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Mar 3, 2024
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Look forward to you debunking this book full of gathered evidence to what happened at the WTC on Sept 11, 2001 - https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

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The Real question here, is where is the PROOF, a mass quantity of hearsay is not any more concrete than anything.

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The independent forensic investigation done and the evidence gathered was filed as a Qui-Tam, whistleblower case against the 23 NIST subcontractors for science fraud in 2007 and then also with the US Supreme court in 2009.

Strange that the 9/11 truth movement keeps mum about these cases and the evidence contained therein.

You can read them here: https://www.drjudywood.com/wp/court-case-qui-tam/

Richard Gage denying he knows about it, but then I show he is lying - https://rumble.com/v3g82mu-911-truth-what-does-it-take-for-you-to-distrust-someone.html

Ted Walter, used to work for Richard Gage for 8 years when still with architects for an engineered truth, and also denies any knowledge of the cases, yet his newly formed org is named: "International Center for 9/11 Justice" - The question arises then, are they searching for justice?

This interaction is telling: https://rumble.com/v3mmu61-the-disingenuous-search-for-911-justice.html

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Note that I sent "IC911.org" info that seriously challenges the "flt77 crashed into the Pentagon" fiasco and they ignore me, The whole official fairy tale is highly questionable, but when the questions are expressed in public, we get nothing. I'm sick of this shit!

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Unfortunately "IC911.org" is an extension of the Richard Gage "school of distraction", as the CEO Ted Walter worked with Gage at architects for an engineered truth for 8 years. My various interactions with Ted Walter and co-founder David Chandler has shown them to be disingenuous.

Here is my email exchange with Ted Walter with regards to David Coste's ridiculous Pentagon paper ;

Dear X,

Thank you for your interest in publishing in the Debated Topics Forum and for your patience as we carefully considered your request.

In regards to length, the recommended word count of the forum is 2,000 words. In certain cases, depending on the circumstances, we are willing to accept higher word counts. In the case of response papers, when the original author followed the 2,000-word recommendation, but a responding author asks for a higher word count, we will consult with the original author to ask if they are okay with allowing the responding author 3,000 words under the condition that the original author is also permitted to reply with 3,000 words. Therefore, 3,000 words would be the limit, and we would need the original author to agree to this arrangement. We cannot guarantee publication in general, but under this arrangement your paper would not be rejected on the basis of its length. Are you willing to adhere to a 3,000-word limit, and would you like us to move forward to consult with the original author?

In regards to scope, your paper would have to directly address the arguments set forth in the original paper and present evidence directly related to the uplifted floor slab. Simply presenting other evidence not related to the uplifted floor slab that a large airplane did not hit the Pentagon would be outside the scope prescribed by the guidelines of the forum.

Please let me know if this answers your questions. We do hope that you will submit to the forum.

Best regards,

Ted Walter

Executive Director

International Center for 9/11 Justice

Good morning Ted

Writing you from South Africa and it’s nice being able to interact with you directly again…

With regards to the limitations of the scope of the rebuttal of Wayne Coste’s paper, stating the floor slab was uplifted due to a plane impact, is an issue.

He is making the assumption that the government narrative we’ve been fed, that a plane crashed at the Pentagon, is truthful. (Please forward this mail to him and David Chandler)

He is trying to make the observable evidence at the PentaCon fit the government narrative.

Thus an investigation of the observable evidence is needed to ascertain WHAT actually happened at the PentaCon.

The order of crime solving is to determine;

1) WHAT happened, then

2) HOW it happened (e.g., what weapon), then

3) WHO did it. And only then can we address

4) WHY they did it (i.e. motive).

Let us remember what is required to (legally) convict someone of a crime.

You cannot convict someone of a crime based on belief.

You cannot convict someone of a crime if you don’t even know what crime to charge them with.

If you accuse someone of murder using a gun, you’d better be sure the body has a bullet hole in it.

So, to want to limit my rebuttal to the assumption and keep it in line that it was due to a plane impact is disingenuous and counterproductive. After all, isn’t your organisation searching for “justice” and not suppression or distraction from truthful investigation?

My rebuttal will be kept under 3 000 words.

I will easily be able to prove Wayne’s assumption that a plane crashed at the PentaCon is as flawed as his “Propelled Demolition” paper, which I tore apart in a question answer session on 13 May 2023 - https://rumble.com/v408m34-911-and-blinded-by-the-light.html

For an extended cut with all my questions and rebuttals to his answers - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Colorado-911-Truth-Demolished:4

Now, the conundrum is this – Why keep the discussion points in a narrow band of discussion points, when the discussion points themselves are flawed from the get go?

