A 9/11 truther movement celebrity meltdown
Anatomy of a 9/11 Thermite Brainwashing Operation article had people fuming
After my last article discussing architects for an engineered truth, “Anatomy of a 9/11 Thermite Brainwashing Operation?” a violent backlash from the 9/11 “truther” movement celebrities ensued, in a back and forth email exchange, with a rather interesting ending, or should I say with a possible light at the end of the tunnel?
We 9/11 truth seekers might just see the break of a new day in 2025.
Something to look forward to. I sincerely hope we will turn a new page in 2025.
This “email battle” was truly something to behold…
Now, this article is not intended as an attack or the defamation of the people and organisations that will be mentioned, but to point out how I have approached these people & organisations since 2022, in the spirit of open inquiry and intellectual exchange, just to be banned, censored and be falsely accused of being divisive…
This article is intended to put this exchange into the public record for the search for 9/11 accountability, for the 9/11 truth movement and for the search for the REAL truth of WHAT happened on September 11, 2001 with the eye on 2025, where hopefully, after 23 years, there can be civil discussions held pertaining to ALL the talking points around the events of 9/11 - namely planes or no planes, be it radio-controlled or CGi video fakery or 3D Volumetric Projection Technology, with regards to what people saw in the skies on 9/11, what happened at Shanksville and the Pentagon, and then also the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 in order for all of us to get closer to who dunnit and bring them to account.
If you’ve been a regular reader of my substack articles, you will know my approach to 9/11 and the search for 9/11 accountability well, especially with regards to a number of anomalous evidence on 9/11, and also the tower’s disintegration that just cannot be explained due to a structural failure (a collapse) or a controlled demolition by any thermal or kinetic mechanism.
The anomalies do not end with the towers, but also with the 9/11 orphans, buildings 3, 4, 5, 6, and the Banker’s Trust Building. Let us also not forget the anomalies with Building 7.
Now I must be truthful and state that I initiated this this e-mail battle of about 60 emails over 5 days which ended on Wednesday December 12th.
I wanted to see what reaction I will get after writing the above article and especially seeing that the no plane and Judy Wood “talking points” are the two subjects that may not be discussed in the various forums, Facebook pages, the comment sections of most 9/11 truther celebrities X profiles and more.
I’m pretty must banned off most of them, as per the vetting processes put forth in 2010.
So, who were the main protagonists in this “e-mail battle” you ask?
Well, the “established” truth movement organisations and their representatives, like “Architects for an engineered truth”, Colorado 9/11, Boston 9/11, TAP (Truth Action Project), the “International Center for 9/11 Justice” suppression, the weekly roundtable discussion, the “9/11 War Room” and then some lone rangers like Richard Gage, Joe Olson, James Fetzer, Craig McKee, David Chandler, Conspiracy Realist and Chris who is a 13 year long member of Boston 9/11 and a licensed Professional Engineer in Mechanical discipline and he has a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Boston University.
So, the initial email was for 13 people / organisations initially, but quickly had the list of participants increase as the email exchanges flew back and forth.
This is the initial email:
The first person who reacted was Joe Olson with his normal big hoo-ha of his qualifications, how he attended AE911 presentations and saw through the whole bombs / thermite narrative and ended up settling for the “nuke theory”.
I replied reminding him that he and I had danced in the past and that I’ve pointed out anomalies to him via email and that I even wrote an article about our interactions, because I think he might not have remembered who I am, to which he tried to belittle me by a call to his authority and education. But what have we learnt during COVID?
An university education does not an intelligent person make. (1 min 37)
Now taking into account the above video explanation, these two memes are quite relevant.
Here are just two facts Dr Wood has pointed out with regards to what we saw on 9/11.
I also reminded Joe Olson that there are people with more qualifications than him that have looked into 9/11 from a very different angle as Dr Wood and ALSO arrived at the same conclusion as she did. Some called Bob Greenyer from the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project that discussed his ground-breaking work on exotic vacuum objects (EVOs), Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR or "Cold Fusion”), and the Hutchison Effect with Mathiew from Math Easy Solutions.
Iron Rich Microspheres were due to intense magnetic vortexes and there is NO thermite, no little neutron bomb or jet fuel required… His discussion on 9/11 evidence.
