Psychology of resistance to truth about 911
An email discussion with Fran Shur & Marti Hopper, psychologists
Covid-19 was an attack on human consciousness, a trauma based mind control event. So was the September 11, 2001 attack.
Marti Hopper discussed the trauma of 9/11 in this short clip, from 2010, below.
Marti Hopper got involved in the “9/11 truther movement” in and around 2006 /2007.
In 2005 “Scholars for 9/11 truth” was formed by James Fetzer and Steven E. Jones, which roped in many professionals, citizen researchers and more…
It was also the time when the internet was becoming more accessible to to people to start putting their own research into the public domain in forms of blogs, video and more.
The government control of information was becoming a LOT harder and thus the need arose for organisations to be formed in order to control dissenting voices. What better way could you have in order to control dissident voices, but by leading these organisations yourself.
All you need is a pragmatic salesman to have people outsource their thinking to and if someone else comes along to challenge the government’s controlled counter narrative, it will be much easier to crush these voices if you have a whole organisation’s followers to do the work for you.
You can read all about in Andrew Johnson’s free E-book, 9/11 Finding the Truth.
Listen to the first 3 or 4 minutes to get some context of what the book is about, in the review below..
Now, to get to why I’m writing this article, is because I saw Marti Hopper give another talk on the psychology of resistance to truth about 9/11, along with Fran Shur.
Both of them are from the organisation Colorado 9/11 truth and they were invited by Boston 9/11 truth to give the talk in January this year. Full 2h with questions and answers.
It was a very good talk and I really enjoyed the points they raised with regards to psychology of “normies” that still believe the government narrative that two little planes took out the towers. BUT, what I’ve also noticed is that in the early years, just as the “9/11 truther movement” was forming, you had some nefarious players that infiltrated the movement and with great neuro-linguistic techniques and sold a narrative that is PROVABLY false and many professionals and truth seekers fell for it.
Read: 9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
You MUST listen to the points they raise, as it’s well worth your time, as important points are raised with regards to the psychology around September 11, 2001.
Now, BOTH these women have done awesome work through the years to get “normies” to break free from the MSM and government’s brainwashing with regards to the jet fuel collapse narrative. I commend them for that.
However, I wanted to challenge them and see what kind of a response I would get, so I decided to write them, after I had numerous interactions in 2023 with the established “trusted expert” talking heads and found them unable to answer simple questions relating to evidence presented in this book, which they never mention, never mind the scientist presenting it.
I wrote the following email to Fran Shur and Marti Hopper, after being in discussion with Ted Walter, from the “International Center for 9/11 Justice”, suppression with regards to writing a paper on the PentaCon, in response to Wayne Coste’s paper that they recently published on their website.
Hi Fran
I highly respect your stance on freedom of speech, thus I decided to forward this email exchange below to you.
I really enjoyed your and Marti’s discussion on “psychology of resistance to truth about 9/11”.
I do however want to ask you both, if you have taken a step back at all the drama with regards to the various narratives with regards to the events of September 11, 2001 and re-assess your own stances on 9/11 truth?
As an outsider (non-American), I myself can be sure to say that I’m not nearly as traumatised by the events of that fateful day, that shook the world.
Let me state this at the beginning – I am NOT a “debunker” or a “truther”, but a truth seeker.
I started my “investigation” into 9/11 in 2011 and initially was a Richard Gage and David Cole believer…
I even entertained the nuke theory for a while, but new it was bunk, due to the 16 survivors in stairwell B of the north tower, as just one flaw to the nuke theory.
I then did some more research and then changed my mind when presented with irrefutable evidence bringing in a very new and to most, an unbelievable conclusion.
Then the 21st anniversary came along, and I then realised truth seekers with regards to 9/11 are in BIG TROUBLE, taking the last 3 to 4 years we’ve lived through into account.
With CV-19, I had to break my cognitive dissonance on NUMEROUS subjects, I once took for truth.
Give this a read - LINK – to understand my position more clearly. (February 2023)
Then I ask you to diligently, and without bias, to work through the email below, as well as the various hyperlinks to articles and video’s hyperlinked in the various articles…
It will, in my mind, take you on a rather uncomfortable journey, as you might have to struggle with your own cognitive dissonance.
I truly hope you will go on this journey and I await your honest feedback.
Before you get stuck into it, please listen to this short video: Pseudo-Events
In the search for 9/11 accountability.
