This video shows Galen Winsor eating uranium, something he did hundreds of times to show it is safe and fears are exaggerated by the energy industry.
Galen Hulet Winsor (June 4, 1926 - July 19, 2008) was an American chemist and nuclear plant safety manager who publicly denounced strict controls on atomic energy, arguing, among other things, that there has been a conspiracy by an energy cartel to misinform the public about the dangers of radioactive materials, which he proposed are largely harmless, extending to include claims that the 1979 partial meltdown of a reactor at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station (TMI-2) in Pennsylvania did not occur and the event was fabricated to stoke public fears, and that programs for the apparent disposal of radioactive waste are used by criminal elements to dispose of human bodies. His lectures on the matter were funded by the American Opinion Speakers Bureau, a committee of the John Birch Society.
I can very well dig the concept that the towers were destroyed on purpose, & there are some strange features to the whole scene, that is ( just in part) the fact that the rubble pile was short in comparison to an estimate of what it should have been, However, the leap from intentional demolition - TO - there is some sort of technology that could yield FREE ENERGY . . . oops,
this is VERY difficult to justify. Really . . there is NO "Free Lunch" not to mention "Free Energy"
Where did the towers go is a conclusive body of evidence that eliminates a structural failure (collapse) or a controlled demolition by any thermal or kinetic mechanism...
Never mind the anomalies with buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6 - O, don't forget the Bankers Trust building and the other numerous anomalies...
No it doesn't. You cannot simply believe what is put forward as evidence.
The towers were already quite empty before they came down. Does WTC-7's rubble look sky high when it comes down?
"Where did the towers go?" is simply propaganda. They used smoke to create the illusion of dust.
Who brought the towers down? Controlled Demolition Inc (CDI) who holds world records in large building destructions brought them down, that's who. Why would they use a method that had never been tested before on large buildings? It makes no sense. Simon Shack asks the same question as I did - I didn't copy him and he didn't copy me, we both asked the question independently: why would they use an untested method when the tested method works absolutely fine?
But the most important element of 9/11 isn't HOW they brought they buildings down, it's the fact that that it was really just a demolition job cum massive anti-terror exercise pushed out as a real event where the death and injury and plane crashes were faked.
It's just so simple.
And what you're doing is propagating second-level propaganda ... that the perps WANT you to be propagating.
You referencing Simon Shack, now proves to me you're a waste of my time.
You seem NOT to be able to grasp the technology in play on 9/11 and until you read these books, you'll be, in my opinion a part of the disinformation peddlers -
I don't give a fuck how the buildings came down, OK?
That is distraction.
The key point is that death and injury were staged and the evidence for that is in abundance - it's everywhere you turn from nonsensical firefighter testimonies to reporters outside hospitals saying "no injured" to alleged injured that in no shape or form look as if they've been injured by the destruction of 110-storey towers to ludicrous miracle survivor stories and on and on.
You are completely impervious to this truth despite having not one piece of evidence to present that contradicts it.
Oh dear, you are so going down the wrong rabbit-hole. You simply have no idea about how they push out multiple streams of propaganda to mislead and misdirect and you take what is purported evidence as gospel when it is clearly faked.
"I even entertained the nuke theory for a while, but new it was bunk, due to the 16 survivors in stairwell B of the north tower, as just one flaw to the nuke theory."
Why would you believe the "16 survivors in Stairwell B" story without clear evidence? What says it's real? I'll tell you what says Pasquale Buzzelli's miracle survivor story isn't real - it's clearly a load of nonsense because it defies the rules of reality.
You cannot respond to the fact that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE ALLEGED 118 FIREFIGHTER "ORAL" HISTORIES is completely nonsensical - I bet they had a big laugh over the fact that the "oral" histories are completely devoid of any evidence of their orality in that there is not a single recording even though we have hundreds of hours of recordings from the moon landings 1969-1972 between the astronauts and mission control.
When your hypothesis cannot respond to clear contradiction of it you need to change it, that's what the scientific method says. You must change your hypothesis when there is contradiction.