Chris (13 year member of Boston 9/11) answered Joe with the following, but also pointed out all of the issues with the thermite narrative, as he also did in his presentation for Boston 9/11, in August 2024 proving why thermite could NOT be the destruction mechanism of the towers;
7 Points of Contention: Nukes (thermal & kinetic energy) was not the main mechanism to bring down the Towers
According to your interview with Jim Fetzer, you support the theory that a nuclear detonation using kinetic and thermal energy as its means of destruction located at the base of the Twin Towers was the main mechanism that caused them to collapse. That this nuclear detonation was associated with tremendous amounts of heat and thunderous sounds.
Therefore I challenge you to address my following points of contention:
1.) See Attachment_1 of a photo of the intact Parking Garage, Strawberry Music Store and Warner Bros Store directly under WTC Building 4 shortly after 9/11. Building 4 is located directly adjacent to WTC 2. How could a nuclear detonation come up from the basement into WTC 2 and have no destructive effect of the Parking Garage, Music Store and Warner Bros Store (ie. not one blemish on Foghorn Leghorn and Bugs Bunny) located under Building 4?
2.) Pasquale Buzzelli testifies to have surfed down 15-18 stories of falling debris as the North Tower collapsed. He claims to have been in Stairwell B on the 22nd floor at the same time the North Tower started collapsing. When he landed, he was on the 4th floor in Stairwell B and was knocked unconscious for a short while. Then shortly after began to become conscious, cough and feel pain. Then looked up and there was nothing above him but blue sky because to his amazement the 110 story North Tower was completely gone.
With all the nuclear detonations going off around him, how come Pasquale Buzzelli did not receive any severe or even mild burns to his face or body?
3.) At the 9/11 museum they have on display a bible fused into a chunk of steel. The bible is intact and none of its pages are burnt. See Attachment_2. Also see video of how a fireman at the 9/11 clean-up gave it to a private individual who donated it to the museum.
Paper burns at 451 Deg. F and Steel Melts at 2,750 Deg. F. So how did the nuclear detonation heat the chunk of steel up to 2,750 Deg. F without burning the paper in the Bible?
4.) There were approximately 1,400 toasted cars around the WTC complex the day after 9/11. See Attachment_3 of what can be identified as a 1992 Buick that has its rear wheel folded over with paper under it. How did particles from the nuclear detonation weaken the 4 bolts holding the rear wheel hub bearing to the axle beam without burning the newspaper under the wheel?
5.) St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox church was located just across the street from the Southside of the South Tower. When retrieval of the relics in the church was undertaken in the following days after 9/11, only a few pieces survived and one find was called a miracle. The great miracle was the recovery of an icon of St. Spyridon. The silver around the icon had melted but the paper icon had not been burnt. See Attachment_4. How did heat from the nuclear detonation melt the silver which has a melting point of 1,763 deg. F. while at the same time left the paper in the painting intact which had a burning point of 451 Deg. F?
6.) In the following YouTube video, government officials used 1/2 tons of TNT (Conventional Dynamite) to blow up an 8 ton whale washed up on the beach Florence, Oregon back in 1970.
Notice the magnitude of the explosion and how chunks of whale damaged a car nearly a quarter mile away. Suppose we could replace the Twin Tower that weigh 1,000,000 tons all together with a quantity of 125,000 of these 8 ton Whale Carcasses stacked on top of each other. Then use the equivalent 62 kilotons of Conventional Dynamite in the form of two 31 kiloton nuclear bombs to blow up each Tower. Just for reference, the following is a video of most likely a 2.7 kiloton mini nuclear bomb exploding in the port of Lebanon back in 2020.
The following website also explains the estimated magnitude of the Lebanon Port explosion and how a nuke was most likely used. https://www.llnl.gov/article/48076/just-how-big-was-2020-beirut-explosion
On 9/11 why didn’t we witness an explosion in Lower Manhattan 23 times more powerful than the one in the Port of Lebanon and why didn’t 250,000 people in lower Manhattan receive serious injuries and death from the explosion?
7.) Juan O’Savin was part of the Trump re-election capitulation engineering operation and has been seen on podcast interviews by millions of American. At minute 1:24:00, Juan O’Savin who has very close ties to the Upper Echelon in our Military states that US Space Force has advanced technology where they park a Satellite mounted with a DEW 24,000 miles up in outer space with an orbit coincidental to earth’s orbit (geostationary orbit). https://rumble.com/v3eggww-maui-satellite-dew-initiated-by-worldwide-cabal.-the-fall-of-the-cabal-soon.html
Juan says that these Satellite are capable of shooting down DEW’s using interfering microwaves and where the waves interfere, is where you have the desired effect of in the material. Do you think that Juan’s statements could be valid?
