9/11 The Plane / No Plane debate settled.
Most probably the best distraction of WHAT happened on September 11, 2001
Once upon a time there were two 110 STEEL framed, steel CORE Towers…
Today they’re not there anymore. Nearly 22 years ago EACH ONE of these 110 story towers were supposedly hit by a plane (we saw it on TV, so it must be true) and they apparently caused this…
2 x 110 STORY STEEL CORE TOWERS? And 5 more buildings had strange anomalies!

Finished at last
Yes, they are forgetting just how MASSIVE a 110 story building with a STEEL CORE and outer steel beam shell covered with aluminium cladding really is….

We apparently had two planes hit two separate towers…. The alleged first plane was only captured by one video, but the second alleged plane impacting the other tower was captured by a bunch of people…
The footage you see is real, but it defies the laws of physics… Really, it does break the laws of physics and that’s why no-one in the 9/11 “truther” movement or the “truther” talking heads really want to talk about the alleged planes.
The following video will help you get up to speed, that is if you’re open minded enough…
Now, before you totally freak out, let’s look at a real time example of a plane that crashed on November 12, 2001 two months after 9/11.
Do you remember American Airlines Flight 587?
BUT, then where are the hundreds of people that went missing from the 4 planes on September 11, 2001? Could all the recordings shared by the government be part of a perception management psy-op? Part of a trauma based mind control operation? No, you must be a tin foil hat freak to think that. HOW DARE YOU!
Well, strange fact… At the airports where the people were expected to arrive that day, whilst the live feeds were happening on the various incidents, you had TV crews at the airports and NO family members pitched up to be interviewed looking for their family members, but you did have people on the TV giving interviews on September 12, 2001...
What do you think about this interview? If you call your mother, how would you “introduce” yourself?
But, but there was a movie made about the brave people on flight 93!!!!!
Put on your thinking cap for 5 minutes. Can you do that?
Now listen to the rest of the info on the passengers and cellphone calls in this video....
And this one…
These aspects have been the most contested, as part of a wonderful distraction of WHAT happened to the 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on 9/11. You need to digest this information and make up your own mind, don’t outsource your thinking.
Time to move to the Pentagon incident (The new Pearl Harbor) and Shanksville (Flight 93) which will be compared to a similar crash “Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302”.
I really hope you managed to be able to compare Shanksville and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 with one another and see the problem, some really struggle with it.
Now it’s time to deconstruct the Pentagon incident…
Let’s just get down to the science to save time using the official US Government sanctioned 3D models to debunk their own models.…
It’s just 10 minutes for you to see the cover-up…
This little gem from Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura also has some rather interesting information people do not take into account, however I do not concur with the theory of the Pentagon being struck by a missile as explained in my article about Phantom Warfare.
An important update to this article, originally posted August 5, 2023 is the following video by realityAXIS, released on Sept 19, 2023. I suggest you check out his YouTube channel.
The controller's of the weaponized directed-energy technology had planned out every detail of the attack as to provide elements of argumentation that could be used to make it impossible to get to the deadly truth of their attack.
For this purpose the airplane reality: the perception that real airplanes were crashed into the towers, and that these events were the cause of all the destruction, is the most powerful feature of all.
The controllers could very easily have used hijacked airplanes and crashed them into the towers, but this would have interfered with the various details of their demonstration, such as the giant fireball-like explosions that became the visual icons of Osama Bin Ladin and his world-wide terrorist network.
Most importantly, the social-engineering psychologists that planned the cover up, the choice not to use real airplanes, but to simulate this action, was the most powerful act of deception that could ever be conceived.
Note: I do disagree with his assumption of the CGI aspect of it. I suggest you look into the work of Mark Conlon on the plane distraction and then the documentary, 9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality.
✈️✈️ 9/11 A Plane Story ✈️✈️ Watch my short movie I put together.
You live in a time where your perception is being managed. Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily.
9/11 was an attack on human consciousness.
If you want to waste more time on arguing about planes / no planes and not want to address the question of WHAT actually happened to the towers, then go watch this 32 video playlist on the plane / no plane distraction.
A must visit is the blog: 9/11 Planes Research
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book full of evidence.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF downloads: 9/11 – Finding the Truth & 9/11 – Holding the Truth
How few people actually get all of these things right. This ‘Stack is a rare gem.
And the pentagon... what a bunch of BS. It’s impossible for a plane to fly that low and slow. And where did THAT plane go? Obviously a DEW. It’s amazing and sad to me how blind people can be. So many things throughout history never happened.