118 completely nonsensical firefighter "oral" histories means they must have been faked and if they were faked (along with all the other evidence that supports the hypothesis) it means that the part of the story about 3,000 dying and 6,000 being injured is a complete falsity.
How about this from Simon Shack. Why does NIST give different times from the towers coming down from the actual times we see in the footage? That's an interesting one isn't it? He believes the footage of the twin towers is faked ... and I think he may well be right. If the twin towers came down using standard CD methods then it might be a bit too obvious ... and they love duping us anyway.
You harp on 118 testimonies - There are way more than that...
Math Easy Solutions downloaded and combined all 500 PDFs of 9/11 firefighters, paramedics, and EMT witness testimony from the NY Times archive and combined them into a searchable 7,058 page PDF! I suggest you go study it -!As32ynv0LoaIirAetue35QI7OqdiLw
You referencing Simon Shack, now proves to me you're a waste of my time.
You seem NOT to be able to grasp the technology in play on 9/11 and until you read these books, you'll be, in my opinion a part of the disinformation peddlers -
Every single one of the 118 firefighter testimonies is nonsensical to the point that their authenticity is completely undermined. (No doubt the others are as well, however, you don't need to look at every single piece of evidence to make a case, only the amount that is required to make it.)
This clear proof of fakery Revelation-of-the-Method style is one of the numerous pieces of evidence that show that death and injury were staged.
What was the most important alleged crime of 9/11?
It wasn't lying about buildings or planes ... it was killing and injuring people ... but the evidence shows it didn't happen.
To date NO ONE could - Because it's irrefutable EVIDENCE. You cannot argue against evidence.
Until you can debunk it, you'll be, in my opinion a part of the disinformation peddlers.
You fall in the same category of muddlers up like Shack, Gage, Fetzer, Pommer, Chandler, Coste, Cole, Alex jones, Steven E. Jones, James Corbett, Ted Walter, Gene Laratonda, architects for an engineered truth and the International Center for 9/11 Justice, suppression.
The world needs to recognize that Directed Energy Weapons have been around for decades and were used on 9/11.
About 3,000 American people were murdered by the perpetrators in order to launch unfounded wars that murdered over 4 million innocent people.
We the American people, via the consent of the governed, are ultimately responsible for the actions of the UNITED STATES / United States / US FedGov.
We the People have to stand up and peacefully, resolutely fix the problem.
The same underlying technology demonstrated on 9/11 can be used to peacefully power the world with free energy or shatter it to pieces like a 1,000 mile diameter asteroid impact.
It seems my sarcasm was lost on you - have you read any of my other articles, or would you rather read an academics article?
9/11 Evidence presented by Dr Judy Wood – Prof David A, Hughes
Contrary to the "nanothermite" hypothesis of the "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth," the Twin Towers were evidently destroyed at low temperatures, revealing the reality of "Cold Fusion".
Contrary to the "nanothermite" hypothesis of the "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth," the Twin Towers were evidently destroyed at low temperatures, revealing the reality of "Cold Fusion".
Watch this short video: "Cold Fusion", Steven E. Jones, Thermite & 9/11
The fact of the matter is, there is no speculation on “how it went down.”
Just an independent empirical investigation of the observable evidence that has you come to an irrefutable conclusion, and it points to black-ops technology that most people just can’t fathom, because it’s too sci-fi for them to wrap their heads around it.
That’s that the perps were counting on and the 9/11 “truther” movement was installed in 2005 to have people NOT wake up to the fact.
It’s nicely chronicled in these two books – 9/11 Finding the truth and 9/11 Holding the truth.
You might also want to read the 2007 qui-tam whistle-blower case files presenting the evidence collected.
It was also nicely put together in this 500-page textbook, that should be mandatory reading for everyone on earth. If reading a 500-page book is, what the 9/11 “truther” movement DOES NOT want you to know about.
Lastly, with regards to the technology used on 9/11, MOST are missing the bigger picture!
Just as the hazardous and wasteful technology behind a nuclear bomb can also be used to provide hazardous and wasteful nuclear power, the technology which caused the clean and effortless molecular dissociation of the twin towers could also be used to give the whole world effortless clean energy.