Have you not realised the issued with the “peer review process”? https://rumble.com/v4bq4r0-911-and-the-flawed-peer-review-process.html

After all, are we not all truth seekers that need to investigate critically? https://rumble.com/v4g13oo-what-makes-a-911-truth-seeker.html

Gene Laratonda, and his “war room” https://911revision.substack.com/p/participation-in-the-911-warroom seems to have the same modus operandi as your organisation, seeing you’re a student of Richard Gage (8 years), and it seems you are all working in lock step and my interaction with you in October 2023 pretty much confirmed my suspicion. https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-disingenuous-search-for-911-justice

Have you not learnt ANYTHING during CV-19?

A multitude of people are waking up to the government bamboozle, as well as “organised truth movements”.

The time to re-assess your positions and to BE HONEST with yourselves has come.

I am NOT a “debunker” or a “truther”. I am a truth seeker.

It is time for ALL of you to honestly look within yourselves and let go of your premeditated ignorance and allow the uncomfortable discussions see the light of day, instead of censoring and twisting the truth of what happened on September 11, 2001.

That is required if you really want to live up to your organisations mandates.

It is in the hope we can continue to have a dialogue because if both of our motives are sincere, we are doing this to bring light to the cover-up of 9/11 and get justice, not just for those who died and continue to die, but also for everyone in the USA and the world that was affected by this most heinous crime.

I’m looking forward to your response on my request.

In the search for 9/11 accountability.

9/11 Revisionist

PS: A poem you might enjoy – Ghosts in the flight https://robdubya.substack.com/p/poem-ghosts-in-the-flight

Ephesians 5:11 - Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but expose them.

Galatians 4:16 - So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?

Dear X,

If you wish to publish your analysis of the Pentagon attack in the Debated Topics Forum, you can write a paper up to 3,000 words per the scope requirements laid out in my last email (with the word limit increase subject to the agreement of the original author) and/or you can write one or more papers of up to 2,000 words making broader arguments. These options, which are not mutually exclusive, give you ample opportunity to have the scientific dialogue you are seeking.

Also, for your work to be published in the forum, you will need to adhere to all of the other forum guidelines, including this important one:

The tone of the paper must be professional and neutral. Ad hominem attacks and personal criticism of individuals are prohibited.


Ted Walter

Executive Director

International Center for 9/11 Justice

Hi Ted

Thank you for writing back.

I will be willing to take up your invitation of making a broader argument for what happened at the PentaCon – as I do not subscribe to the governments narrative of what supposedly happened at the PentaCon.

There are far too many anomalies that cannot be explained by the official narrative.

Those who entertain it really need to look deeper into what they’ve been told to think. Covid has been a wonderful crash course in having people start thinking critically and not to trust the “experts”.

I will rather spend my time writing a paper with regards to the anomalies and a broader argument that the official narrative cannot explain.

It might not be routed that heavily into scientific dialogue but more towards common sense.

I will work on it and send it through once completed, in the next couple of months.

9/11 Revisionist

With regards to criticism, here is something to consider.

Please listen to this short video: Pseudo-Events https://rumble.com/v4g64df-pseudo-events-and-the-reality-of-911.html

Ephesians 5:11 - Have nothing to do with the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but expose them.

Galatians 4:16 - So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth

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Question for the "energy weapon" faction

have you embraced the "free energy" fiasco?

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How do you account for people on the planes? Are there records of people flying as passengers or were they phantoms? Did anyone talk to the passengers’ family members? If the whole thing is a hoax and no planes hit the buildings, you still need to check the passenger lists because if it were a hoax then the passengers could reveal their existence. Please talk about this.

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The passengers are extensively covered on this substack, which I suggest you go and study, diligently - https://911planesresearch.substack.com/

A great body of the writer's work makes up this documentary.

Watch: 9/11 Alchemy - Facing Reality

Rumble Link: https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/CrzNeZUp0tU

Also watch this video: 9/11 Plane Passenger Lists & Phone Calls

There are a few issues with the Plane Passenger Lists & Phone Calls.

Video: https://rumble.com/v516cko-911-plane-passenger-lists-and-phone-calls.html

You are also behind on all my plane related articles, here is my most recent "plane" articles...

Revisiting the various 9/11 Plane Narratives

The most important thought experiment to date

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/revisiting-the-911-cgi-plane-narrative

Going in Search of Planes in NYC on 9/11

Revisiting 1st Responders’ Accounts

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/going-in-search-of-planes-in-nyc

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Mar 3, 2024
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Yes, we need to stick with what can be absolutely proven, check with any lawyer as to what constitutes good evidence & what is admissible in court.

