A number of documentaries have been made over the years with regards to the “planes” on 9/11 and it’s strange to see how people can cling to these disingenuous and provable “limited hangout” propaganda pieces after so much more dedicated researchers have pointed out all the shortcomings of these so called “truther” movies.
The “Loose Change” & “September Clues” movies and their producers (part of Controlled Opposition) ARE the problem. The massive positive public value of saying 9/11 was NOT according to the official faerie tale is emptied 100% or more, by projecting grossly inaccurate alternative explanation.
Example: All 4 of the alleged planes (including the ones shown in Loose Change) were calculated to be traveling at 500+ mph at or near sea level, which is NOT POSSIBLE.
September Clues is another Truth-Traitor and must be called out and dismantled publicly.
Simon Hytten (Shack) did work for the European Space Agency. His father worked for the United Nations and his brother had connections to the Bin Laden family....
Does Loose Change and September Clues come back and correct their fundamental errors? No, because they are a major part of the Disinformation Controlled Opposition cadre.
All of what the Controlled Opposition / CO Traitors write as explanations of what happened are incorrect or inapplicable.
Evidence of small particle aluminium and iron (thermetic materials) in small single digit concentrations is sensible, IF and ONLY IF the aluminium cladding and steel beams had been dustified by DEW.
Thermite is an incendiary and not an explosive. It must be contained at high concentration, purity and mix ratios in something like a ceramic vessel (enveloping the complete mixture), fused and lit at extreme temperatures for the reaction to start much less burn fully.
All these conditions did not happen at any of the WTC buildings. Casting superficially plausible explanations like Thermite (which is impossible) into pliable, traumatized minds is what Stephen Jones, Gage, Ted Walter and the rest intentionally do. These controlled opposition vermin ARE TRUTH-TRAITORS.
Conventional Controlled demolition was likewise impossible to accomplish, and the debris field should have been, must have been 12-15% or more of the original building height.
None of the building’s internal contents were removed which would have slowed to failure of a conventional controlled demolition. To say nothing of when or what ALL THE EXPLOSIVES AND FUSING would have been installed.
WTC7 has some external visual similarities to a controlled demolition, but there were no explosions heard IMMEDIATELY BEFORE that building came down. The debris pile was 20’ or so high and not the requisite 100’ high.
There were NO BigBoeings on 9/11. Because above 300 mph, they self-destruct as was demonstrated by the crash of AA Flt 587 November12, 2001 in Jamaica Queens, NYC.
Listen to the following 5 minute discussion on AA Flight 587.
And also listen to what was discovered pertaining to 3D Volumetric Projection technology.
Also read the following article: When Light is not Doing What it is Meant to Do?
A Study of the Second Plane Images on 9/11:
People are to small minded to realise, what they saw in the sky and on TV, was “Project Blue Beam” in play – The “planes” were PROVABLY 3D volumetric projection technology being used to fool the gullible sheep. If you DARE challenge your premeditated ignorance and can muster up the courage, I dare you to watch the documentary that Chris Hampton created.
In my and many other’s opinion, one of the best, most thoroughly researched, “plane” related documentaries, released in 2018.
It is called - 9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality - Have a listen to his description of his film.
I also highly recommend watching his other two documentaries, 9/11 Alchemy: Free Energy & Free Thinking and then 9/11 Alchemy: A Big Idea that focusses on referencing interesting numerological symbology on 9/11.
People need to buy and read Dr Wood’s book, “Where Did the Towers Go?”, and not just go on other’s opinions of her work, especially as most who are disparaging of Dr Wood’s work, have not even looked at it, as explained by Prof David A, Hughes;
Francis O'Neill's intellectually flimsy attack on Judy Wood bears all the hallmarks of propaganda, undermining his credibility as a dissident voice.
Dr Wood’s book: “Where did the tower go?”, is a life and mind changing education.
It is not hard to read or grasp. Commonly, about 5 - 6 chapters into the reading the political-cultural-scientific-moral weight of what Dr. Wood explains begins to sit on you like an elephant.
Real men read on.
People like Richard Gage, Ted Walter, Corbett et al (who strive to hold down the world changing knowledge contained in WDTTG) are TRAITOR-TERRORISTS.
They must suffer the same extreme consequences as the 9/11 perpetrators, public execution. They actively cover up 9/11 Reality.
The harsh consequences for their actions should be spoken, written about, and directed to them at every chance.
I want to see Corbett or Gage or Walter (all of them assert that planes impacted the Twin Towers, PentaCon and Shanksville) dump their pants when called out as a Treason-Terrorists. Why, because they knowingly project lies that purposefully cover up what really happened on 9/11.
The fact that Directed Energy Weapons is unconventional and not welcome by the weak minded DOES NOT invalidate the reality of DEW being used to dis-integrate all Seven WTC buildings on 9/11.
The controlled opposition refuses to cover buildings 3, 4, 5, 6 and the Banker’s Trust, BECAUSE doing so eviscerates the controlled opposition false narratives.
Thank you for reading, thank you for watching, listening and still caring.
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payments to my country yet.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
Watched Judy's talks years ago 👍
I see a pattern arising:
No planes
No viruses
No CO2 climate change
Thank you for this information! I just got my copy of Dr. Woods book and I'm looking forward to reading it! I figured that 9/11 had numerology involved! It's my understanding that the "powers that shouldn't be" use occulted knowledge with Gematria and numerology to do and plan their dirty work! I'm gonna watch that second 9/11 alchemy documentary first! I know I should probably watch them inorder though! But I'm really interested in the numerology connection to this!