A 9/11 Debunker Debrief
When you have to distract away from information above your clearance.
Before we get stuck in todays topic, just a quick comment on X pertaining to my previous article: “A 9/11 truther movement celebrity meltdown”. Read the article here.
Anatomy of a 9/11 Thermite Brainwashing Operation article had people fuming
If you haven’t read the 9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline article, I suggest you do.
Getting into today’s article: This past Saturday, I attempted to have a civil discussion with a YouTuber, that is dead set on debunking anything that goes against the official government conspiracy theory, of what we are supposed to believe happened on 9/11.
But first - A little bit of context as to how this debate / discussion came to happen.
About two months ago, out of the blue, this “debunk” video surfaced on YouTube where this Blue Bacon fellow, tried to debunk the Flight 175 disappearing wing video Math Easy Solutions uploaded to his 9/11 series… (1 min 47)
In my normal fashion of always wanting to enter into a discussion when people hold opposing views, I found his contact email and sent him the following email and also CC’d MES and Mark Conlon, 9/11 Planes Research, in the email, and as you’d also know by now, Mark has done a great “disappearing wing study”, many years ago…
The email:
Good day
Just saw your “reaction video” pertaining to Flight 175 on 9/11…
How much “research” have you ever done with regards to the events on September 11, 2001?
From your very shallow reaction and talking points, obviously not much…
So, I’ll give you some homework to go and do…. Let’s see if you are able to think critically….
First, let me introduce you to the crash of AA flight 587 in NYC, on November 12, 2001. Link
Then, a few articles you can go read…
Revisiting the various 9/11 Plane Narratives
The most important thought experiment to date - Article
9/11 Planes: 3D VIPT vs Video Fakery and CGI
Is seeing believing, or believing seeing on 9/11? Article:
Illusion of Reality and the 9/11 Planes
Is seeing believing, or believing seeing on 9/11? Article:
Full podcast with Mark Conlon from 9/11 Planes Research: Link
The 9/11 Hoodwink at Shanksville, PA
No Jet Fuel, or a plane at the Flight 93 Crash Site - Article
The PentaCon on 9/11
When a missile AND a plane did not hit a target - Article
If you really want to sink your teeth into what has been shared above, then you need to watch this very well researched 2018 documentary:
9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality - Rumble Link & YouTube Link
Once you’ve done your due diligence, I look forward to getting your feedback.
In the search for 9/11 accountability
His answer came back 21 minutes later;
Hi Norman, I appreciate your email. My video only explained that the alleged "missing wing" is merely a shadow cast on the plane. I am more than happy to elaborate on that specific point.
Now, I’m not going to bore you with more of our to and fro, because all he does is to stick to his talking point, whilst completely and utterly denying basic physics and the real world example of AA Flight 587, that crashed in NYC on November 12, 2001. A theme that gets repeated with half truths on various talking points as I will elaborate on further in the article.
What are the official measurements for the speed of flight 175 on 9/11?
What do pilots have to say on (i) controllability and (ii) the speeds? (About 6 min each)
Then what did a Boeing employee have to say about a plane going that fast, so low? (1 min 25)
Now, this “Blue Bacon” fella, claims to be a criminal investigator, yet he cannot get basic physics right? (7 seconds)
Let’s remind him of basic physics, which he denies… (4 min)
The email exchange had MES chime in and point out a couple issues that this “Blue Bacon” fella got wrong. Later during a flurry of email exchange, both MES and I challenged him to a face to face discussion, instead of him making these one sided videos with information that is provably wrong… He then agreed and let his audience know…
But then he again uploaded another “debunk” video that is full of complete and utter nonsense (12 minutes).
The two videos above were uploaded on 13 and 14 November respectively and the “debate” on the size of the WTC rubble pile between him and MES was scheduled for 30th November.
Both MES and Blue Bacon were streaming the “debate” on each of their respective channels and you will notice the difference of opinion between the comment sections of each one’s streams. MES Stream and the Blue Bacon stream.
Something else to notice as well, is that the Blue Bacon fella deletes any comments pointing out where he is wrong, in the comment sections of his debate with MES.
As you will see in this clip I made, when doing his calculations for the rubble pile, he could not differentiate between the stump of Building 3 and that of the towers. (2min)
Keep this in mind for when we go through the “debate” he had with me, once we touched on the subject as well, as that is where he became rather disingenuous during our discussion, which I will break down further in the rest of the article.