Exposing this clean free energy technology means and end to the ruling elite's ability to control and exploit the general population through scarce, expensive, dirty and inefficient resources such as oil, coal, nuclear and "renewables".
Any group with an interest in maintaining the current paradigm of artificial scarcity and crappy energy technologies, which keeps the general population enslaved, would have an interest in helping to maintain the 9/11 cover up, because exposing the crime also exposes the TECHNOLOGY to commit it.
Maybe the people who did 9/11 operate under a code of conduct where they have to show this technology to the people, so they have the opportunity to claim it.
And if the people are too stupid or apathetic to show any interest, they will then feel justified in keeping it for themselves and continuing to control and exploit the human herd, like the CATTLE they have shown themselves to be.
You might think it's insane, and it is, but remember we're talking about a group of people who are willing to turn skyscrapers to DUST, live on TV.
In the final analysis there is no "grand" deception" or cover up. There is only BLUFF!
Because everyone can see what happened to the buildings was clearly and PROVABLY NOT a structural failure (collapse) or a conventional controlled demolition by ANY thermal or kinetic mechanism!
Official narrative – Jet fuel.
Option behind door no 1 – explosives,
door no 2 – thermite,
door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.
Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to, a black-ops cold DEW technology that can direct energy to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter. (Direct or control – where it goes and what it does)
This i realized And I really noticed thats all about nano/atom energy but things that used to be the greatest crimes for humanity I don’t would in my garden or home!
This whole madness of Nano Quantummania makes me really angry because of the damage thats done and could happens …
No Nano or Quant thats all build by the “Devil’s chemists” 100 years ago… so IG Farben was never gone and now we have people like Gates, Thiel, Musk, Bezos, the Oil/Banking/Automobile and silicone valley Cartel playing with this power like kids with firecrackers…
President Trump announced the creation of Operation Warp Speed in May to fast-track a coronavirus vaccine. He called it "a massive scientific and industrial, logistic endeavor unlike anything our country has seen since the Manhattan Project."
Trump most probably knows that DEW was involved in the molecular disintegration of the towers and all the damage to 6 other buildings, but he'll never allow an investigation into what really happened.
The best investigation we have is that of Dr Wood.
Trumps also beholden to Israel, so the possible involvement / foreknowledge will also not be looked into, after all, most of those guys are his friends - He owes them favours....
Cold fusion, one of the most important scientific discoveries in history, burst onto the world scene in 1989. This much maligned yet now confirmed discovery may radically change the energy structure of civilization.
It's important to differentiate between "Hot DEW" and "Cold DEW" - the tech that destroyed the WTC generates little to no heat, whereas in the Maui and California fires, it's a bit different - with much more evidence of heat, but anomalous fires.
The other important evidence to study is that relating to Hurricane Erin on 9/11.
It's important not to speculate and mix together different bits of evidence because it looks similar.
The 9/11 "truther" movement is a psyop - A COINTELPRO operation...
Official narrative – Jet fuel.
Option behind door no 1 – explosives,
door no 2 – thermite,
door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.
Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to, a black-ops cold DEW technology, that can direct energy to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter. (Direct or control – where it goes and what it does)
Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement?
BrainComputerInterfaces total control of every aspect, step and dream, humans as power source and a control grid for life and death. Planed, declared and made by the maddest people on earth… not acceptable!
To this day they claimed that a bunch of Terrorist has done this act because of religious thoughts and thats the real issue that leads us to politics of Hate against moslims… and to the bombing of Iraq, Afganistan and so on … and to figures like Trump
9/11 had benefits for many on numerous levels - geopolitical, for the US militarily war machine, the greater Israel project, Larry Silverstein and the asbestos filled towers and soooooo much more....
BTW, there are no nuclear weapons only energy plants
Scientist eats uranium. - Galen Winsor 1982
This video shows Galen Winsor eating uranium, something he did hundreds of times to show it is safe and fears are exaggerated by the energy industry.
