The 2 videos from the parking lot show the plane. He is looking for an image of a plane in one little corner of a video image and it is staring him in the face. They compare two images with a 'boolean subtraction' and see that there are two similar areas in both images and say in one it is a smoke trail from the plane and in the other it 'IS SAID TO BE' the nose of the plane! They are both images of the smoke trail! You can tell that because they are the same. All he has to do is look to the left of the 'nose of the plane' and you can see the plane!

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Please read this article https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-the-plane-no-plane-argument and follow the various links mentioned in the article to get you facts straight on the PentaCon - You're knee jerking the government narrative without doing your due diligence. Don't be lazy.

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Read my comment and tell me if you agree with it or not. You can look at the video just as anyone else can. That video is from 'The New Pearl Harbour' and it is patently false nonsense.

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You are referencing videos with no links to said videos, so how must I even know what you are talking about? You also did not do your own due diligence by following everything I hyperlinked to. Thus, you are knee jerking the government narrative. This short video DESTROYS the narrative that a plane crashed at the PentaCon - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/The-Pentagon-Incident---Full-2000:2

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The video is in your article.

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There is no plane in the video and this is a video you should watch, because it proves no plane near the PentaCon - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/The-Pentagon-Incident---Full-2000:2

The official narrative is bunk... The missile conspiracy theory is bunk.

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The plane can be seen in the video. The link you gave is not to a video it is only audio,at least I can't see any video. The first thing it talks about is Norman Mineta whose account is totally confused and inaccurate. He was not in the Whitehouse when the plane hit the Pentagon, Cheney was not in the PEOC when the plane hit, Mineta arrived into the PEOC after 10 am and Mineta' s account is about UA93. As for the reporter outside the Pentagon, it is bizarre that anyone would talk about it.

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I used to think General Wes Clark was a clown, but then I see him here and believe he is on to something:


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"See him here" - I have not referenced him in any of my articles so far, but I know about his statements...

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I would call it the Penta-Com as Sit-Com ;)

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Or PentaGone, lol - Thoughts on the article? Are you familiar with all the various information shared on the hyperlinks?

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I was completely aware that 9/11 was an inside job, not a coincidence after the scandal of US elections and the Florida coup with the voting machine by the Bush family, dad was part of that criminal organization "for a new American Century" with the rest of the gang that went in the White House at various roles.

Here in Europe only the idiots that were drinking the us propaganda news thought it was a bunch of Saudis and I can't forget the opposition of the France President then subject of the jokes of all American media complex.

So the day after I was able to find a journalist and his blog where I did find a lot of interesting points and links, one for all the famous gang of fake Israeli students complimenting each other on the other side of Manhattan in front of the Towers collapsing, another one was the traffic control recording (that I still keep in my hds) of the mysterious lost flight that disappeared in that black hole in Pennsylvania.

Some days later or a couple of weeks it came out the first edit of those 2 young guys that were trying to show the insider job, but supporting the controlled demolition, the termite idea in the basement for the column and so on.

For a couple of years I was reading everything, than it was the Iraq and at that point after watching a US army soldiers blog with disgusting pictures of seals or marines taking a selfie with a poor innocent civilian with no head in the car because of a tank shell, I gave up. In Europe we are way more civilized than that, a part Ukrainian ones.

9/11 was exactly as programmed by the criminals above of that Organization that disappeared from web few years later a part the Archive, it was the Evil Empire turning into Nazi mode 100% from economy to financial to geopolitics and technology. Covid was the second test/step.

Putin yesterday said an undoubted truth: USA when its' close to a financial crash or a recession as in 2001, makes wars against innocent people and country, so they can earn billions/trillions with it's Military Industrial Complex and infrastructure Corporations. The worst side of them is that they hate Europeans because america is still a nation based on ideologies, traditions and way of leaving and acting as in Far West Epoch: nothing has changed, it's just adapted itself to technology progress.

But as Putin said, today Empires come and go pretty quickly, Roman Empire times are over!

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Sorry for the long story ;)

But I discovered you on Substack just few months ago as I was looking for material for my 12 yo kid that was curious about it.

