Our first WTC Orphan, building 4 was discussed in this article, along with a number of other anomalies that never gets discussed by the 9/11 “truther” talking heads and I think I know why. Because their theories of controlled demolition, thermite or nukes, just cannot explain the anomalies linked in my previous articles.
Our Second WTC Orphan, building 6, was discussed in this article. For a summary of all 7 buildings with a WTC prefix that had strange anomalies, read this article.
I suggest starting your journey with my first article, if this is the first time you are reading my substack article series on the events of September 11, 2001.
Now have a look at this picture of our 22 story orphan, Building 3 also known as the Marriot Hotel, being towered over by both the North and South Tower.
These pictures and video were captured while WTC2 was coming down.

In this very shaky, short clip you can see these pieces of debris falling and NOT hitting the ground. Is that pieces of steel not making it to the ground? You’ll have to watch it a couple of times… The video description wants you to look at smoke at the bottom of the tower instead of keeping your eye on the falling debris…
Luckily there was video captured of Building 3, just after WTC2 had been destroyed.
In the pictures below you will see the damage to Building 3, whilst WTC1 still standing, yet NIST want’s you to believe a single failed column was able to bring down WTC7. Important - Note WTC2 outer columns stabbed into the street, as it will help as a reference point in the following pictures I’ll be discussing.

In this picture below, just look at the size of the remaining Tower 1 and look at the picture above, that had a 110 story building crash down in it. Where is the rubble?

WTC3 was partly destroyed in bizarre fashion during the destruction of WTC2. Notice the large vertical hole in WTC3 (left side of photo). What could have caused this? Special thanks to Bill Biggart for this very valuable piece of the puzzle. If a debris pile approximately 12% of its original height of a building can be expected after being destroyed via controlled, explosive demolition, then why was the debris pile from the "collapse" of the WTC twin towers only a few stories high, approximately 2-3% of their original height (110 stories)?
What do you notice, or what don’t you notice after both towers disappeared in this picture?

Three steel "wheatchex" are stabbed into West Street in the foreground, and the remaining portion of WTC3 (Marriott Hotel) is covered by debris in the background. The west wall of tower WTC2 is standing just behind and to the left of WTC3.
Notice the distinct WTC tower lobby columns and how small the "rubble pile" is in comparison. Where did all the rubble go?

April 4, 2024 update: A video to go with the article to bring it home.
I want to remind you again of what most people were discussing on September 12 and 13 when they first arrived at ground zero and these talking points were quickly memory holed by the cover story that 120 dump trucks carted off the rubble…
Watch the full documentary this video clip is from here.
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payment to my country yet - I’ll really appreciate it.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
Nice article, it's almost like building 3 is in the molecular disruptions "footprint" , which is suggesting an Arial projection.
As above, so below.....
Perhaps a different tactic for persuasion rather than ridicule, may help, especially when people lives are in the subject.
Great and thorough reporting though, you've changed my mind on the demolishing method of building 7, not regular at all.