You stated in your e-mail correspondence to Norman that you are very knowledgeable in the fields of Chemistry, Physics and Engineering, so I look forward to your expertly composed answers to my questions.
Furthermore, if you have any questions for me in regards to the irrefutable fact that the 9/11 Perpetrators used a type of a very advanced Directed Energy Weapon Technology on 9/11 to molecular disassociate approx. 85% of the mass of the Towers into fine dust and that this process was neither kinetic nor thermal, I’ll be happy to answer them for you. - Chis
PS: For those interested, below is an audio link of Mark T. Highwater’s with Jim Fetzer discussing his research on how nano-thermite is not capable of pulverizing concrete and steel into dust. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g7am9u5iljq55b964bh6s/jim-fetzer-real-deal-nanothermite-challenge.mp3?rlkey=sblb4luvzv7efkd8j4m1v6bdw&e=2&dl=0
“When an honest man discovers he is mistaken, he will either cease to be mistaken or cease to be honest.”
This interaction between Joe and Chris had Richard Gage weigh in…
Here I will have you, the reader be the judge. What do you hear / NOT hear in this video clip?
If you go have a look at the first video of this article, you will be reminded of the scientifically flawed thermite paper and as previously stated, the Thermite Free Blogspot is most definitely worth a working through, especially this page on the blog, asking some questions of Steven E Jones, Richard Gage et al that I’m yet to have seen answered.
Recently Richard has been using visuals of the South Tower disintegrating showing what LOOKS LIKE explosions, but in actual fact, when listening to all the audio, you don’t hear any loud explosions like you would with a conventional controlled demolition. He also uses the same tactics with the videos as he does with Building 7, by NOT playing the original audio of the videos that to any discerning listener will make clear, there are no loud BOOMS… Have a look at the following…
South Tower Disintegration - Stabilized from the southern side. (15 seconds)
Did you hear loud BOOMS? Now to remind you of Building 7 (4 minutes)
The lesson to take from the video above and the way Building 7 gets represented by Richard Gage, architects for an engineered truth and the “International Center for 9/11 Justice”, trying to represent the demise of Building 7 as a classic controlled demolition, is beautifully outlined below, when you look at the anomalous seismic reading of 0.6 on the seismograph.
So, with all due respect Mr Gage I would like to have a civil discussion with you on your “explosive” talking points you have been touting all these years. If you are so certain of your talking points, you’d easily be able to prove me wrong based on your evidence?
Then there also was a to and fro with Chris (Boston 9/11), Barbara Honegger and Joe Olson, where Barabara asked Chris about his suspicion of the DEW possibly being satellite based and Chris shared some aerial pictures that could allude to it, so I’ll add pictures from the documentary, 9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality to go along with the comments Chris made.
“……… of dozens of holes in the WTC buildings in the 9/11 aftermath. I strongly believe that these holes were caused by DEW’s mounted to satellites orbiting above. I believe that the perpetrators positioned DEW's inside the Towers to initially bring them down and additionally used Space based DEW’s to complete the job. For example they were most likely zapping the 700 ft spire with DEW’s from above so it would come down quicker. See the following multiple video’s of the spire turning to dust in mid air compiled by MES’s 9/11 research.” - Chris (Boston 9/11)
Now I MUST categorically state that Dr Wood NEVER has speculated where or what caused the destruction or the holes, as she only presents evidence that cannot be explained by jet fuel, bombs, thermite or nukes, but brings her to a conclusion based on all the observable evidence. One needs to remember that.
Then Joe Olsen jumped in, with some ad hominems and directly attacked Barbara: “Met Dr Fetzer and Barbara at JFK Conference in 2018. I am unimpressed with her science knowledge or her hijacking of Gage organization, same stunt pulled on James O'Keefe and Project Veritas.”
To with Barbara replied: “I am an investigative journalist with a Master of Science. As for the absurdly uninformed claim that I 'hijacked ' Richard Gage's organization -- Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (A&E) which he founded -- Richard left A&E and was brought onto the Board of the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry.”