I mean, what can I say, what I red and watch is astonishing. But the best it's that it matches the reality/physics of the dynamic of the events.

I'm reading and watching more of those because I want to have everything clear in my mind to propagate the facts, not the opinions.

As I did with Covid two and half years ago: another intricate and nebulous american propaganda story or I must say another act of the Criminal Gang that control the Empire.

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Read this article and watch the 4h presentation I just finished with, before YT scrubs it - https://911revision.substack.com/p/refutation-of-the-911-truther-narratives

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I mean, we know it wasn't a plane. Outside of that, there are many possibilties and I just don't think ew have enough evidence. Long story short, certain people within the government know. That's what really matters.

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Yep - Especially two companies, ARA and SAIC and DEPS.

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You need to ask the people who were actually right there. It was a plane. Ask the parents of the 7 year old boy who was on that plane with his teacher on a reward trip. Ask the people who were in the Pentagon. Ask my son who sat there in traffic for 1 hour before they were directed to return home. There was no "other" plane. Where are these ridiculous stories coming from? Get real, people. Stop making up these stupid stories. Instead, honor the real people who lost their lives that day. Shame on all of you.

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Read the full article - follow the various links before knee jerking your answer.

O, I'm busy honouring the people that jumped on 9/11 and the the murder of 3,000 citizens on 911 which included the disintegration into nothingness of 1,500 or so with DEW.... to say nothing of the 4.5 million innocent brown people the US has murdered in its Global War OF Terror.

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Nobody asked your opinion, Bev. Take your sob stories and find some other place to troll.

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More things I haven’t see before. Very interesting. Saving this to review further. Thanks!

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I did that analysis … an Aluminum Can does NOT create a ROUND hole and I had to argue for five months with supposed Experts. I am sick of experts. I am a six sigma black belt … and Hell, people with common sense I Damn Well Pay Attention To!! Look the remains were about a couple of pick up trucks worth (ok I may exaggerate, but not by much!-))

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Adam Eisenberg - 9/11 Pentagon whistleblower

While serving in the Army as a member of Alpha Company, 3rd US Infantry, Adam Eisenberg spent approximately 240 hours on site, with at least a hundred of his fellow servicemen, at the Pentagon on 9/11.

In short, he helped clean up the mess from the plane crash. Except that, well, there was no plane, he argues.

His interviews: https://rumble.com/v5jloul-adam-eisenberg-pentagon-whistleblower.html

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No seats, tail sections, etc.

39 of the 40 investigators looking into the billions that came due for payment 2 days later were kilked in the Bolshevik Pentagram scud missile attack. They were never replaced and the 40 billion was bever seen again. Fuggin scum.

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Pentagram scud missile attack?

I just made the case that the "missile" angle is rather suspect, so did you not read the article?

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Right?! Plus the first couple of new clips that showed no evidence of a plane in the debris field.

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Yup! This and bldg 7 is what woke me up to the bullshit!

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WHAT exactly happened to ALL 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on Sept 11, 2001?

The following points need to be made regarding what exactly happened to the buildings and the observable evidence at ground zero, that the “9/11 truth movement” never touch on…

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/what-exactly-happened-to-all-7-buildings

The 9/11 Building 7 HOAX

Building 7 did NOT go down to fire or explosives.

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-building-7-hoax-video-of-2011

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What complete and utter nonsense.

I hate truthers.


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You sound like pro-vaxxer, injured by climate change...

There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11

1. Problem solving skills

2. Group Think

3. They just can't handle the implications

Were the towers destroyed by a gravity collapse? The evidence says no.

Were the towers destroyed by explosives? The evidence says no.

Were the towers destroyed by thermite? The evidence says no.

Were the towers destroyed by nukes? The evidence says no.

The answers to these questions can easily be found by studying the evidence.

The problem is NOT a shortage of evidence.

The problem is nobody wants to LOOK at the evidence and think for themselves.

Instead, everyone wants to be TOLD WHAT TO THINK by "experts" in the MSM, alternative media, the scientific community, the government, and the "truth" movement, but these "experts" spend the whole time covering up and muddling up the evidence.