So, here is a quick video discussing the rubble pile for this fella Blue Bacon’s benefit, as he clearly needs to find out what the actual rubble pile looked like. (2 minutes)
As a counter to all the disinformation he was peddling to his audience on the “plane” and “hologram” talking points and denying basic physics, never mind the 2007 Qui-Tam whistleblower case against NIST for flawed plane impact studies, which Dr Morgan Reynolds filed, which I also shared with him via our email exchanges, it prompted me to make the following videos.
These videos dropped whilst I was live with Blue Bacon during our “debate” on December 14th, this past Saturday.
Busting Blue Bacon's Balls on Holograms (YouTube link- 9min) Blue Bacon’s disinfo video
A "Plane" Blue Bacon (YouTube link - 12 min) Blue Bacon’s disinfo video
A 9/11 Debunker Doesn't Understand Compression, Shutter Speed, Frame Rates or Magnetic Camera Tape (YouTube link - 9min) Blue Bacon’s disinfo video
So, seeing that this fella Blue Bacon touts himself as a “criminal investigator”, he sure as hell ignores a ton of contradictory evidence that makes his argument mute.
For one or other reason he thinks to have had the upper hand on MES during their debate and has gone on to make a number of disparaging short clips on his YouTube channel, by citing a lot of disinformation pertaining to the planes, the cruising speeds and more, but never mentioning that those speeds are not attainable at about 700 feet, without the planes structural integrity being exceeded and he basically does the same with his interaction with MES and the so called debate they had.
Ok, now with all that background and seeing what this Blue Bacon fella is all about, let’s get stuck into the discussion I was hoping to have with him.
Preceding our “debate” he made mention in one of his “members only” streams, which happened to be public for a few hours, before going behind the paywall, he mentioned a couple of things pertaining to his strategy going into the debate with me.
He dropped the following information: “he was talking about taking a different approach against me than with MES, because he wanted to take MES on, on math - with me and my 3 topics, he does not know what I'm talking about, so he is not going have so much prepared, so he's going to wing it and he HIRED an old acquaintance to do some some of his "stuff". He might be going by the seat of his pants.”
The talking points scheduled for the debate was the following:
9/11 evidence at the WTC complex, whilst helping you debunk thermite and nukes
the 9/11 orphans and then
the 9/11 truth suppression timeline.
I was looking forward to having a nice civil discussion of points many people don’t even know about, more with the eye in educating his viewers.
From his 4h long stream on Saturday, he and I only interacted for about an hour and I quickly realised from the get go, he wasn’t planning to be civil or to have a conversation at all.
Some of the tactics he employed was to;
not mention my name or channel, never mind he never even showed my face
he set my audio way lower than his, so you could hardly hear what I was saying
the videos I presented, he either did not play on screen or just made it virtually unwatchable
He kept interrupting and kept on speaking over me
He muted my mike a number of times
The only filing cabinet that was found in Ben and Jerry’s he kept on disputing as most of the points I was bringing up.
One quick example of how disingenuous he was being, is on the fact that the NIST report DID NOT contain any explanation of how the towers “collapsed” and listen to his comeback on that point AND what NIST admitted to, in writing;
When we got to another cake in the face talking point, where he used the incorrect rubble of Building 3 for his calculation of the debris height, that is where he made it basically impossible to talk further and he kept being massively disruptive and being down right rude. I made the statement I’m going to leave if he cannot hold a civil discussion and he then just kept being a douche…
Then as soon I mentioned again, I’m going to be leaving due to his constant interruptions, he immediately ended the call.
Thus, all I can draw from that is that it was his plan all along, to get some reason to not have a discussion on all the points I would have planned to bring up.
So, now you can, if you feel like it, watch this one hour interaction with this disingenuous YouTuber and I’ll drop my notes below.
I also collated all the videos I wanted to present into this one hour video, that you can reference as well, seeing that what I was presenting was not shown during the live stream.
UPDATE on Dec 18th
I have now made an edit with all the timewasting and deflecting taken out.
A 9/11 Deconstruction: A Gaslighting "Trained Criminal Investigator”
Blue Bacon – 14 December 2024
I’ll re-upload the podcast on to my YT / Rumble and substack with all the references to the videos used in the discussion.
I have a request – seeing I use a lot of visual queues to bring the points across – Will you please leave it on full screen when I play the videos, for your audience to fully see what I am presenting?