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Hey 9/11. Inspired by "A Plane Story" I concocted a poem for my latest post. I hope you like it.


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Thank you - I'm speechless

It is a beautiful poem.

I found my inspiration to push back on the lies we are being fed by our governments and "truth" movements, due to the work of Dr Judy Wood, Andrew Johnson, Mark Conlon and Chris Hampton and many others, who I reference regularly in my articles - You have shown my last year's effort has not been in vain...

Dr Judy Wood - Where did the Towers go? - wheredidthetowersgo.com

Andrew Johnson - Check the Evidence - https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/

Mark Conlon - 9/11 Plane Research - https://911planesresearch.blogspot.com

Chris Hampton - https://www.patreon.com/chrishampton

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Love it, Rob.

I wrote a poem too although not specifically about the planes.

9/11 A Proper Gander


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Thanks Petra, thats a great poem,and considerable evidence to boot. I'll be having a gander through all that tonight.

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Just wondering - when the "plane" goes in front of the crane and the wing gets distorted/disappears and it looks like the speed decreased a bit - it seems like drawing a straight line from the plane through the crane and on could possibly show where the hologram was generated from. It may have been from a plane or a building - P.187 of JW book shows those cranes and it looks like the bld in front is Verizon (judging on the roof shape). I think it is possible the drawing of the plane and the DEW or whatever caused the opening and energy flash were conducted separately - hologram creates distraction and a device is triggered right as plane looks to enter - if you wanted to generate a specific shape of an entry point - I don't think that would be very hard to do. HAARP has been in use since the late 80s first in Gakon Alaska - and it has been used to create earthquakes, hurricanes and all sorts of things. I'd love to see if there are changes in magnetic field during suspect events and the energy used during those periods. It does not run on free energy the ionospheric heating requires much electricity which is provided through the natural gas brought out with oil which is piped to the site. There is no pipeline for the gas (probably by design). Still trying to figure out how it works

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Not sure how it works either, but - You need to watch: 9/11 Alchemy- Facing Reality...

In 2012 - Retired expert CIA pilot John Lear was talking about black op Projection tech from 1992 - https://rumble.com/v4goaqx-1992-us-military-black-budget-projection-technology.html

In 2023 this came out: The U.S. Navy Acknowledges Having Holographic Technology To Project UFOs

The United States Navy recently patented a method for creating 3D images in the air using plasma. The technology is aimed at creating a heat source, keeping hostile infrared-guided missiles away from their targets. Experts are convinced that this advanced system is responsible for a series of UFO sightings reported by Navy pilots in 2004, 2014 and 2015.


From China - June 2023;

Holograms can be used for deception by projecting fake targets—such as projecting fake aircraft, ships, tanks, and troops—accompanied by appropriate sounds.

Hologram technology is a good example of long-standing PLA beliefs about U.S. psychological warfare efforts. Multiple PLA articles, including the above-mentioned PLA Third Military Medical University article, recount that the United States projected an image of Jesus into a sandstorm in Somalia and successfully caused Somalis to surrender.

Source: Rand Corporation, Research Report, Page 89.


Also discusses 'Subliminal Messaging' & 'Laser Weapons', and much more...

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Somewhat familiar with project blue beam - 9/11 Alchemy was very helpful - great video. Will check out the other sources. Just think the plane was simply a hologram and the energy source was sent after or fired separately in tandem. Thanks, Stay Safe and Free

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Just a hint - rather not refer to "hologram" as it's not appropriate. A more descriptive term is a 3D Volumetric Image Projection.

We have to first prove to people that none of the planes crashed. That is why Mark Conlon has amassed all the evidence to easily prove it.

Then you can move on to what it was, then that did "crash"?

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yes, thanks

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the very nature of the "holograph" or whatever it was, is only marginally relevant.

Bottom line here, laws of physics prove beyond any doubt at all, that no airliner ever flown could have penetrated wall(s) as was alleged, therefore the whole "planes used as weapons fiasco"= FRAUD.

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Ok, so the 3D volumetric projection everyone saw is marginally irrelevant, according to you, fine - no sweat. But people did see it and hear it and we know the US MIC does have the tech - I's been discussed thoroughly in the documentary - 9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality.

As well as the fact that the laws of physics that no airliner could fly that low, at the speeds "it" was and also penetrating the steel walls.

But people just cannot break free from the fact - We saw it on TV.

My docci I slapped together - 9/11 A Plane Story, has woken some up to that fact.

Then we also have the 2023 confession from the US Navy, that have patents running back all the way to the 1960's - But people won't believe you...

