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Sep 11, 2023
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Not going to speculate on the fires, have not studied it enough yet.

Read this article and listen to the discussion video: https://911revision.substack.com/p/dew-is-on-fire-in-maui

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Sep 11, 2023
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Give it time, a lot of people are looking into what happened with the fires...

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Interesting article. I'm curious what you think about the eyewitness accounts by the FDNY and WTC employees of explosions occurring and injuring people in the basement and lobby of WTC 1 & 2. Also of Barry Jennings's account of explosions trapping him and Michael Hess in WTC 7.

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Please read my article: Was every BOOM a bomb on 9/11?


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Another interesting piece. Certainly raises some questions that need careful consideration. I agree that a boom does not necessitate a bomb. However the testimony of Barry Jennings in particular is that an explosion on the 6th floor of WTC 7 destroyed the stairwell and trapped him and Michael Hess in the building. Also Michael Rodriguez says there was an explosion in the basement of WTC 1 about 6 seconds before the first plane hit. Both these were before rescue efforts had begun.

What are your thoughts regarding their testimony?

I can provide links to interviews if you are unfamiliar.

Regardless of how the buildings were destroyed, I think we can both agree that the official story is false. Do you ever cover stuff about the destruction of evidence, the financial shenanigans, the wargames, the 9/11 commission etc..? Many important pieces to this puzzle.

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Hi Jesse

Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated.

With regards to the testimonies, you would have seen in my article, "Was every BOOM a bomb on 9/11" - https://911revision.substack.com/p/was-every-boom-a-bomb-on-911 , I use the testimony by Mike Pecoraro, referenced by Richard Gage, where Mike talks about "a 50 ton hydraulic press disappearing, a steel and concrete fire door that weighed about 300 pounds, wrinkled up “like a piece of aluminium foil” and Richard Gage wants to sell it to you that a bomb caused that?

I also give an example of why I do not think it's a bomb that caused it and what such a testimony could be a sign of.

The testimonies of Barry Jennings and Michael Rodriguez do mention something going BOOM, but one again, WHAT exploded?

It is silly to just ASSUME its a bomb, as in my article "Was every BOOM a bomb on 9/11" I shared the testimonies of EMT's in the streets around the WTC complex describing many strange explosions of vehicles - so you think 1400 vehicles had bombs in them?

You shrug off "how the buildings were destroyed" - Really?

That is the key!

The anomalies with all 7 buildings with a WTC prefix PROVES to you that it wasn't fire from jet fuel, explosives, buried or mini nukes, as all my previous articles have gone into great dept of why some sort of COLD DEW was used and I suggest you get a copy of Dr Judy Wood's book, "Where did the Towers go?" and study it. https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com/

Then also watch her 2012 presentation - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911---Dr.-Judy-Wood-Evidence-of-Breakthrough-Energy-on-911-B---full-2h-seminar:4

Then once you've worked through the series - "9/11 Observable Evidence" - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/9-11-Deprogramming-series:6 - You'll see how the 9/11 "truther" movement has captured people's minds and led them astray for the last 16 years.

With regards to all the other bluff around 9/11, insider trading, war games etc etc etc those talking points are exactly that - distractions, though still important, but it does not change the fact of WHAT happened to those buildings and the people inside them.

The Twin Towers, Building 3, 4 and partially 5 and 6 were disintegrated on a molecular level using some field effect, COLD DEW and Building 7 as well.

Once you can accept that, then you'll be closer to realising how big the cover-up around this event still is to this day. Then one can begin to ask the correct questions to those who should know who has access to such a weapon.

If you read Dr Wood's 2007 Qui-Tam case, you will want to go ask ARA and SAIC some tough questions...

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I agree that we should not assume something is an explosive device. We should look at the evidence and weigh up the likelihood of various possibilities. The cars exploding and catching fire is certainly interesting, something I will look into - along with Dr Wood's theories - when I have some time.

I did not shrug off how the buildings were destroyed I simply said that even if we disagree on the method of their destruction we can agree that the official story is not correct and is covering up the truth. That is the important takeaway here. Whether it was nanothermate or directed energy weapons, we know that NIST's story about office fires is a lie and certain key figures within the US government are playing cover up. Members of the 9/11 Commission attest to this. The important part is that we can work together to expose the lies and corruption, to do this we only need to show that the official story is false, something not that difficult to do I think you will agree haha!

I am not a part of the "truther" movement. I'm just a guy who is interested in 9/11. Personally I find the questions of who was behind the plot and why they carried it out much more interesting than how the towers came down.

I will humbly disagree that the wargames, insider trading etc.. are distractions. I think they are very important pieces of the story. We need to look at all the aspects to form a holistic picture of 9/11, the events leading up to it and the events that followed such as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Patriot Act, the anthrax attacks, the National Security Sate panopticon and more.