With the MES stream you cropped it down to a small tv, which is just a little bit disingenuous….
Ok – You ready?
So, Blue – You were 9 years old on 9/11, right?
Then when you were at school and your teachers told you how upset your parents might be when you got home, how upset were they and what effect did that have on you? Were your parents in the police / military?
You’ve stated in the past that you wanted to become a fighter pilot, but you have slight colour blindness, so that must suck?
First – What was 9/11 and how did it affect us? Attack on human consciousness, video
Second – Find me here 1 – 2 – 3.
O – There will be some videos dropping, whilst we are busy here taking on everything Blue Bacon has had to say on the plane argument he’s been having in MES’ absence.
Third, I have some quotes I would like to share and yes, some of them you can throw back at me, but all I ask is that you come into this discussion or presentation with an open mind. Try and leave your bias at the door, no matter how difficult it can be…
1. How I got re-invigorated into 9/11 – 21st anniversary - 2022
But I digress – Let’s get into why I’m so interested in 9/11…
Students first 3 minutes till just after black guy with sunglasses
What is the average age of your followers? Seeing you’re 32? You should have it on file?
Let’s get some common ground – You should enjoy this, and at the same time, we’ll debunk some of the disinformation peddled by the US Government and the media.
9/11 Truth: Greatest Hits 2023 (Extended Cut)
Read out the description of the video……
- Truth movement – Thermite & nukes
- How much – Nukes - https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-nuking-of-joe-olsen-and-james?utm_source=publication-search
- Tritium - https://rumble.com/v4a8ixu-911-the-best-explainer-documentary-youll-ever-see.html
- Heat & not an incendiary – Colorado 9/11 – May 2023 – Wayne Coste – Propelled Demolition - video
- Denis Rancour - video
- Professor Hughes - https://dhughes.substack.com/t/911
- Dr Wood’s counter to the 9/11 “truth” movement…. Video
Let’s get stuck deeper into my 3 topics - the evidence pertaining to the towers, the 9/11 orphans and the 9/11 truth suppression timeline.
2. The evidence pertaining to the towers.
- What did it take to survive on 9/11?
- Size of the Towers visual with survivors.
- Contents of the towers – picture
- We are told to believe a gravity collapse.
- Survivor 1 and 2
- What was reported on September 12, 2001? Till song starts
- Where are the towers? (Chopper flyover on 9/11) 1 minute
- Aftermath picture
- FOLDER – The North and South Tower Spire
- Investigation was done by whom?
- The EVIDENCE discussion
- Conclusive body of evidence
3. The 9/11 Orphans
The following points need to be made regarding what exactly happened to the buildings and the observable evidence at ground zero, that the “9/11 truth movement” never touch on… Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings
- Dwell on Building 3 – Folder and videos
4. 9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline
I look forward to reading your comments on this Blue Bacon fella….
A January 2025 update
I made a music video for ol Blue Bacon…
It was initially flagged by YouTube as hate speech, but I won the appeal and it’s live.
Again, thank you for reading, watching and still caring about 9/11.
It has recently come to my attention that my PayPal link was broken for 3 months, which meant that if you felt like donating a few bucks in order for me to buy a coffee, you could not donate to my efforts.
Substack does not have a payment gateway for payments to South Africa, so if you would like to send a few bucks my way to help me buy a Christmas tree for the family this holiday season, my PayPal link is now fixed, and you’ll be able to throw a few bucks my way. I’ll greatly appreciate any help you can give me, as I don’t have the financial backing the 9/11 disinformation peddlers have and this information needs to get out, in order to wake people up to the bamboozle that has been taking place with regard to 9/11 truth.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
Somebody PLEASE tell me how it is that a plane with the following attitude
Roll=28 deg, Pitch=3 deg, Yaw=12.5 deg, Could have penetrated a wall in the manner alleged by the official story.?
We could add a 4th reason to Dr. Wood's explanation as to "Why did people not see what happened on 9/11- 1. problem solving skills, 2. Group Think, 3. Terrified of the implications" , and 4. Pride and fear of loss of social standing and followers if alternative theories are examined.
This is off topic but interesting since 9/11 put the satanic NWO plan on steroids - note the 9/11 memorial almost like a reminder of their success- Astana, Kazakhstan - The Illuminati and New World Order Capital City https://odysee.com/@stpierrs:f/Astana,-Kazakhstan---The-Illuminati-and-New-World-Order-Capital-City:5