Why the remote takeover of planes on 9/11 is IMPOSSIBLE
Avionics technician exposes the impossibilities of remotely taking-over a commercial aircraft way back in 2007
I suggest people take the time to read this important preface in full, before reading and studying the critical analysis paper which I have linked to at the end of this article.
As I’ve mentioned in previous 9/11 plane related articles, I have noticed a re-pivot of the 9/11 ‘truth” movement to now come in and start to try and resurrect the talking point of ‘remote controlled planes” on September 11, 2001 after 9/11 Planes Research got great exposure on the Jerm Warfare podcast, who has also had Dr Piers Robinson on his podcast in the past.
Once people realised the impossible physics of commercial airliners flying at over 500mp/h at sea level, as we were shown on TV, and numerous commercial jet pilots raising the alarm of the impossibilities, a contingency plan had to be put into play to keep truth seekers at bay and not to realise what the real truth is of what people on the ground saw in the sky of New York City and what they took pictures and video of.
The first layer of the cover-up was CGI planes and video fakery. Discussed here.
The second layer of the cover-up is the remote controlled planes narrative.
I suggest you also have a look at the writing on this subject by 9/11 Planes Research, as it explains very important additional background information in relation to my article.
I also suggest reading my article: The disingenuous search for 9/11 Justice.
It will give you additional background to the ‘International Center for 9/11 Justice”.
But here is a quick question asked in 2023 and listen to the responses of Ted Walter.