I need to chime in here, as I have watched Barbara’s “Behind the Smoke Curtain” and I was not impressed, as she denies some of the glaring issues with the narrative that a “plane” hit the Pentagon… You need to listen to Adam Eisenberg take on the truthers pushing a plane hitting the Pentagon and his experience with the truth movement talking heads. (7 of the people in the e-mail thread were attendees of this Boston 9/11 Zoom)
Then Conspiracy Realist chimed in to get some decorum back with regards to everyone getting a bit hot under the collar and made some good points…
I am no expert, but I did want to chime in because it frustrates me to see so much energy being spent in-fighting and trying to debunk each other’s theories.
From what I can tell – nobody here is arguing that the ‘official narrative’ of 9/11 is true. Everyone tends to agree that there was more to it than we’re being told.
The nuance of how it happened really doesn’t matter.
The only question on the conspiracy that does matter is: did it happen?
You all possess great knowledge, passion, and incredible expertise.
You’ve all presented incredibly compelling arguments as to the factors in the building collapses, the planes, and every other aspect of that horrific day.
But I really do think it would serve the entirety of the community better if everyone can find some common ground and present a united front.
Was 9/11 a terrorist attack or did the US government of knowledge / involvement in it?
What would be the motivations of the USGOV to be involved?
What are the most glaring inaccuracies of the NIST report, that can be proven with verifiable evidence?
How can we formulate a coherent agreement on the facts that present a rock-solid case that there was more to this than we’re told?
Who can we present this information to so that it’s officially recognized by the US Government and a new investigation be opened?
Remember – we do not need to prove that any one of our theories is correct.
We just have to get society to accept that the official narrative is incorrect.
Conspiracy Realist is right and wrong at the same time.
Yes, it’s imperative to have the normies to realise that the official government narrative of what happened on September 11, 2001 IS the official conspiracy theory, but I find it disingenuous to then steer people down a dead end street and keep the truth of what was in play on the day from them by selling them false narratives.
Also, suppressing knowledge about the 2 x separate 2007 Qui-Tam whistleblower cases of Dr Morgan Reynolds and Dr Judy Wood, against NIST’s 23 subcontractors, that they deny knowing about on every occasion when asked about them, makes me ask serious questions with regards to the integrity of the so called 9/11 truthers and their movement. (16 min)
The fact of the matter is, there is no speculation on “how it went down”.
Just an independent empirical investigation of the observable evidence that has you come to an irrefutable conclusion, and it points to black-ops technology that most people just can’t fathom, because it’s too sci-fi for them to wrap their heads around it.
That’s what the perps were counting on and the 9/11 “truther” movement was installed and infiltrated in 2005, to have people NOT wake up to the fact.
We’re not slaves to the big banks, or big pharma - We’re slaves to the energy corporations.
I wrote him back and took the liberty to point out the well documented chicanery that has been taking place since the formation of the 9/11 truth movement, “Scholars for 9/11 truth” back in 2005, and the 9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline up to Dr Wood (WTC) and Dr Morgan Reynolds (“Planes”) each filing their whistle-blower Qui-Tam cases against NIST in 2007, and that suppression has been ongoing ever since, to suppress this information of ever reaching uninformed 9/11 truth seekers. Remember the vetting processes? I also reminded him to go listen to Professor Hughes’ 9/11 presentation and my interview with Jerm Warfare.
And here is where the beginning of a possible light at the end of the tunnel started to form, albeit first with a little bit of a dick swinging contest.
Entering the room is Gene Laratonda - Our history is well documented in this article and this article. Gene made the following statement in a reply to Conspiracy Realist;
“Using game theory, we can also recognize those who disrupt unity by their "fruits", their outcomes and actions. Those who consistently sow division, amplify non-essential theories, or steer the focus away from essential verifiable evidence aren’t helping the cause. Especially those who will never humble themselves and apologize for any piss and vinegar they contributed to the division. I have apologized for my part in that and I would gladly publicly apologize to anyone I've wronged in the 9/11 truth movement. Aligning with people who prioritize collaboration and evidence strengthens our strategy and impact. Everyone here has their own favorite evidence or subject matter concerning 9/11, but there is no reason to attack each other.” Something Gene did with his first interaction with me.