Here is a 20-minute video that most can follow: https://rumble.com/v5jnndx-understanding-the-911-evidence.html

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And some people just live in la-la land.

Yes, four planes flown by jihadist terrorists brought down two world center towers and severely damaged the pentagon.

Eyewitness saw the planes hit the pentagon.

I read all the reports, it is amazing what group think can get you

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Great to see you think you know more than someone that was in the PentaCON on 9/11.

Adam Eisenberg - 9/11 Pentagon whistleblower

While serving in the Army as a member of Alpha Company, 3rd US Infantry, Adam Eisenberg spent approximately 240 hours on site, with at least a hundred of his fellow servicemen, at the Pentagon on 9/11.

In short, he helped clean up the mess from the plane crash. Except that, well, there was no plane, he argues.

His interviews: https://rumble.com/v5jloul-adam-eisenberg-pentagon-whistleblower.html

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So what happened to flight 77? Did it just disappear?

Adam is obviously wrong.


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Are you stoned or drunk?

Using wikipedia as a source again shows how much of a normie you are. How many injections did you get during cv-19? Fully boosted are you?

No one can take you seriously if you think you know more than someone who was at the PentaCON on 9/11...

You're just a retard troll, with no critical thinking coming into the comment section to show what an idiot you are...

Keep doing you.... LOL

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You are delirious and on another planet if you believe flight 77 didn’t hit the pentagon.

Answer my question, WHAT HAPPENED TO FLIGHT 77?

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Seeing you're a "Retired Senior Reactor Operator", you should have been able to follow this article above, but alas, you seem to struggle with the 3 basic problems...

There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11;

1. Problem solving skills

2. Group Think

3. They just can't handle the implications

NOT ONE of the four alleged planes on 9/11 made it to the claimed targets on 9/11.

The Fantasy Flights on 9/11

One of the biggest hurdles for 9/11 truth seekers and normies

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-fantasy-flights-on-911

Podcast with Jerm Warfare: https://rumble.com/v646fsm-jerm-warfare-talks-to-911-planes-research.html

A Presentation Discussing the Official Evidence & Telemetry Data of Flights AA11, UA175, AA77 & UA93

An Independent Investigation


The 2007 Qui-Tam Case for science fraud against the 23 NIST subcontractors with regards to the alleged plane impacts at the WTC or the PentaCon or Shanksville, sets it out neatly.

You should also go have a read of expert CIA pilot, John Lear’s affidavit regarding the IMPOSSIBILITY of radio-controlled planes – John Lear also flew a record-breaking flight around the world in a LearJet that covered 22,000 miles in 50 hours and 39 minutes. So, you want to tell me you know more than actual pilots?

Court filing download them here: https://nomoregames.net/2011/06/12/request-for-correction-by-nist-for-its-invalid-wtc-jetliner-animations-and-analyses/

Let’s not get into Newton's 3rd law, or discuss points like air pressure, drag, aerodynamics, the facts that the planes were supposedly flying over their recommended speeds by 200mp/h, which means the planes would break up, and all this has been confirmed by Boeing when researchers gave them a call and NUMEROUS pilots also confirmed it.

You can speak to pilots that also confirm no commercial jetliner can fly that low, at the calculated speeds, and the controllability would be nearly impossible, and they all confirm the same NO commercial jetliners could perform the manoeuvres we saw.

Please arm yourself with this information below, which explains, and demonstrates, that none of the "officially" named planes crashed at the named targets on 9/11, as NO ELT’s for ANY of the alleged planes were registered on the day.

American Airlines Flight 11 (North Tower)

AA11 had no Emergency Locator Transmission (ELT) at the time of the crash into the North Tower. An ELT was reported by the pilot of US583 to Air Traffic Control (ATC) at 8:44am, which is 2 minutes before AA11 “allegedly” crashed at 8:46am.

However, the ELT signal could not have originated from AA11, because it is not possible to manually activate an ELT in Boeing 767s, as stated by Paul Thumser an experienced ex-pilot and was a radar operator and trainer on 9/11, who was interviewed for the 9/11 investigation.