Galen Hulet Winsor (June 4, 1926 - July 19, 2008) was an American chemist and nuclear plant safety manager who publicly denounced strict controls on atomic energy, arguing, among other things, that there has been a conspiracy by an energy cartel to misinform the public about the dangers of radioactive materials, which he proposed are largely harmless, extending to include claims that the 1979 partial meltdown of a reactor at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station (TMI-2) in Pennsylvania did not occur and the event was fabricated to stoke public fears, and that programs for the apparent disposal of radioactive waste are used by criminal elements to dispose of human bodies. His lectures on the matter were funded by the American Opinion Speakers Bureau, a committee of the John Birch Society.
"FREE ENERGY" - LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction)
Summary of Andrea Rossi's E cat The Mother Of All Black Swan Events
A brief summary of significant events involving Andrea Rossi's E-cat. Includes interviews of the scientists who have tested it and their test results.
This video covers:
The E-cat commercial 1 megawatt reactor product introduction
The initial E-cat demonstrations in 2011
The 32 day E-cat test, 2014
The one year test 2015-2016
The $89 million dollar lawsuit, 2017
The Stockholm presentation, 2017
Below are links to the video clips and web sites mentioned the video:
The inventor, Andrea Rossi's pages:
Books about the E-cat:
The 2011 demonstrations:
The Lugano Report, 32 day E-cat test
Peer review of Lugano Report by Mike McKubre
The Stockholm Presentation 2017 (condensed)
other videos:
More Hanno Essan and Sven Kullander
I can very well dig the concept that the towers were destroyed on purpose, & there are some strange features to the whole scene, that is ( just in part) the fact that the rubble pile was short in comparison to an estimate of what it should have been, However, the leap from intentional demolition - TO - there is some sort of technology that could yield FREE ENERGY . . . oops,
this is VERY difficult to justify. Really . . there is NO "Free Lunch" not to mention "Free Energy"
how about "FREE HUEY "?
Then how about reading - Where did the towers go?
After you go through the conclusive body of evidence presented, it's irrefutable.
"wheredidthetowersgo" isn't conclusive evidence.
Where did the towers go is a conclusive body of evidence that eliminates a structural failure (collapse) or a controlled demolition by any thermal or kinetic mechanism...
Never mind the anomalies with buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6 - O, don't forget the Bankers Trust building and the other numerous anomalies...
Maybe you should read the book?
Here is the link again:
No it doesn't. You cannot simply believe what is put forward as evidence.
The towers were already quite empty before they came down. Does WTC-7's rubble look sky high when it comes down?
"Where did the towers go?" is simply propaganda. They used smoke to create the illusion of dust.
Who brought the towers down? Controlled Demolition Inc (CDI) who holds world records in large building destructions brought them down, that's who. Why would they use a method that had never been tested before on large buildings? It makes no sense. Simon Shack asks the same question as I did - I didn't copy him and he didn't copy me, we both asked the question independently: why would they use an untested method when the tested method works absolutely fine?
But the most important element of 9/11 isn't HOW they brought they buildings down, it's the fact that that it was really just a demolition job cum massive anti-terror exercise pushed out as a real event where the death and injury and plane crashes were faked.
It's just so simple.
And what you're doing is propagating second-level propaganda ... that the perps WANT you to be propagating.
You referencing Simon Shack, now proves to me you're a waste of my time.
You seem NOT to be able to grasp the technology in play on 9/11 and until you read these books, you'll be, in my opinion a part of the disinformation peddlers -
For more information check out Andrew Johnson’s research go to
Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11;
1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth -
2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth -
I don't give a fuck how the buildings came down, OK?
That is distraction.
The key point is that death and injury were staged and the evidence for that is in abundance - it's everywhere you turn from nonsensical firefighter testimonies to reporters outside hospitals saying "no injured" to alleged injured that in no shape or form look as if they've been injured by the destruction of 110-storey towers to ludicrous miracle survivor stories and on and on.
You are completely impervious to this truth despite having not one piece of evidence to present that contradicts it.
