Thank you for reading part three of the 9/11 Reality Series, by my long time friend, Conspiracy Realist, who holds a BSME / MBA.
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” - Vladimir Lenin
Ephesians 5:11 Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness but expose them.
The Architecture of a cover up typically includes three components:
the Official Narrative,
the Approved Alternative Narrative and
What Really Happened.
The fused Bible is a nexus for understanding just how much has been intentionally hidden by mainstream media, the US FedGov and those promoting the Approved Alternative Narrative.
Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and most infamous of the controlled opposition, alleges that World Trade Center was brought down by conventional controlled demolition, a specious claim to be factually refuted herein.
While being interviewed on May 13, 2021, by Shaun Attwood, Gage declares that three towers were destroyed that day. Rightly proclaiming the US FedGov official story to be patently absurd is one thing, but Gage / AE911 truthers grossly misrepresent and/or intentionally obfuscate what actually happened. Richard Gage is a pathological liar.
Shaun Attwood @ Time Index 1:46: “What got you interested then? What’s your background? What got you interested in 911?”
Richard Gage @ Time Index 1:51: “I have been an architect for 30 years and in 2006 I was shocked to hear on the radio a gentleman David Ray Griffin who has now written 12 books on the subject of 911 truth and here in the Bay Area … I had never heard any other alternative theory as to how these towers came down and I am talking not just two towers but three. World Trade Center 1, 2 and World Trade Center Building 7 and I did not know … did not know a third tower came down. I mean this is a 47-story skyscraper that dropped like a rock straight down uniformly, symmetrically into its own footprint on the afternoon of 911. And when I saw this later the next day … I was … I was just shocked. I mean … I am an architect; this should have been the most studied building failure in all of history, after all it wasn’t hit by a plane like the first two towers. So, I put my nose the grindstone, did a lot of research, put together a PowerPoint based on the work of Steven Jones originally, and he’s a physicist formally from Brigham Young university.”
Richard Gage @ Time Index 3:30: “We now have 3500 Architect and Engineers signed on to the petition demanding a new investigation into destruction of these three towers.”
Richard Gage, Leroy Hulsey, David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, James Corbett, Alex Jones, Ted Walter, David Chandler, Kevin Ryan, AE911 et al are either blind as a bat, cannot count past 3 or something diabolical is at work.
They willfully omit the fact that World Trade Center Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6 were also disintegrated on September 11, 2001.
Bottom left is the 8 story, 93’ tall, 538,000 sq. ft. WTC 6 building with a huge gaping hole scooped out from the roof to below ground level. Its dark maw was not filled with fallen debris from the 110 story, 1,368’ tall, 3.501 million sq. ft. WTC 1, which was to the immediate right.
Also note, the remaining roof area of WTC 6 is not piled up with fallen debris from the destruction of WTC 1.
The flattened WTC 7 is immediately left of WTC 6. WTC 5 is immediately above WTC 6. WTC 4 is immediately right of WTC 5. WTC 3 is immediate right of WTC 1. WTC 2 is above WTC 3 and below WTC 4.
The debris piles of both the 47-floor, 741’ tall, 1.682 million sf. ft. WTC 7 and WTC 1 are significantly shorter than the 93’ roof height of WTC 6.
“People only see what they are prepared to see.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Psalm 107:7 No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.
When Ground Zero is first viewed with new eyes and ears, the Crayola colored lidar image is a visually softer and emotionally easier introduction to the ghastly devastation. The following details and damage signatures have not been seen by many, seen by a few and not comprehended by almost everyone.
The figure above shows the lack of debris at the base of 1,368’ tall WTC 1 and the gaping, eaten out 93’ tall WTC 6.
Consider the following:
· Fallen debris is not filling the WTC 6 wounds and could not have caused them.
· The absence of debris, column segments and etcetera on the roof of WTC 6, now covered in dust.
· The grey-blue dome of WFC 2 (World Financial Center 2) is pristine, undamaged by ‘falling debris’ when WTC 1 was destroyed.
· Below the yellow lettering WTC 1, note the iconic trident shape of the lower exterior columns. Each was a combination of 3 exterior, smaller columns that came together approximately 30 feet above ground level and encircled the lobbies of WTC 1 and WTC 2.
· Except for vestigial sections of the exterior columns, the WTC 1debris pile was about 20’ or less.
Where did the 500,000-ton mass of WTC 1 construction materials go?
How did the 1,368’ tall WTC 1 constructed of steel columns, aluminum cladding, concrete flooring, filing cabinets, glass windows and bathroom toilets simply disappear?
How was the majority of WTC 6 scooped out down to the basement? What destructive mechanism caused the devastation seen at all 7 of the World Trade Center buildings and yet nearby buildings like WFC 2 (not part of the WTC Complex) were relatively unscathed?
Known explosives (chemical or nuclear) create 3-dimensional, spherical blast signatures not the cylindrical, top-down destruction seen at WTC 6.
Any controlled demolition that uses conventional chemical explosives would have left a debris pile of about 15-20% of the original building height. The debris piles for WTC 1 and WTC 7 were much less than 5% of original building height.
Above is the 25’ globe statue previously in the Austin J. Tobin Plaza can be seen between the Twin Towers. The 22 story, 242’ tall WTC 3 Marriot hotel is in the background. These images provide scale and context to compare the height differences of WTC 6, WTC 1 and WTC 7.

Failing to recognize, mention and investigate the anomalous destruction of WTC 3, 4, 5 and 6 by Gage, AE911, Hulsey, Jones et al is unconscionable.
It is akin to a homicide investigator arriving at a fresh crime scene, with seven murdered family members lying next to each other, and he steps over 4 of the 7 dead bodies and declares that only 3 people have been killed.
The rank-and-file membership of AE911 and Professor Leroy Hulsey (Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks) should withdraw all association with Gage/AE911.
Otherwise, they knowingly participate in criminal willful blindness, misprision of a felony and misprision of treason.
PART 4 Coming soon: World Trade Center 7 – Graveyard of 9/11 truthers
Additional reading;
WHAT exactly happened to ALL 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on Sept 11, 2001?
Controlled Demolition Expert Speaks Out!
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If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
Thank you for this. It has never been a shred of doubt in my mind that that our own government did this.
I clearly do not understand the sole focus on the details of "How?" on 9/11. At the end of the day, we know our government and the media is complicit in the cover up as its totally obvious the planes did not knock down WTC 7. Every engineer knows steel and concrete buildings do not fail and collapse due to fire.
Fundamentally the Who, What, When, Where and Why are at least as important, or in this case more important, than the How?.
We know the What, When and Where. Its the Who and Why that really need to be addressed first.
The exact method of How, is less important, at least currently. Arguing about the theory's of How the buildings collapsed misses the whole point of Who was behind it and Why.