The lack of an ELT for AA11 is also relevant because AA11 was reported as still being airborne after 9am on the NORAD communication recordings, so there would be no ELT.

It was stated in the recording that AA11 heading towards Washington. The latitude and longitude coordinated given for AA11 shows it was 5.77 miles past the North Tower.

It was also confirmed to be AA11 because AA11’s tail number given for this plane.

United Airlines Flight 175 (South Tower)

We were told UA175 took-off at 8:14am in the official narrative, however the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) show that UA175 took-off at 8:23am.

Again, as with AA11, there was no ELT activated at the time of the crash at 9:03am, however the same pilot of US583 who reported the previous ELT, also reported at 8:58am, which is 4 minutes too early for it to be UA175 which allegedly crashed at 9:03am.

The pilot reported he had heard another faint ELT, however as with AA11 being a Boeing 767 aircraft, UA175 is also a Boeing 767 aircraft which are unable to have the ELT manually activated by the pilot.

Plus, would we truly believe that the suicide hijackers would activate the ELT. UA175 had several Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) messages sent to the plane, which were received by the plane.

The ground station locations to which the ACARS messages were sent from show that the plane was over Pittsburgh and Harrisburg which is nowhere near New York near the time of crash at 9:03am.

This proves that UA175 was still airborne.

This shows the plane did not make a turn and head back towards the South Tower.

An even more anomalous piece of evidence to show UA175 still in the air long after the alleged crash was captured on MSNBC news at 10:25am, where Flight Explorer a real time software program which operates in real time with the FAA showed UA175 flying over Connecticut.

Just to add, UA175 appeared to be flying in the direction back to Boston Logan Airport.

American Airlines Flight 77 (Pentagon)

DCC Radar evidence that was released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) shows that AA77 did not turn around on the Kentucky & Ohio boarder as we were told, but continued in its flight path and flew over Missouri and St Louis Airport towards Kansas before turning around and heading back to Missouri before disappearing off radar.

(Possible landing at St Louis Airport?)

There was no ELT activated at the time of crash. This shows that AA77 was nowhere near the Pentagon at the time of the “alleged” crash but was still airborne.

Again, AA77 was still in the air, this would explain the lack of an ELT.

United Airlines Flight 93 (Shanksville)

We were told that UA93 took-off at 8:42am, however Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) logged UA93 as taking-off at 8:28am.

Official evidence also shows that UA93 was still Airborne according to ACARS messages which show through the Radio Ground Stations, that UA93 was flying over Champaign, IL, near Chicago which is well over 500 miles away from Pittsburgh.

This is also corroborated by Col. Marr, who said UA93 was circling over Chicago.

Another strange anomaly is that the Air Traffic Control’s last coordinates placed UA93, 15 miles past the crash site in Shanksville, PA, proving that it could not have crashed at the site.

Also, how could UA93 be over Champaign IL, and be 15 miles past the crash site, which shows the plane in two different locations?

To add, UA93 did activate an ELT at the time of crash, which should have been the case, yet again lending more weight that UA93 did not crash in Shanksville, PA.

According to Lind Justice on communication recordings, UA93 was flashing over Hagerstown, which is 67 miles past the crash site in Shanksville, PA. and to lend even more weight to UA93 still airborne and where it was heading, UA93 was shown on Flight Aware as having landed at Reagan National Airport 10:28am.

According to the Commission investigation files, UA93 requested a flight to Hagerstown, which was changed to Reagan National Airport. According to many mainstream media sources, UA93 filed a new flight plan from the plane, with its destination to Reagan National Airport with an Estimated Time Arrival of 10:28am.

The 9/11 Commission tried to play down the change of flight plan, but it was widely reported, and contradicted in the 9/11 Commission investigation files, say an attempt was made by the hijackers, to change the flight plan, but failed, because the alleged hijackers radioed the wrong sector which was out of range.

Linda Justice also claims she pushed through the Reagan National Airport flight plan as a “best guess”, but how did Linda Justice know she was tracking UA93, because there would not have been a data block to identify UA93.

Justice’s account is contradictory because she also said UA93 was flashing over Hagerstown.