There is much more to the story of 9/11 than what occurred on September 11, 2001 and to limit your analysis to only the method of destruction of the buildings would be to miss the larger picture. Just a few more things that come to mind: Ptech, EPA, Sibel Edmonds, Able Danger, the history of Al Aqaeda and the CIA, Larry Silverstein, CONVAR, Pentagon's missing trillions, the Bush family and Osama connection, Vulgar Betrayal, Robert Wright, Rudy Guiliani, Dick Cheney. I could go on but I think you get the point.

Some books I would recommend for you is "Black 9/11: Money, Motive, and Technology." by Mark H. Gaffney. Also "Fool's Errand" by Scott Horton for an in-depth understanding of the Afghanistan War.

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You do make valid points, but WHAT happened to the towers has far reaching implications...

You should make work of it to read Dr Wood's book, because then you'll realise just what a distraction people like Richard Gage, AE911T, Jim Fetzer and all the other poo-ba organisations really are...

Today we sit with the energy crisis, the "climate change" scam and a lot more.

Listen to this video and you'd understand the implications a lot better...

Video: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/The-importance-of-Dr-Woods-work:b

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I agree with your logic, yes. the car's wires were mangled, looked like DEW attack. I think AE911 and CGs were a cover for DEW, and the heavy smoke could have hid what was happening, and the other strange planes in the area. This is the CG explanation


I think Greg Reese is blocking my comments because I have asked him a few times if he's looked into the no-virus issue and he has replied, "are you telling me how to write my articles?" This is disingenuous and incongruent with his investigative intelligence so I think he's not able and/or doesnt want to discuss the non-finding of Sars issue.

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Keep an eye out - I have a nice video coming out about B7 on my substack tomorrow...

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hey, just to give you some good clean trouble, even DEW would be CD no? Just not explosive CD. Though seems the 7 did have sounds of "bombs" maybe loosening it up? Could be bombs + DEW?

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One needs to use the correct terminology, otherwise people get confused.

The towers were dustified - They were ripped apart at an atomic level...

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911 brought in the surveillance state. The Plandemic violated bodily autonomy via forced vaccination programs etc. And Maui, Paradise, Camp "fires" are part of the globalist Smart City scam. All are part of a larger strategy for central global government. As far as Building 7 goes? Whether it was preplanted explosives, DEW (not sure of the capabilities of this technology in 2001), or Scalar Weaponry (of which there is little information) . . . it was not caused by a mere fire. The real question is do we rise up against this globalist scheme or do we allow ourselves to be led to slaughter like a bunch of dumb sheep.


This has now been read over 8,000 times in the last few days. I’ve assembled a lot of information in this essay. If you were to print out this essay it would be nearly 50 pages. It may well be the most comprehensive analysis, of the Maui Fires, you will ever find. This will be my last update to this essay. I highly encourage my readers to spend the hours required to watch the videos and read the cited articles. The destruction of Maui is a war crime and governor Green and others need to be criminally prosecuted. The greater crime here is the “Green Agenda” ideology which is a sad joke as there is no Anthropogenic Climate Change. What happened in Maui appears to be premeditated destruction of Maui in order to steal the land and rebuild Maui as a Smart City. Biden is only offering low interest loans. No, every resident of Maui must be made whole as it was not their fault. It was the fault of people like Biden pushing this globalist WEF Green Agenda. Hawaii Electric invested their money in renewable energy instead of protecting against Wildfires. All in the name of this insane Green Agenda. Well now we just saw how destructive this Green Agenda can be. How many parents and children have needlessly died? And that is why we must stop it. No more EV’s. No more Green Globalist Agenda. I also discuss YIMBY, which has been promoted by both Obama and Biden administrations. It is about suspending local zoning laws in order to promote Smart Suburbs and Smart Cities. Also discussed is the disturbing background of Biden's Administrator of FEMA: Deanne Criswell.

The Maui Fires and the Globalist Agenda against humanity (08/23/2023)

The globalist premeditated slaughter of the people of Lahaina


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Thanx for the comment, will check out your article...

On building 7 read and watch: https://911revision.substack.com/p/building-7-the-real-truth-cut

On your comment "Scalar Weaponry (of which there is little information)" - Look into the work of Col Tom E. Bearden - If you leave me an email, I can send you numerous declassified documents and info I got off Col Tom E Bearden's website before it got scrubbed off the internet.