Good morning Ted
Writing you from South Africa and it’s nice being able to interact with you directly again…
With regards to the limitations of the scope of the rebuttal of Wayne Coste’s paper, stating the floor slab was uplifted due to a plane impact, is an issue.
He is making the assumption that the government narrative we’ve been fed, that a plane crashed at the Pentagon, is truthful. (Please forward this mail to him and David Chandler)
He is trying to make the observable evidence at the PentaCon fit the government narrative.
Thus an investigation of the observable evidence is needed to ascertain WHAT actually happened at the PentaCon.
The order of crime solving is to determine;
1) WHAT happened, then
2) HOW it happened (e.g., what weapon), then
3) WHO did it. And only then can we address
4) WHY they did it (i.e. motive).
Let us remember what is required to (legally) convict someone of a crime.
You cannot convict someone of a crime based on belief.
You cannot convict someone of a crime if you don’t even know what crime to charge them with.
If you accuse someone of murder using a gun, you’d better be sure the body has a bullet hole in it.
So, to want to limit my rebuttal to the assumption and keep it in line that it was due to a plane impact is disingenuous and counterproductive. After all, isn’t your organisation searching for “justice” and not suppression or distraction from truthful investigation?
My rebuttal will be kept under 3 000 words.
I will easily be able to prove Wayne’s assumption that a plane crashed at the PentaCon is as flawed as his “Propelled Demolition” paper, which I tore apart in a question answer session on 13 May 2023 - LINK
For an extended cut with all my questions and rebuttals to his answers - LINK
Now, the conundrum is this – Why keep the discussion points in a narrow band of discussion points, when the discussion points themselves are flawed from the get go?
Have you not realised the issues with the “peer review process”?
After all, are we not all truth seekers that need to investigate critically?
Gene Laratonda, and his “war room” seems to have the same modus operandi as your organisation, seeing you’re a student of Richard Gage (8 years), and it seems you are all working in lock step and my interaction with you in October 2023 pretty much confirmed my suspicion.
Have you not learnt ANYTHING during CV-19?
A multitude of people are waking up to the government bamboozle, as well as “organised truth movements”.
The time to re-assess your positions and to BE HONEST with yourselves has come.
I am NOT a “debunker” or a “truther”. I am a truth seeker.
It is time for ALL of you to honestly look within yourselves and let go of your premeditated ignorance and allow the uncomfortable discussions see the light of day, instead of censoring and twisting the truth of what happened on September 11, 2001.
That is required if you really want to live up to your organisations mandates.
It is in the hope we can continue to have a dialogue because if both of our motives are sincere, we are doing this to bring light to the cover-up of 9/11 and get justice, not just for those who died and continue to die, but also for everyone in the USA and the world that was affected by this most heinous crime.
I’m looking forward to your response on my request.
In the search for 9/11 accountability.
PS: A poem you might enjoy – Ghosts in the flight
Fran Shur was the first of the two to write me back and here is the 3 email exchange between us.
Hello X,
I hear your passion about the Pentagon issue in your email exchange with Ted Walter. Thank you for sharing that email exchange. And I am glad you are a truth seeker, not a debunker or "truther."
The only way I know to ferret out the truth from misguided beliefs is to look in detail at hard facts. Then if those facts show our belief to be faulty, and if we have the courage, we need to adjust our worldview to those facts. This can be an arduous and emotional process because, to some degree, we all like to confirm our belief, and we all dislike feeling we were "wrong."
Sometimes I wonder if some of us feel shame that we were "wrong" when we find that our beliefs have been faulty. Of course, if we find out we were wrong in a belief, this does not mean we are wrong as a human being. We all hold faulty beliefs at one time or another during our lives. And all of us human beings are sacred and precious when looked at from a large perspective. Anyway, I'm pondering these thoughts these days.
This is the reason I think the Debated Topics Forum is a brilliant strategy for ferreting out the facts of any 9/11 controversial topic. It is a way to eliminate the ad hominem attacks and innuendos and angry bare assertions that typify hot topics. I hope you will follow up and offer a paper rebutting Wayne's paper, if this is something you feel strongly about.
Sincerely, Fran Shure
Hi Fran
Thank you for writing me back.
I would like to have a conversation with you on Skype, as writing just doe not conveys what one has on one’s heart – I hope you might be open to having a conversation.
With regards to Building 7 – I once interacted with David Chandler and Richard Gage and asked them a question which they could not answer – The body language of Chandler and Gage was rather telling, they got very nervous - LINK
Then, last night I had a talk with regards to Building 7.