Once again - Here I must state. It isn’t about a favourite theory. The truth Matters!
So, true to form, in my well documented passive-aggressive manner, I wrote Gene back and reminded him:
Remember our interaction in February 2024, when you gave me your word as a Christian to have a civil discussion? Just to backtrack on it via email after I put the question to the panel: What is a true 9/11 truth seeker? First video in the article. You banned me from your “war room” via email for that interaction?… After all, I initially approached the 9/11 “truth” movement in the spirit of open inquiry and intellectual exchange, just to be banned, censored and be falsely accused of being divisive…
Then there was some back and forth that I won’t bore you with between me, Gene, then Gene and some of the nuke proponents, Jim Fetzer and I, as well as Gene and yeah, pretty mundane stuff and a lot of the accusations and ad hominems thrown by Jim Fetzer which is well documented in Andrew Johnson’s two free downloadable books, I reference at the bottom of each one of my articles - A must read to get your head around what transpired in the 9/11 truth movement going on nearly 20 years.
Gene then challenged me to call him on the phone to hash out our personal differences, but first, Joe Olson got a second wind and started attacking me again relentlessly, with his own call to authority, to which I reminded him of other people with a lot better credentials than him, who’s work he has not diligently studied and who also has done more to go after the US government than he, and it made the poor fellow see red.
He particularly loses it, when you ask him when he’ll be filing his explosive nuke evidence against NIST or sues the 23 NIST subcontractors for science fraud.
He’s also never read Dr Wood’s book.
Now back to the light at the end of the tunnel…
So, at the end - Gene and I did not talk over the phone, but Gene invited me to a face to face conversation via the 9/11 War Room zoom, which I then accepted and linked up with him at 12PM CAT, a bit past my bedtime for a school week.
There was one snag though, Gene made it a public participation for the over 40 odd people in the email thread, which made me apprehensive, but I wasn’t going to be put off if there was a peanut brigade watching. (No insult intended, just my sense of humour kicking in.)
The 12PM CAT rolled around, I clicked the link and there was Gene and another person, Gerry, but his screen was blank, so I could not see his face, nor did he introduce himself to tell me who he is, or what he’d be bringing to the conversation.
Gene and I shared some pleasantries, apologised for getting off on the wrong foot, I asked him about why he kicked me out of the war room for just asking a simple question of what a real truth seeker makes, the weird interruption of one of the Boston 9/11 zooms where someone hacked the zoom and drew improper images, even after I was kicked out of the room, which obviously was blamed on me in my absence in the room, but Gene apologised for blaming me for that in the call.
We also talked about what we believe with regards to 9/11, be it the official government conspiracy theory - thermite and I pointed out a lot of what I’ve mentioned in my numerous articles on thermite and the Gerry guy was having none of that and well, he sounds Scottish, possibly in his early to late 70’s, he too has yet to read Dr Wood’s book, as do many people who criticise her or belittle her work, so you cannot teach an old dog new tricks, but that’s what is great about civil discourse - You can agree to disagree.
I did share this video below, showing the inner core steel falling to the left and then just dustifying, (keep your attention to the left side of the video) which Gerry vehemently denied is what one sees in the video, as he is of the opinion, those steel pieces were found on the ground.
Comment below what you see happening in this video.
The call lasted about an hour and this is Gene’s feedback to the group in the email thread:
Fantastically civil discussion with Norman. Wish some of you others would have joined in, but all good. I do wish the civility would make it's way to social media, email, etc.
Have a good night everyone. Thank you Norman.
My reply in turn: Hi Gene
Great chatting with you – we should do it again soon 😊
Attached – One video discussed showing the inside steel falling to the left, disappearing into dust.
Then off to bed I went…
The next morning I woke up refreshed, with a light heart, a song in my head a hop in my step.
Later the day after thinking over the email war and the really nice chat with Gene, my mind got to thinking and I decided to write Gene one more time.
Last night and an eye on 2025
Hi Gene
I must say, after having a nice sleep to mull things over after last night’s discussion, I must once again applaud you for having the discussion – I really appreciate you being open to it.
I really look forward to having more open discussions in 2025, as I really feel these are the discussions worth having.
Maybe we can do a series of discussions with certain topics to keep the discussion focussed, maybe the initial ten points you raised in January?
Initial background on 9/11 and perception management.