2023 - The U.S. Navy Acknowledges Having Holographic Technology To Project UFOs

The United States Navy recently patented a method for creating 3D images in the air using plasma. The technology is aimed at creating a heat source, keeping hostile infrared-guided missiles away from their targets. Experts are convinced that this advanced system is responsible for a series of UFO sightings reported by Navy pilots in 2004, 2014 and 2015.


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Outstanding article! Going to check out your full doco as well.

Before I do, are you just able to give pointers on what actually happened to the people who have been categorised as passengers on the 'hijacked' planes?

Are some of them alive?

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With my conversations with Mark Conlon, 9/11 Planes research - (https://911planesresearch.blogspot.com/) who probably has done the most research into the planes out of everyone doing 9/11 research, he has a few thoughts on the passengers...

He is of the opinion that some may have been unwittingly involved, not knowing their fate, but there are a few who he suspects were in on it, like Alice Hoglan, Mark Bingham's mother... Mark Bingham wasn't even assigned a seat number... Plus Alice his mother, was a United Airlines flight attendant.

It is a complex area, that needs to be thoroughly researched. He is aiming to collate all known items recovered involving passengers from the sites.

He believes that stuff was planted. For example Cee Cee Lyles's ID card etc.... Definitely planted.

He also has info of who claimed compensation fund, and that is very unusual...

Perhaps the flight crew were involved in what they believe was training exercise, which sealed their fate after they landed and were done away with....

He has some evidence only the pilots and a couple of flight attendants boarded Flight 11. Indicating that it was an exercise....

He is still piecing together all the evidence to support his hypothesis....

We know none of the planes went to the named targets. We know UA93 landed at Reagan National at 10:28am.

Reagan was closed for 23 days after 9/11.... which was longer than any other airport.... WHY?

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Simon Shack produced “September Clues”. Nothing would surprise me regarding CIA, DOD, and other spooks pulling any kind of deception. But,... corporate media collusion had me spitting mad!!

Boats and Belgian babies used to start wars, but now, it’s just special effects.

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Unfortunately “September Clues” has a hell of a lot of disinfo...

✈️✈️ 9/11 A Plane Story ✈️✈️

Movie: https://rumble.com/v3k3t3e-911-a-plane-story.html

You live in a time where your perception is being managed.

Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily.

9/11 was an attack on human consciousness.

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I’ll check that out. Seems I remember “Loose Change” having some shocking facts, yet also largely being misdirect.

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Wow, great proof - Didn't show any video of it, just a mention of a black box. I'm convinced now!

Remember Giuliani also stating how they're carting all the steel to China in order to have the people stop asking the questions: Why is there so little rubble?, as reported on ABC, mid day on Sept 12, 2001?

Ask yourself the following important question: Do you think the people who planned 9/11 did not plan a cover up?

Do you know who was in charge of ground zero's clean up and security and what they specialise in? Read this article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/deps-the-directed-energy-professional

You must be new to my substack and you probably did not read my other articles, did not watch my 9/11 A Plane movie and did not listen to the discussion with the 4 gentlemen posted in the article and you'll possibly also not want to watch 9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality. https://911revision.substack.com/p/my-last-911-plane-article-promise/

I sincerely hope, you'll put your 20+ years indoctrination aside and start revisiting so called truths you think you hold. It's going to be painful - Be brave and go do the work.

After all, what lessons did you learn in the last 4 years, when it comes to trusting the "trusted experts" and your government puppets?

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Sorry, I thought you were replying to my latest "plane" article"

Here it is: https://911revision.substack.com/p/my-last-911-plane-article-promise/

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Sorry figured this out so will delete it

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Interesting... NO - Why delete it? It's good info to have, please repost it.

Keep an eye on this substack, https://911planesresearch.substack.com/ as the writer has been looking at ALL the angles with regards to the alleged planes and he's also looked into the passengers and will be releasing a presentation very soon.

Also, check out this video: 9/11 Planes, Passengers & Phone calls

Link: https://rumble.com/v4u48fc-911-planes-passengers-and-phone-calls.html

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Seems Jeremy was the interviewee, and his dad was Barry as the interviewer said he worked for the PANYNJ

Barry H. Glick 55 WTC Wayne New Jersey United States risk manager PANYNJ

So it seems some persons took this up to mean his dad was the UA 93 guy, but the UA 93 guy was only 31 in 2001.

The only liar here is the interviewer who as usual when being told the govt was at fault got pissed. Sorry for the confusion.

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See for example the people writing this blog


concluded it was Jeremy supposedly on US 93

but the vid states he work for PANJNY so people were confusing Barry with Jeremy

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