Pick one, Psychological warfare, or Spiritual warfare . . . whatever, there is a battle for the hearts & minds of mortals on-going . . .
Oh dear, you are so going down the wrong rabbit-hole. You simply have no idea about how they push out multiple streams of propaganda to mislead and misdirect and you take what is purported evidence as gospel when it is clearly faked.
"I even entertained the nuke theory for a while, but new it was bunk, due to the 16 survivors in stairwell B of the north tower, as just one flaw to the nuke theory."
Why would you believe the "16 survivors in Stairwell B" story without clear evidence? What says it's real? I'll tell you what says Pasquale Buzzelli's miracle survivor story isn't real - it's clearly a load of nonsense because it defies the rules of reality.
You cannot respond to the fact that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE ALLEGED 118 FIREFIGHTER "ORAL" HISTORIES is completely nonsensical - I bet they had a big laugh over the fact that the "oral" histories are completely devoid of any evidence of their orality in that there is not a single recording even though we have hundreds of hours of recordings from the moon landings 1969-1972 between the astronauts and mission control.
When your hypothesis cannot respond to clear contradiction of it you need to change it, that's what the scientific method says. You must change your hypothesis when there is contradiction.
118 completely nonsensical firefighter "oral" histories means they must have been faked and if they were faked (along with all the other evidence that supports the hypothesis) it means that the part of the story about 3,000 dying and 6,000 being injured is a complete falsity.
How about this from Simon Shack. Why does NIST give different times from the towers coming down from the actual times we see in the footage? That's an interesting one isn't it? He believes the footage of the twin towers is faked ... and I think he may well be right. If the twin towers came down using standard CD methods then it might be a bit too obvious ... and they love duping us anyway.
You harp on 118 testimonies - There are way more than that...
Math Easy Solutions downloaded and combined all 500 PDFs of 9/11 firefighters, paramedics, and EMT witness testimony from the NY Times archive and combined them into a searchable 7,058 page PDF! I suggest you go study it -!As32ynv0LoaIirAetue35QI7OqdiLw
Some are discussed in this article:
You referencing Simon Shack, now proves to me you're a waste of my time.
You seem NOT to be able to grasp the technology in play on 9/11 and until you read these books, you'll be, in my opinion a part of the disinformation peddlers -
For more information check out Andrew Johnson’s research go to
Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11;
1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth -
2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth -
There are only 118 firefighter testimonies.
Every single one of the 118 firefighter testimonies is nonsensical to the point that their authenticity is completely undermined. (No doubt the others are as well, however, you don't need to look at every single piece of evidence to make a case, only the amount that is required to make it.)
This clear proof of fakery Revelation-of-the-Method style is one of the numerous pieces of evidence that show that death and injury were staged.
What was the most important alleged crime of 9/11?
It wasn't lying about buildings or planes ... it was killing and injuring people ... but the evidence shows it didn't happen.
Petra - You're a waste of my time.
If you're so certain - I await your debunk of the evidence presented in this book:
I also await your debunk of the evidence presented to the US Supreme court in 2009:
To date NO ONE could - Because it's irrefutable EVIDENCE. You cannot argue against evidence.
Until you can debunk it, you'll be, in my opinion a part of the disinformation peddlers.
You fall in the same category of muddlers up like Shack, Gage, Fetzer, Pommer, Chandler, Coste, Cole, Alex jones, Steven E. Jones, James Corbett, Ted Walter, Gene Laratonda, architects for an engineered truth and the International Center for 9/11 Justice, suppression.
The world needs to recognize that Directed Energy Weapons have been around for decades and were used on 9/11.
About 3,000 American people were murdered by the perpetrators in order to launch unfounded wars that murdered over 4 million innocent people.
We the American people, via the consent of the governed, are ultimately responsible for the actions of the UNITED STATES / United States / US FedGov.
We the People have to stand up and peacefully, resolutely fix the problem.
The same underlying technology demonstrated on 9/11 can be used to peacefully power the world with free energy or shatter it to pieces like a 1,000 mile diameter asteroid impact.
