Before I fall headlong into this article and give you a short video discussion to listen to on the whole plane / no plane discussion, argument and distraction, that has been raging for the last 20 odd years in the “9/11 truther movement”, just a bit of a recap of the last week or so…
Last week Thursday my article Secret Super Weapons and Sept 11, 2001 dropped and I must say the response was absolutely astounding, becoming my 2nd most read article since I’ve started my substack just over a year ago, with this little old brain fart of an article.
I never thought this article on the destruction of 7 buildings on 9/11, yes SEVEN not THREE as you’ve been conditioned to know about, would garner close to 5 000 reads, even though after a year of writing, I’ve just ticked over 600 subscribers. The reason for the slow growth of subscribers, is most probably due to most truthers thinking they’ve found the answer to what happened on 9/11, when actually they’ve only fallen for the multi layered cover up and distraction tactics deployed by the 9/11 “trusted experts”.
Have a look at this video on Building 3, the Marriot Hotel and tell me in the comments if you knew anything about what happened this building on 9/11. Article.
For “a dumb Afrikaner outjie”, with English second language and the use of grammar that most seasoned writers probably scoff at, I never really thought people would read my articles, but the feedback I’m getting is making it well worth putting some time in and trying to become a better writer.
I also need to give a massive shout out to Francis Leader and everyone who restacked my Bearden article on Scalar, Electromagnetics, RF Weapons and Weather modification.
Now back to the plane / no plane distraction
I’ve written a few articles, which I suggest you have a look at.
Also watch my movie I put together: ✈️✈️ 9/11 A Plane Story ✈️✈️ Movie link here
And read this great poem by Rob Dubya - Ghosts In The Flight - Don't believe your eyes
The reason I had to come back to this 9/11 talking point is that I’ve got to remind everyone of what transpired in 2007, when Dr Judy Wood AND Dr Morgan Reynolds BOTH filed separate RFC’s (Request For Correction) to NIST, for scientifically flawed reports, which enabled them both to file a Qui-Tam whistleblower case against NIST for science fraud, under the false claims act, which Obama later scrapped.
What a pity the “9/11 truther movement” did not promote these filings at the time and to this day, if you ask the “9/11 truther celebrities” about these cases, they deny knowing about them, Richard Gage and Ted Walter have been confronted by me in 2023.
Their highlighted names link to the video interactions.
Dr Wood also proceeded to file her case in the US Supreme Court in 2009, but the judge stated in his summation that he was IGNORING the law by not hearing her case.
In the discussion below, that I hope you’ll listen to, there is a very important 9/11 plane researcher not present, but he is discussed in my articles mentioned above. He is Mark Conlon from 9/11 Plane Research - Please do go check out the excellent work he is still doing.
This is a discussion about the discrepancies involving the plane crashes on 9/11.
This discussion was recorded by Morgan Reynolds' show - The Reynolds Reveal, 18 days after the disappearance of flight MH370 in 2014...
Dr. Reynolds' guests for this discussion were John Lear (RIP), Andrew Johnson and Richard D. Hall. All of whom I hold in great regard as they are the true truth and evidence presenters when it comes to the events of 9/11, along with Dr Judy Wood and Mark Conlon.
Their work is what has inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and put myself out there as an activist for truth.
If you don’t want to listen to the full hour, at least listen to the intro to hear each and everyone of these gentleman’s credentials and then you will want to listen to the whole discussion.

Find the full 16 page downloadable affidavit and court filings.
I hope you can now finally put the plane discussion to bed, after reading my 3 articles, watching my little movie, this discussion and especially the work of Mark Conlon as he proves where the real planes went.
I AGAIN urge you to watch 9/11 Alchemy - Facing Reality - A documentary by Chris Hampton, that is based largely on the research done by Mark Conlon, after they were in consultation for over 9 months putting the documentary together in 2018.
Important Update: 19 April 2024
Please arm yourself with this information below, which explains and demonstrates, that none of the "officially" named planes crashed at the named targets on 9/11.
American Airlines Flight 11 (North Tower)
AA11 had no Emergency Locator Transmission (ELT) at the time of the crash into the North Tower. An ELT was reported by the pilot of US583 to Air Traffic Control (ATC) at 8:44am, which is 2 minutes before AA11 “allegedly” crashed at 8:46am. However, the ELT signal could not have originated from AA11, because it is not possible to manually activate an ELT in Boeing 767s, as stated by Paul Thumser an experienced ex-pilot and was a radar operator and trainer on 9/11, who was interviewed for the 9/11 investigation.
The lack of an ELT for AA11 is also relevant because AA11 was reported as still being airborne after 9am on the NOARD communication recordings, so there would be no ELT. It was stated in the recording that AA11 heading towards Washington. The latitude and longitude coordinated given for AA11 shows it was 5.77 miles past the North Tower.
It was also confirmed to be AA11 because AA11’s tail number given for this plane.
United Airlines Flight 175 (South Tower)
We were told UA175 took-off at 8:14am in the official narrative, however the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) show that UA175 took-off at 8:23am. Again, as with AA11, there was no ELT activated at the time of the crash at 9:03am, however the same pilot of US583 who reported the previous ELT, also reported at 8:58am, which is 4 minutes too early for it to be UA175 which allegedly crashed at 9:03am.