As another thought – Have you ever read Dr Wood’s book or her 2007 RFC Qui-Tam whistle blower case and the 2009 US Supreme Court Case?
Isn’t it strange that in 2011 Richard Gage was asked about evidence he isn’t discussing and what he did to people who pointed it out to him? Do you know about this interaction?
Then in Sept 2023, during a TAP presentation, I asked Gage about the court cases and he then stated he does not know about them, yet he does – So, why would he lie?
The same goes for Ted Walter when I asked him about it in October 2023 – Why is he disingenuous?
Now, these aren’t ad hominem attacks, but just inquisitive questions and I would like to know why they are playing dumb? It’s a question you should ask as well – After all, are we all seeking truth?
When it comes to the Debated Topics Forum, I’ll be writing a piece with regards to the PentaCon, we will have to wait and see if it actually will be posted for discussion.
I’m not sure if you know about Elsa Schieder, PhD?
She held a truth summit in June 2023…
She had interviews with 21 “truthers” with vast array of differing subjects they specialise in and one of the guests was Richard Gage and let’s just say that Elsa was in for a surprise, when it came to the subject of the September 11, 2001 attack on America.
Elsa Scheder has a triple disciplinary PhD - Psychology, Sociology, Literary Theory.
She has taught in 6 departments at the university and college level: Humanities, Education, English, Film Studies, Women's Studies, and Sociology. She was long a tenured Humanities prof at John Abbott College.
Richard Gage was one of the first interviews she had recorded for her “Truth Summit” scheduled for June 2023 and after posting about the interview to her contacts, she was contacted by numerous people for an additional 9/11 researcher that she must get a hold of and it ended up in some rather interesting additional conversations on the 9/11 subject.
On the close of her “truth summit” where two 9/11 “truthers” ended up having a sparring session and surprisingly enough most of the panellists disagreed with Richard Gage, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich included, as he recalled a recent interview he had with an ex-MI5 & MI6 operative.
She wrote two articles after the summit…
1. A Personal Taking Stock on 9/11
This is a short video of the interaction of Elsa’s panel discussion, it might be eye opening…
Fran, with what I’ve seen and read in your various articles, it seems to me you are level headed, open to discussion and that you are willing to have your mind changed, when presented with a substantive argument.
I do hope that I could have a discussion with you in the near future.
In the search for 9/11 accountability. 9/11 Revisionist
Hello again, X,
With all respect to you and your search for truth, I will bow out of having a conversation with you. You are right, I am open to changing my mind on any topic for which new, compelling facts are presented. However, I suspect a conversation with you would be quite a project. And at his late stage in our 9/11 research, I have not heard compelling facts from those who favor explosions at the Pentagon, or fly over, or who favor Judy Wood's theory for the WTC, nor compelling arguments against the research of Wayne Coste and David Chandler for any of their work. (BTW, just FYI, I got off the fence on what damaged the Pentagon well before I met David! I did PowerPoints on that issue at Colorado Free University for a few years but always stayed "on the fence" until I could be convinced more thoroughly by the evidence.)
I wish you luck in your pursuit of truth and if you do write a rebuttal to Coste's work on the uplifted slab at the Pentagon, I will be very interested in reading it. I look forward to your rebuttal if you choose to follow through with that project.
With respect, Fran
Ok, so that was the exchange between Fran and I. Really hoped to talk with her, as I was under the impression she would be more open minded - Please tell me in the comments what you think of the interaction…
Then about 12 hours later, I received an email from Marti Hopper. We also had a 3 email exchange…
Hi X,
Thanks for sending this information. I will take a look at what you sent, although please know that the physics of what happened at the Pentagon are not my area of expertise.
Hi Marti
Thank you for writing me back.
I know the PentaCon is not your area of expertise, however the psychology with regards to 9/11 is, as well as the various narratives and you should be well aware of on how powerful certain neuro-linguistic techniques can be in selling a certain narrative, especially with regards to the 9/11 cover up.
As you stated in this clip, where you were talking about 9/11, nine years after the event – at about the 10 minute, 30 sec mark people are easily affected by trauma and thus could easily be led into false narratives?
Now also taking into account what you and Fran had to say during the Boston 9/11 talk you gave on the “psychology of resistance to truth about 9/11” people do talk from a position of where they think they have the true facts, yet very few people critically re-investigate certain truths they think they hold.
Could you explain why people are so scared to re-evaluate positions they hold?
I must say, I am rather disappointed in Frans’ email, dated March 11, as I really thought she’d be open to discussion, but alas – It seems not to be the case.