Who is Judy Wood and why we don’t need look into her book🤔
My hypothesis is that nano thermites in combination with Explosives and Remote shutter release and/or direct energy weapons cost the demolition …
Here’s my point:
Chadwick F. Fager, Major, USAF April 2007
So my question is: Do you know something about blue objects that been fully intact after the demolition?
It seems my sarcasm was lost on you - have you read any of my other articles, or would you rather read an academics article?
9/11 Evidence presented by Dr Judy Wood – Prof David A, Hughes
Contrary to the "nanothermite" hypothesis of the "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth," the Twin Towers were evidently destroyed at low temperatures, revealing the reality of "Cold Fusion".
Some additional reading.
9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin
D.E.P.S. - Directed Energy Professional Society
You'll be surprised to hear who the members are.
Read the article:
The molecular dissociation of the thermite & nuke theories
People are so easily led by perceived "experts".
Illusion of Reality and the 9/11 Planes
Is seeing believing, or believing seeing on 9/11?
9/11 Planes: 3D VIPT vs Video Fakery and CGI
Is seeing believing, or believing seeing on 9/11?
So the Idea of direct energy weapons or/and Nanotechnology made sense …
Contrary to the "nanothermite" hypothesis of the "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth," the Twin Towers were evidently destroyed at low temperatures, revealing the reality of "Cold Fusion".
Watch this short video: "Cold Fusion", Steven E. Jones, Thermite & 9/11
Then please read the article below....
But because of the Witness statements that there were explosions and nano thermites this is my favorite hypothesis. A modern Blasting.
Are you playing the premeditated ignorance game, by NOT wanting to look at what I'm sharing with you?
Controlled Demolition Expert Speaks Out!
What we saw on 9/11 was not due to jet fuel, bombs, or thermite
Was every BOOM on 9/11 a bomb?
Not everything that goes boom is a bomb.
But this doesn’t matter how it was done, the fact that the government and other planned, acting and cover up the thing is the real crime!
The fact of the matter is, there is no speculation on “how it went down.”
Just an independent empirical investigation of the observable evidence that has you come to an irrefutable conclusion, and it points to black-ops technology that most people just can’t fathom, because it’s too sci-fi for them to wrap their heads around it.
That’s that the perps were counting on and the 9/11 “truther” movement was installed in 2005 to have people NOT wake up to the fact.
It’s nicely chronicled in these two books – 9/11 Finding the truth and 9/11 Holding the truth.
You might also want to read the 2007 qui-tam whistle-blower case files presenting the evidence collected.
It was also nicely put together in this 500-page textbook, that should be mandatory reading for everyone on earth. If reading a 500-page book is, what the 9/11 “truther” movement DOES NOT want you to know about.
Lastly, with regards to the technology used on 9/11, MOST are missing the bigger picture!
Just as the hazardous and wasteful technology behind a nuclear bomb can also be used to provide hazardous and wasteful nuclear power, the technology which caused the clean and effortless molecular dissociation of the twin towers could also be used to give the whole world effortless clean energy.
Exposing this clean free energy technology means and end to the ruling elite's ability to control and exploit the general population through scarce, expensive, dirty and inefficient resources such as oil, coal, nuclear and "renewables".
Any group with an interest in maintaining the current paradigm of artificial scarcity and crappy energy technologies, which keeps the general population enslaved, would have an interest in helping to maintain the 9/11 cover up, because exposing the crime also exposes the TECHNOLOGY to commit it.
Maybe the people who did 9/11 operate under a code of conduct where they have to show this technology to the people, so they have the opportunity to claim it.
And if the people are too stupid or apathetic to show any interest, they will then feel justified in keeping it for themselves and continuing to control and exploit the human herd, like the CATTLE they have shown themselves to be.
You might think it's insane, and it is, but remember we're talking about a group of people who are willing to turn skyscrapers to DUST, live on TV.
In the final analysis there is no "grand" deception" or cover up. There is only BLUFF!
Because everyone can see what happened to the buildings was clearly and PROVABLY NOT a structural failure (collapse) or a conventional controlled demolition by ANY thermal or kinetic mechanism!