The pilot reported he had heard another faint ELT, however as with AA11 being a Boeing 767 aircraft, UA175 is also a Boeing 767 aircraft which are unable to have the ELT manually activated by the pilot. Plus, would we truly believe that the suicide hijackers would activate the ELT. UA175 had several Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) messages sent to the plane, which were received by the plane. The ground station locations to which the ACARS messages were sent from show that the plane was over Pittsburgh and Harrisburg which is nowhere near New York near the time of crash at 9:03am.
This proves that UA175 was still airborne. This shows the plane did not make a turn and head back towards the South Tower. An even more anomalous piece of evidence to show UA175 still in the air long after the alleged crash was captured on MSNBC news at 10:25am, where Flight Explorer a real time software program which operates in real time with the FAA showed UA175 flying over Connecticut.
Just to add, UA175 appeared to be flying in the direction back to Boston Logan Airport.
American Airlines Flight 77 (Pentagon)
DCC Radar evidence that was released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) shows that AA77 did not turn around on the Kentucky & Ohio boarder as we were told, but continued in its flight path and flew over Missouri and St Louis Airport towards Kansas before turning around and heading back to Missouri before disappearing off radar. (Possible landing at St Louis Airport?)
There was no ELT activated at the time of crash. This shows that AA77 was nowhere near the Pentagon at the time of the “alleged” crash but was still airborne.
Again, AA77 was still in the air, this would explain the lack of an ELT.
United Airlines Flight 93 (Shanksville)
We were told that UA93 took-off at 8:42am, however Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) logged UA93 as taking-off at 8:28am.
Official evidence also shows that UA93 was still Airborne according to ACARS messages which show through the Radio Ground Stations, that UA93 was flying over Champaign, IL, near Chicago which is well over 500 miles away from Pittsburgh. This is also corroborated by Col. Marr, who said UA93 was circling over Chicago.
Another strange anomaly is that the Air Traffic Control’s last coordinates placed UA93, 15 miles past the crash site in Shanksville, PA, proving that it could not have crashed at the site. Also, how could UA93 be over Champaign IL, and be 15 miles past the crash site, which shows the plane in two different locations? To add, UA93 did activate an ELT at the time of crash, which should have been the case, yet again lending more weight that UA93 did not crash in Shanksville, PA. According to Lind Justice on communication recordings, UA93 was flashing over Hagerstown, which is 67 miles past the crash site in Shanksville, PA. And to lend even more weight to UA93 still airborne and where it was heading, UA93 was shown on Flight Aware as having landed at Reagan National Airport 10:28am.
According to the Commission investigation files, UA93 requested a flight to Hagerstown, which was changed to Reagan National Airport. According to many mainstream media sources, UA93 filed a new flight plan from the plane, with its destination to Reagan National Airport with an Estimated Time Arrival of 10:28am.
The 9/11 Commission tried to play down the change of flight plan, but it was widely reported, and contradicted in the 9/11 Commission investigation files, say an attempt was made by the hijackers, to change the flight plan, but failed, because the alleged hijackers radioed the wrong sector which was out of range. Linda Justice also claims she pushed through the Reagan National Airport flight plan as a “best guess”, but how did Linda Justice know she was tracking UA93, because there would not have been a data block to identify UA93.
Justice’s account is contradictory because she also said UA93 was flashing over Hagerstown. The question is, how did she know it was UA93 if its transponder was switched off? Plus, Hagerstown is 67 miles past the crash site in Shanksville, PA.
As we can learn from much of the official evidence, none of the 4 planes crashed at the named targets on 9/11. As confirmed by the NTSB Final Report, none of the 4 planes activated an ELT, meaning the evidence is conclusive, none of the named planes crashed on 9/11.
Seismic evidence for the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA also proves this, along with strange anomalous seismic readings for both WTC towers, along with fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field at all 4 plane events on 9/11.
Simply put, neither plane crashes nor missiles cause the Earth’s magnetic field to fluctuate, something else did.
Information supplied by Mark Conlon – 9/11 Planes Research
Website / YouTube / BitChute / He has recently started a substack
Another patent found in 2021 by Mark Conlon, which is “new technology”, patented by the US Navy, which could change the chances of aircraft survival by using lasers to create plasma explosions or "3D volumetric ghosts" that could cause flying missiles think that they found a plane to pursue, which would actually be just a 3D volumetric projection, 1992 Technology that CIA Pilot John Lear was talking about in 2012.
As you van see above 2018 the US Navy filed a patent for a laser-induced plasma projection technology that can be used to project a jet's heat signature to mislead homing missile tracking systems.
That same technology could be used to project both sound and visual images of actual aircraft, and may explain some of the UFO / UAP sightings.
Furthermore, in 2019 the Pentagon demonstrated laser projected plasma balls that literally produce human speech!
In closing;
Never talk about the TWO separate Qui-Tam whistleblower cases, never talk about the tech used to fool people’s eyes and ears on 9/11 AND ESPECIALLY don’t talk about Judy…
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payments to my country yet, I’ll really appreciate it.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all 69 of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
Well done, I'm glad you are getting more widely read.
@9/11 Revisionist - Latest Joe Rogan (#2269) with Bret Weinstein has a spot that might interest you. At 54:00 minutes in, Bret makes the case that he thinks UFO sightings (not "drones", but stuff like the TicTac, underwater craft, etc...) are...wait for it...3D VOLUMETRIC PROJECTIONS. Basically making the case that the physics of the craft don't appear to be interacting with reality (i.e. no sonic boom)
Now, if he turned that critical eye towards 9/11....