I hope you might be more open…
I think the problem that “truthers” face is their own cognitive dissonance, due to a position that has been held for so long, one cannot allow oneself to admit, that maybe, just maybe we got caught up in a lie, by people using powerful neuro-linguistic techniques, in selling us a certain narrative that we might not have fully put under scrutiny.
A good case study would be that of medical professionals that still deny the covid vaccines caused damage and death. You must have friends that will never admit the vaccines rollout was an experiment gone horribly wrong.
Thus my request that you have a look at this before getting stuck into what I shared with regards to the PentaCon in my previous email. Here it is again for easy reference: Pseudo-Events
Also feel free to go through my latest discussion on Building 7, of this past weekend.
Then for a final though, listen to what is being discussed in this short video…
I leave you with this question: “Do you think the people that planned 9/11, forgot to plan a cover up?”
What would that cover up look like?
In the search for 9/11 accountability.
9/11 Revisionist
PS: I truly hope you might be open to a Skype discussion
The most censored 9/11 scientist.
Block listed on Wikipedia for 14 years and counting.
One need to ask the question, why? Article
Ok, so that was the interaction between Marti and I, so drop your opinion in the comment section…
Then to my surprise, I got an email from David Chandler… Now, I must admit, I do not have much time for him, as I’ve seen the way he operates and I’ve seen the way he react when challenged and I was not going to hold back, especially the way he decided to interact with me the first time he made contact with me. Again, feel free to tell me exactly what you think of the interaction.
Hi X,
Are you the one who created this hoax video, or do I have you mixed up with someone else? I think this exact video is a reposting by someone else because I remember commenting on the original that it was clearly a hoax and explaining why.
--David Chandler
Good day David
Thank you for reaching out.
With all due respect, please don’t insult my intelligence, especially after I wrote an article about the Building 7 hoax video, and if you want to know who created it in 2011, it’s in the article too - LINK
Whilst I have your attention, how about listening to my talk on Building 7, of the past weekend.
And my presentation refuting Gene Laratonda’s feeble attempt to push the thermite narrative?
I have also thoroughly enjoyed getting you red faced when asking about the seismic readings for Building 7 over a year ago May 15, when Richard Gage had you on, you nearly chocked and fell off your chair.
Remember when I got Wayne Coste to basically choke as well, in defence of his ludicrous “propelled demolition” paper presentation for Colorado 9/11 Truth in May 2023, and how he fumbled with my spire question, stating he just does not know where the ghost spire went and then things must have just disappeared?
Poor Gene Laratonda could not help get him unstuck and then the actual absolute WIN, when ol’ Wayne put his foot in it, stating NO MOLTEN metal was found and even Richard Gage did not correct him – PRICELESS – Thanks for giving me hours of pleasure from that interaction.
Remember when I also showed John Cole PE, for the limited hangout he is?
And what bout your best buddy ol’ Teddy boy?
Or why people should distrust Richard Gage?
The old guard to the 9/11 government approved counter narrative is exactly that, OLD and crumbling.
People are waking up David, people are asking questions and re-assessing the “truths” they’ve been holding and they are furious that they’ve been duped.
I have a question – Does your conscience not weigh on you?
I often ask myself how do you manage to sleep at night? Are you a religious man?
I have my doubts.
David – One thing you can be sure of – A STORM IS COMING.
In the search for 9/11 accountability.
So, that’s my interactions with the “trusted experts” within the “9/11 truther movement”. When it comes to finding the truth, you need to be able to have difficult conversations and NOT shut discourse down. They have been running organisations for over 16 years, some of them making a very comfortable living from it.
If they can prove where the evidence provided in this book is wrong, then I’ll gladly change my view, but NONE of them have been able to do it since the book has been published. If you’ve read the book, you’d be able to digest the information and you will see the premeditated ignorance being deployed, because the evidence is not being discussed.
Whenever you enter a zoom call with these “trusted experts” and you point this out, they accuse you of being disruptive or divisive and they don’t even try to have a civil discussion…
It’s time these organisations and talking heads come clean on their disingenuousness as they all are getting old and will have to atone for their sins and they might not be forgiven.
Ephesians 5:11 - Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but expose them.
Galatians 4:16 - So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payments to my country yet, I’ll really appreciate it.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
BTW, there are no nuclear weapons only energy plants
To this day they claimed that a bunch of Terrorist has done this act because of religious thoughts and thats the real issue that leads us to politics of Hate against moslims… and to the bombing of Iraq, Afganistan and so on … and to figures like Trump