The question is, how did she know it was UA93 if its transponder was switched off?

Plus, Hagerstown is 67 miles past the crash site in Shanksville, PA.

As we can learn from much of the official evidence, none of the 4 planes crashed at the named targets on 9/11.

As confirmed by the NTSB Final Report, none of the 4 planes activated an ELT, meaning the evidence is conclusive, none of the named planes crashed on 9/11.

Seismic evidence for the Pentagon and Shanksville, PA also proves this, along with strange anomalous seismic readings for both WTC towers, along with fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field at all 4 plane events on 9/11.

Simply put, neither plane crashes nor missiles cause the Earth’s magnetic field to fluctuate, something else did.

Information supplied by Mark Conlon – 9/11 Planes Research

Website: https://911planesresearch.substack.com/

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And your refutation is Wikipedia, Ken? Hilarious. To borrow your catch phrase, *you* GTFOH.

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"Eyewitness saw the planes hit the pentagon."

Oh, you mean the ones who claimed to have seen people inside Flight 77 as it supposedly flew 530+ mph into the Pentagon, which is impossible? Or the ones who claimed to have seen it hit the ground before crashing into the building, which didn't happen? Or the ones who clearly were being fed lines such as Dawn Vignola? Yeah, they seem reliable....

Also, it's plane, not planes, for AA77. To my knowledge, there weren't more than one plane involved in the Pentagon attack according to those same witnesses you love to speak of. If you're going to argue with people, at least try to fix your grammar.

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So your answer is, all four airplanes just disappeared, like off the face of the planet. No planes,no passengers, were they taken away by UAPs?

Fascinating, and you’ve been working on this for how long, 24 years? Amazing, somehow all those videos of flight AA 11 and UA 175 actually hitting the towers is CGI? It’s just all made up? Tin hat lunacy.

I wish you come to your senses someday bud since you’ve been at this so long it’s doubtful.

You’re never going to convince me that this was not an Islamic jihadist terrorist attack.

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When people like you have been fooled for so long, some just get to the point of no return. No matter how much evidence you show them, they’ll never be able to face the truth.

Keep believing your comfortable lie.

Just do me one favour - Don’t call yourself a truth seeker.

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What's funny, Ken, is that you think 9/11 Revisionist believes the WTC planes footage were CGI, when it's actually the opposite. Read this article, for instance, where he calls CGI planes a psyop:


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I hate truthers, they dishonor those who died by spreading lies about their deaths.

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O, now you're just deflecting your own shortcomings.

You're the one dishonouring the people who lost their lives on 9/11, the first responders and cleaners of the surrounding areas that are still dying, as well as the over 4 million people in the Middle East that were killed in a FAKE WAR on terror and don't forget the fighting American son's and daughters.

You have already dishonoured Adam Eisenberg, a member of Alpha Company, 3rd US Infantry, who spent approximately 240 hours on site, with at least a hundred of his fellow servicemen, at the Pentagon on 9/11, by calling him a LIAR.

You have been let to the water of truth of what happened on 9/11, but you refuse to drink.

You're like a person that got the cv-19 vax, got injured by the vax and now you blame climate change for the vax injury...

You sir, are NOT a patriot and you are NOT interested in truth.

You are a disgrace.

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And you're dishonoring our time and energy by being here. If you hate "truthers" and this site so much, why bother coming here?

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You probably also believe that world is flat and the moon landings did not occur. It’s absolutely ludicrous what you believe. I blocked the author. I am not subscribing to this nonsense. Good bye

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I also find your beliefs to be ludicrous, almost as much so as the flat earth and moon landing "conspiracy theories" you accuse me of believing. I bet you believe that Arab hijackers who could barely fly Cessnas managed to take over and crash passenger jets under the nose of the U.S. military, or that it was a "surprise attack" nobody really foresaw coming. You probably also believe in the "weapons of mass destruction" lie, or that Russia rigged the 2016 elections for Trump. Good night.

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It was a missile from our Military. The real government ordered it.

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Did you just miss all the anomalies that cannot be explained by the use of a missile in the article?

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