IMHO, I think it should be easier for folks to understand the errors in the mechanisms purported and widely held by these well funded "truth" movements as to explanations of the events on 9/11 then it is for physicians to acknowledge the morbidity and mortality that vaccines, many prescription drugs and treatment modalities have on patients. The latter involves major self -reflection, unlearning/reeducation, dismissal of years of indoctrination, and the admission that they may have very well caused harm or death to their patients - where as for most, the former only involves admitting the failure to fully observe the evidence, apply critical thinking, question "authority" and discern possible motives of various purported "theories", admitting they fell for the carefully crafted lies and were misled, and if they supported the war on terror - that it was based on propaganda and psychological operations. Pride is always the last thing to go.

Although it would be more difficult for someone who participated or was a proponent in these wars and/or were injured or saw friends killed or injured to accept that the Arabs had no technical experience much less the opportunity to perpetrate what they have been blamed on. I've met some of those folks and it is a hell of a burden to carry.

As for those in the know and who helped perpetrate and/or cover up - they will go to any means to prevent the world from discovering their crimes and all involved should be tried for treason.

The COVID scandemic would never had been possible with out the Patriot Act and Prep Act and Model State Acts along with the WHO IHR 2005 that were passed as a result of these "terrorist" Act. The rights of the citizens of practically all nations have been stolen with this fraud. You add to that the Anthrax attack, underwear bomber, shoe bomber, Boston city marathon bombing, and the numerous other false flags and green flags all over the world since 9/11 to reinforce the Arab terrorist narrative, invoke fear and hatred, and usurp more rights. I think more people are looking back at hundreds of years of history and starting to realized just how much of what we have been taught are lies and that a satanic group has been in control for a very long time.


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Dec 16
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Indeed it does...

Were the towers destroyed by a gravity collapse? The evidence says no.

Were the towers destroyed by thermite? The evidence says no.

Were the towers destroyed by explosives? The evidence says no.

Were the towers destroyed by nukes? The evidence says no.

The answers to these questions can easily be found by studying the evidence.

The problem is NOT a shortage of evidence.

The problem is nobody wants to LOOK at the evidence and think for themselves.

Instead, everyone wants to be TOLD WHAT TO THINK by "experts" in the MSM, alternative media, the scientific community, the government, and the "truth" movement, but these "experts" spend the whole time covering up and muddling up the evidence.

Here is a 20-minute video that most can follow: https://rumble.com/v5jnndx-understanding-the-911-evidence.html

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I wonder if the planes or whatever were just painting the targets.

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Great work, again.

Just a heads-up that the two links to Andrew Johnsons PDFs are "broken". I have no idea if that is because of me or something else? I admit I am not the most technically gifted person.

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I have just tried clicking those (Andrew Johnson PDF) links from the original email and they work fine. They don't work when clicked on your substack article.

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So, I did watched the 9/11 Alchemy documentary the other day and learned a few new things. I'm really no longer interested in debating any details because I do believe DEWs were used, in congunction with other modes of explosive energy devices. Furthermore, I agree with all your questions about the demise of the other WTC structures that day. The fact that over 1,000 people could not be identified is clear evidence of explosive force. We're still not privy to ALL of the tools/weapons the military is in control of so who knows what other exotic energy device was used that day? Were they debuting their wares? I think so.

I thank you for pursuing the truth of the matter. There are just so many details in which to look into, and so many people who were there and have their own stories to share. I was very fortunate in that I verified around 8,000 "other" petition signatories and some of them were family members of survivors who shared their personal experiences with us.

I hope the truth comes out some day, but I continue to meet people who just don't want to know it. And, some of the details in the book, Women At Ground Zero, are pretty gruesome, like knowing that people were blown to bits. That the first responders on scene all thought they were going to die was heart wrenching to read about.

Wishing you all the best in your discovery and dissemination of verifiable 9/11 information.

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Thank you for all your input.

I would however also suggest the two follow up documentaries in the 9/11 Alchemy series…

9/11 Alchemy: Free Energy & Free Thinking - https://rumble.com/v4iysuh-911-alchemy-free-energy-and-free-thinking.html

9/11 Alchemy: A Big Idea - https://rumble.com/v4irvwr-911-alchemy-a-big-idea.html

You really should read Dr Judy Wood’s 500 page textbook, because it goes into way more detail on various subjects I cannot touch here on substack.

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Hahaha, "should" read....." Should leads to shame so I say I could read her 500 page book! Anyway, I'd rather listen to her video presentations as reading sometimes puts me to sleep.

I will look at the Free energy video because I'm aware of "free energy" devices which have been confiscated by governments around the world. Learned about that issue in the Thrive movies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEV5AFFcZ-s

I've been looking at all things conspiratorial for the last 20 years and am at least aware of most nefarious deeds that have taken place over thousands of years, and continue in one form or another today. Nothing new under the sun, just undiscovered by the masses.

At this point, I realize that every bit of information we can come to know is a matter of choice. There's so much to look at in this lifetime, and you, or your members, could probably show me something new. I don't claim to have seen it all.

I am a seeker of information so as to discover the depths of the human mind since that's from where everything comes. We are only limited by our own imaginations. Again, thank you for your tireless work in informing those who want to know. I wish you well always, all ways.

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I've looked into numerology and am constantly adding up dates and such to see the significance of them. Truly fascinating showing us that nothing in the occult world is by accident. The meanings go back thousands of years. I'm glad to see someone bring this to light with regards to 9/11.

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I just spent the last hour and four minutes watching 9/11 Alchemy: Free Energy & Thinking and turned it off after viewing John Huchison and his work, now confiscated by the US criminal government. Since I'd done a deep dive, over 10 years ago, into other inventors of "free" energy, John's story made me sick to my stomach. I'm at least glad to know he's still alive.

Thank you for suggesting 9/11 Alchemy, it's very good information for those looking at 9/11 for the first time. I'll check out the other link sometime. As for reading Dr. Woods' book, I probably couldn't stomach it for the same reasons reading Women At Ground Zero affected me. Knowing that many people that day were blown into 200+ bits is not really a conversation to be had with most people.

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Great feedback - Thank you.

9/11 Alchemy: A Big Idea - Is a 20-year memorial documentary produced by Chris Hampton, dedicated to exposing the real truth about what happened on 9/11 by referencing interesting numerological symbology..

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Great work Norman! Onwards to 2025!

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Excellent perseverance and diligence.

Ii share your desire for a proper scientific approach to be used. My new (pinned) essay is my latest and I think best attempt to explain what my Two Colour Protocol is all about. I hope you have a chance to read it.

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