Here is a 1985 CNN investigative report where Tom Bearden features, 1st video in the playlist on DEW - https://odysee.com/$/playlist/593ddc4e7ad2e8ec6b7db726b8358611cfeda0cd

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I've been a journalist/activist since I began writing in 1989. My main focus is to push a global movement against the globalist agenda. I did work with a large Argon laser in the 1980's which we used for photodynamic therapy (medical research) but I don't see myself as an expert when it comes to DEWs, Geoengineering etc. But I do think it useful to keep track of these esoteric technologies, including scalar weapons if they do, in fact, exist. One of the strange anomalies -- from 911, Paradise, Greece etc. -- is the liquified aluminum wheels. In my essay I include two cars, in Maui, where the wheels liquefied despite the fact there was very little vegetation around either car. Some cite DEWs (Masers, Lasers), other cite the use of some accelerant. And chemtrailing our forests with nanoparticle aluminum, barium etc. may account for the ferocity of the fires. And while I don't think every forest fire, flood, tsunami is the result of geoengineering I am now pretty much convinced these things -- Nexrad, HAARP, DEWs, Chemtrails and goodness knows what else -- are being employed. I think they were used in Maui, Greece etc. And even if the Maui fires were largely the result of bad forest management it does not account for the extent of the damage. In the case of Maui I would guess that DEWs (Masers) or military grade excellerants were most probably used. It is also possible that the hurricane, hundreds of miles off the coast, could have been "helped" with technologies such as HAARP.

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The other concern is what are these technologies capable of, say in the destruction of a home. I have yet to find a paper that analyses what a Microwave DEW could do to destroy a home by overpowering the Smart Meter or causing the electrical wiring, of the home, to heat up and arc. That might account for the extent of the damage: homes reduced to nothing but white ash while objects not effected be microwaves (paper, plastics etc.) often remain unharmed. The "blue things don't burn" theory is interesting but anecdotal at this point.

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An important question... Have you read this book? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com/

How much reading have you done on the work of Col Tom E. Bearden?

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Here is a link to another 1985 video about DEWs. https://www.bitchute.com/video/e7nbduZvBezh/ I wonder if it was predictive programming or product promotion? -edited to change link. just listen to the first minute of dialogue in the boardroom. "it's not intended for use in your kind of war. it's a peacetime weapon."

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Interesting, thank you...

Scroll through this playlist.

Check out the video's on the Panama Deception - 1985 / Star Wars in Iraq 2006 / and the presentation by Bob Fitrakis on Exotic Weaponry (2007)

Link: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/DEW---Directed-Energy-Weapons:5

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what is your position on the "No Planes" faction?

in My understanding of applied physics, no airliner ever flown could have done as was reported by the media and written about in the official fairy tale.

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9/11 The Plane / No Plane debate settled.

Most probably the best distraction of WHAT happened on September 11, 2001

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-the-plane-no-plane-argument

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Considering the evidence, its a no-brainer that planes were NOT used as weapons on 9/11

. . . it is also a given that the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings was a planned & intentional act, ( if by explosives or by some sort of high tech lazer blaster ) therefore, there should be sufficient evidence to launch prosecution of various elected officials who even if they claim they had no knowledge of any sort of activity, they are criminally liable for not knowing. Can U dig it, what does it take to get this in front of a JUDGE?

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O, it was put in front of a judge...

Initially filed as a RFC (Request for Correction) to NIST, which enabled a whistleblower Qui-Tam case under the False Claims Act in 2007 which went all the way to the US Supreme court in 2009 - Read the cases here: https://www.drjudywood.com/wp/court-case-qui-tam/

Then listen to it being discussed from timestamp 1h 53 min 30 sec - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Dr-Judy-Wood-November-2023:5

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Oh, this can only mean that system is rotten to the bone.

I have high regard for the work of Dr. Wood, however I do not consider her to be infallible. I'm not certain as to exactly what the real story is, but I can know for certain that the official story doesn't tell it correctly.

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Then the question remains...

Have you even read the book?

Seeing you did not even know about the court cases she filed.

The book contains a LOT more detail than what she can get into a podcast or a 2 1/2h seminar. This article should help you understand just how many people out there have an opinion of her work, yet have NEVER even picked up her book, but are willing to attack her character and misrepresent what it presents - https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics

Once you've read the book, you'll be able to differentiate between a conclusive body of evidence and that of a theory or hypothesis being presented by all her detractors.

A thought experiment for you: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-Conclusive-body-of-evidence-between-a-theory-or-hypothesis:e

Dr Morgan Reynolds also filed a RFC and in turn a whistleblower case against the same companies in 2007, as they also NEVER proved that planes were involved ay all three sites.

Watch: 9/11 A plane story - https://rumble.com/v3k3t3e-911-a-plane-story.html

You willing to take the challenge of actually reading the book?

Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

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