Official narrative – Jet fuel.
Option behind door no 1 – explosives,
door no 2 – thermite,
door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.
Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to, a black-ops cold DEW technology that can direct energy to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter. (Direct or control – where it goes and what it does)
Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go?
Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11:
1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth -
2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth -
This i realized And I really noticed thats all about nano/atom energy but things that used to be the greatest crimes for humanity I don’t would in my garden or home!
This whole madness of Nano Quantummania makes me really angry because of the damage thats done and could happens …
No Nano or Quant thats all build by the “Devil’s chemists” 100 years ago… so IG Farben was never gone and now we have people like Gates, Thiel, Musk, Bezos, the Oil/Banking/Automobile and silicone valley Cartel playing with this power like kids with firecrackers…
Otto Warburg
Great Views for the future…
President Trump announced the creation of Operation Warp Speed in May to fast-track a coronavirus vaccine. He called it "a massive scientific and industrial, logistic endeavor unlike anything our country has seen since the Manhattan Project."
Trump was taken for a fool on "Operation Warp Speed"....
He's just too proud to admit he was fooled
What Me really raged about Trump is that he break the opensky and nuklear weapons treaty…
Trump most probably knows that DEW was involved in the molecular disintegration of the towers and all the damage to 6 other buildings, but he'll never allow an investigation into what really happened.
The best investigation we have is that of Dr Wood.
Trumps also beholden to Israel, so the possible involvement / foreknowledge will also not be looked into, after all, most of those guys are his friends - He owes them favours....
We should start here;
D.E.P.S. - Directed Energy Professional Society
You'll be surprised to hear who the members are.
Read the article:
You need to rewind to 1989....
Cold Fusion: Fire from Water
Cold fusion, one of the most important scientific discoveries in history, burst onto the world scene in 1989. This much maligned yet now confirmed discovery may radically change the energy structure of civilization.
This documentary details the scientific quest for an explanation for cold fusion and also explores modern alchemy that still cannot be explained within the framework of physics. Video:
The most disgusting (after war and weather weapons damage) i ever see is the burning tree - from insideout and the fire rings of Lahaina.
How you could do this to your own citizens?
Ah yeah the eugenics mindset and the hybris is also never gone…
So why they all claim by this evil stuff like the atomic bomb - that this is greatest Discovery in human history…?
It's important to differentiate between "Hot DEW" and "Cold DEW" - the tech that destroyed the WTC generates little to no heat, whereas in the Maui and California fires, it's a bit different - with much more evidence of heat, but anomalous fires.
The other important evidence to study is that relating to Hurricane Erin on 9/11.
It's important not to speculate and mix together different bits of evidence because it looks similar.
Some folks do this to a much greater extent.
Please see the original material at and and as well as
Hurricanes and September 11, 2001?
What do hurricanes have to do with the 9/11 attacks?
These guys has nothing to do with grace and dignity or even with humanity
The 9/11 "truther" movement is a psyop - A COINTELPRO operation...
Official narrative – Jet fuel.
Option behind door no 1 – explosives,
door no 2 – thermite,
door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.
Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to, a black-ops cold DEW technology, that can direct energy to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter. (Direct or control – where it goes and what it does)
Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement?
What happens if you ask TRUTH questions?
And all this, that a fascist dream come true …
BrainComputerInterfaces total control of every aspect, step and dream, humans as power source and a control grid for life and death. Planed, declared and made by the maddest people on earth… not acceptable!
You will enjoy Prof David A, Hughes' book.
Also check out his writings on 9/11.
"Covid-19," Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Volume 1 - FULL BOOK, FREE DOWNLOAD -
To this day they claimed that a bunch of Terrorist has done this act because of religious thoughts and thats the real issue that leads us to politics of Hate against moslims… and to the bombing of Iraq, Afganistan and so on … and to figures like Trump
9/11 had benefits for many on numerous levels - geopolitical, for the US militarily war machine, the greater Israel project, Larry Silverstein and the asbestos filled towers and soooooo much more....