hutchison-effect-and-911.html

And you have Boys Bushman talking about ant-gravity and Hutchison as well - https://rumble.com/v4k5joe-antigravity-research-boyd-bushman-engineer-at-lockheed-martin-speaks-out.html

And don't forget about 1992 - US Military Black Budget Projection Technology - https://rumble.com/v4goaqx-1992-us-military-black-budget-projection-technology.html

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Fascinating, thank you

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Tesla! not the good-guy hero we thought we knew (durnit!) -- entire new Matt Ehret multi--part-series (starts here:)


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Apr 30·edited Apr 30Author

Thanx for the share - A bit of reading to do now. :-)


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Hello September eleven conspiracy observers... Hello survivors and targets of mass murders and covert applied behavioral psychology...

Subtle energy weapons are in most peoples pockets right now. The most powerful weapons work like a remote control for the minds of individuals and whole populations. The best of these are working as I write this on me and all of Humanity undetected in my opinion...

But now there are deployed to billions of Human beings tiny nano antenna designed to attach to tissues in the Human body. When activated with the correct frequency these antenna can modulate the behavior of that tissue. No self assembly required as vaccinations can include nano carbon magnetic antenna that are designed to attach to specific tissues like adrenal glands, neurons, Nero transmitters etc so that low level radio wave activation and modulation can cause pain, panic attacks and even death... etc. see?

Drones can then be deployed for mass crowd control?

Just an idea

related: Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine — https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24715289/

back to listening...


chuck 🔥💖🔥

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More evidence?: Deutsche Bank


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Apr 25·edited Apr 26Author

Hi Prof. Nazar - Indeed I wrote and article on the 5th orphan.

The Anomalous Bankers Trust Building & 9/11

The fifth orphan of the WTC complex that hardly gets discussed

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-anomalous-bankers-trust-building

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