Anatomy of a 9/11 Thermite Brainwashing Operation?
I recently discovered the existence of an e-book from 2010
Just a quick flashback to a 2020 physics debate discussing thermite and the role it might have played on 9/11. (3 min)
I recently discovered the existence of an e-book from 2010, on this blog, called the Thermite Free Blogspot and it is most definitely worth a working through, after reading the following article: 9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline - Link
The appearance of this book is in the same year Dr Wood’s book was published.
Nano-management: The Disintegration of a Non-Profit Corporation (SC)
By Michael Armenia
It's quite an interesting read - and seemingly exposes the AE911 truth group as some kind of brainwashing operation.
Even though the author documents how the group operates, he is either unhappy about revealing why it has been run the way it has been run, or he just does not realise it.
I think there is an enormous clue on page 238 of the free downloadable book, where the author publishes and documents AE911's volunteer vetting guidelines.
This particular page is reproduced below. Pay particular attention to the search terms suggested - which includes only 1 named person (in the whole of history). A person also block listed by Wikipedia since 2010, after said person’s book was self published. I wonder who wrote these procedures. Download the book here.
One supporter of the group, which did not “abide” by the rules of AE911, was quickly removed from the platform. Here you can listen to his interaction with the founder of AE911 in 2011 namely Richard Gage. (16 min 43)
Now forward to 2024, when youngsters, new to looking into 9/11, have had Richard Gage on, and when they have a conversation with someone that shares evidence that does not align with the thermite hypothesis and all the anomalies thermite or nukes cannot explain, all of a sudden they come to a startling realisation. (2min 40) Full podcast
In closing, if you haven’t yet listened to the following presentation, I suggest you do.
Prof David A. Hughes – An 1h Presentation of irrefutable 9/11 evidence in 2024
There are three key layers to perception management:
(i) the official narrative,
(ii) the official approved alternative narrative, and
(iii) the truth.
Also check out some of my previous articles.
It’s time to wake up from the big bamboozle of architects for an engineered truth and Richard Gage and go ask that your donations are refunded, as you’ve been sold a provable LIE.
Thank you for reading, thank you for watching, listening and still caring.
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payments to my country yet.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
I volunteered with AE911Truth from 2010 until 2021 vetting the "Other" supporters on their petition. I was instructed to disallow any talk of the "no planes" theory, and any mention of Dr. Woods' work as well. I quit because I didn't agree with that kind of censorship since only the perpetrators know exactly what transpired on that day. Why disallow legitimate theories from discussion and why would anyone think that only one method was used to disintegrate the Twin Towers? Can't we all work together on this? I don't believe any one person, or group of researchers, could ever know all of the details to pull off such a scheme of what clearly looks to me that multiple modalities were used to produce the kind of human sacrifice and psychological operation on the global masses that day. Cheney knows how it all went down, that's for sure.
Not "thermite" - termites!