Where did the planes go on 9/11
The FBI and NTSB have no records to prove that plane wreckage was found
I have previously touched on the plane / no plane debate, but here is some more tidbits for you to consider.
I know the “planes” are a rather contentious issue and raises a LOT of emotions, but just stay open minded for a few minutes, I know it is a VERY triggering subject because people have seen the videos, the peoples reactions a bazillion times when the “planes” hit the towers…
Something we learned during covid needs to stick in the back of your mind before reading this article… Covid AND 9/11 was an attack on human consciousness. You need to realise you live in a world where your perceptions are being managed.
A short clip from my movie: ✈️✈️ 9/11 A Plane Story ✈️✈️
Below follows Mark Conlon’s (9/11 Plane Research) behind the scenes conversation he had with Chris Hampton, who was making a new film in relation to the airplanes on 9/11 and what really happened to them, as they clearly did not crash at the named targets we were told.
Mark discusses his new research he had been doing following the 2018 film - 9/11 Alchemy "Facing Reality", which he helped Chris with research regarding the “no-planes” debates and the uncovered hidden technology available to the US military.

In the conversation below, he discusses what most likely happened to the airplanes on 9/11.
This conversation covers different research to his other body of research about planes / no-planes, and the video fakery / cgi psy-op cover-up and the 3D volumetric image projection technology.
A note from Chris Hampton (Wolf Clan Media) below;
"Where did the airplanes go" documentary interview. Behind-the-scenes sneak peek at some of the research that is going into the new 9/11 documentary.
Mark Conlon and I recorded this interview in September 2021 for the new documentary...”
Follow the work of Mark Conlon - 9/11 Planes Research
The 9/11 Commission documents reveal the reports that AA Flight 11 was still airborne after it had allegedly crashed at WTC North Tower.
Obviously, Dooley who is being interviewed, didn't want to disclose who gave out this report. But Mark will, as it was Colin Scoggins.
Make no mistake AA Flight 11 was identified by both flight number and tail number, with precise latitude and longitude coordinates of its location, 5.77 miles past the WTC, and heading towards Washington.
Obviously, they didn't want to include this information in the Commission report, however, it is clear as day on the NORAD recording.
A July 18th 2008, Freedom of Information Act response from the National Transportation Safety Board, the NTSB, indicates that it possesses no records indicating how wreckage recovered from the four aircraft used during the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 was positively identified as belonging to the four planes reportedly hijacked that day or even if such wreckage was positively identified at all.
What happens when you approach the FBI for to “produce agency records, concerning documentation revealing the process by which wreckage recovered from the aircraft used during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 was positively identified (with the aid of the National Transportation Board) as belonging to the said aircraft, presumably through the use of unique serial number identifying information contained by said aircraft wreckage, that was collected.”
The July 18th 2008, Freedom of Information Act response from the National Transportation Safety Board, the NTSB, indicates that it possesses no records indicating how wreckage recovered from the four aircraft used during the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 was positively identified as belonging to the four planes reportedly hijacked that day or even if such wreckage was positively identified at all.
MES Live stream 25: 9/11 Planes Research Joins the Show - February 24, 2024
Follow the work of Mark Conlon - 9/11 Planes Research
9/11 The Plane / No Plane debate settled.
Most probably the best distraction of WHAT happened on September 11, 2001
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-the-plane-no-plane-argument
✈️✈️ 9/11 A Plane Story ✈️✈️ Movie link here
You live in a time where your perception is being managed.
Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily to the government and the MSM. 9/11 was an attack on human consciousness.
A special presentation refuting 10 points of contention against DEW on 9/11.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book full of evidence.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF downloads: 9/11 – Finding the Truth & 9/11 – Holding the Truth
Hey 9/11. Inspired by "A Plane Story" I concocted a poem for my latest post. I hope you like it.
Just wondering - when the "plane" goes in front of the crane and the wing gets distorted/disappears and it looks like the speed decreased a bit - it seems like drawing a straight line from the plane through the crane and on could possibly show where the hologram was generated from. It may have been from a plane or a building - P.187 of JW book shows those cranes and it looks like the bld in front is Verizon (judging on the roof shape). I think it is possible the drawing of the plane and the DEW or whatever caused the opening and energy flash were conducted separately - hologram creates distraction and a device is triggered right as plane looks to enter - if you wanted to generate a specific shape of an entry point - I don't think that would be very hard to do. HAARP has been in use since the late 80s first in Gakon Alaska - and it has been used to create earthquakes, hurricanes and all sorts of things. I'd love to see if there are changes in magnetic field during suspect events and the energy used during those periods. It does not run on free energy the ionospheric heating requires much electricity which is provided through the natural gas brought out with oil which is piped to the site. There is no pipeline for the gas (probably by design). Still trying to figure out how it works