Debris Pile Height
Damage to Core Box Columns
Fall of the "Spire"
"Toasted" Tops of Vehicles
Once-Molten Iron Microspheres
Molten Metal
Active, Unignited Nano-Thermite
Persistent Extreme Heat
Craters Observed in WTC 5 and WTC 6
The anomaly with Building 3
The anomaly with Building 4
Eyewitness Accounts of Multiple Explosions
Building 7
Think about it – I think it can be a great way in keeping the 9/11 discussion alive, especially for all the “normies” currently breaking free of the official government conspiracy theory, that two wee little planes caused all that damage we saw at the WTC complex on 9/11.
I see you are very diligent in your coverage of 9/11 and I want to commend you on that.
PS: Any chance that you recorded last night conversation?
I would like to write an article to “clear the air” for my readers as well, and have them know and see that 2025 will be the year that ALL 9/11 “truth seekers” are now rallying together and forming a cohesive unit in exposing the official government conspiracy theory, instead of being bogged down with infighting….
Again – Thank you for the open and candid conversation.
I am really excited to see what 2025 will bring.
In the search for 9/11 accountability
Well, you are reading this article and there is no recording posted in this article, as Gene has not answered my last email, so my next port of call will be to see if he’ll be allowing me to attend this coming Sunday’s weekly 9/11 War Room Zoom call.
The 9/11 War Room is a public roundtable Zoom meeting every Sunday at 5pm ET...
Join Zoom Meeting - Link
I’d love to hear your comments and thought on the interactions, what you think 2025 holds for 9/11 truth seekers and if we’ll get closer together with all the various talking points that have been a bit of a hurdle to actually getting anywhere. Please do not hold back in the comments - Speak from the heart. I hope to see you in the Sunday Zoom call.
Again, thank you for reading, watching and still caring about 9/11.
It has recently come to my attention that my PayPal link was broken for 3 months, which meant that if you felt like donating a few bucks in order for me to buy a coffee, you could not donate to my efforts.
Substack does not have a payment gateway for payments to South Africa, so if you would like to send a few bucks my way to help me buy a Christmas tree for the family this holiday season, my PayPal link is now fixed, and you’ll be able to throw a few bucks my way. I’ll greatly appreciate any help you can give me, as I don’t have the financial backing the 9/11 disinformation peddlers have and this information needs to get out, in order to wake people up to the bamboozle that has been taking place with regard to 9/11 truth.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
IMHO, I think it should be easier for folks to understand the errors in the mechanisms purported and widely held by these well funded "truth" movements as to explanations of the events on 9/11 then it is for physicians to acknowledge the morbidity and mortality that vaccines, many prescription drugs and treatment modalities have on patients. The latter involves major self -reflection, unlearning/reeducation, dismissal of years of indoctrination, and the admission that they may have very well caused harm or death to their patients - where as for most, the former only involves admitting the failure to fully observe the evidence, apply critical thinking, question "authority" and discern possible motives of various purported "theories", admitting they fell for the carefully crafted lies and were misled, and if they supported the war on terror - that it was based on propaganda and psychological operations. Pride is always the last thing to go.
Although it would be more difficult for someone who participated or was a proponent in these wars and/or were injured or saw friends killed or injured to accept that the Arabs had no technical experience much less the opportunity to perpetrate what they have been blamed on. I've met some of those folks and it is a hell of a burden to carry.
As for those in the know and who helped perpetrate and/or cover up - they will go to any means to prevent the world from discovering their crimes and all involved should be tried for treason.
The COVID scandemic would never had been possible with out the Patriot Act and Prep Act and Model State Acts along with the WHO IHR 2005 that were passed as a result of these "terrorist" Act. The rights of the citizens of practically all nations have been stolen with this fraud. You add to that the Anthrax attack, underwear bomber, shoe bomber, Boston city marathon bombing, and the numerous other false flags and green flags all over the world since 9/11 to reinforce the Arab terrorist narrative, invoke fear and hatred, and usurp more rights. I think more people are looking back at hundreds of years of history and starting to realized just how much of what we have been taught are lies and that a satanic group has been in control for a very long time.
Excellent perseverance and diligence.
Ii share your desire for a proper scientific approach to be used. My new (pinned) essay is my latest and I think best attempt to explain what my Two Colour Protocol is all about. I hope you have a chance to read it.