Dear Tucker Carlson & Bernard Hudson
You ran the CIA's counterterrorism department and you're still gaslighting people
The CIA has been rather busy on the ‘mainstream alternative media” podcast circuit of late. You might not have read my open letter to Sarah Adams, ‘former” CIA Targeter, who appeared on the Shaun Ryan show, pushing the official government conspiracy theory of what happened on 9/11, also dared insinuate the ‘Building 7 people" are unwitting tools of Al Qaeda, pushing dissent towards the US government with their claims that 9/11 was an inside job. Well, we know it is dear, and I gave you enough food for thought in my open letter. It’s up to you now to go do some reading and to wrap your head around all the evidence laid out in front of your feet.
Our second CIA mouthpiece, Bernard Hudson, who ran the counterterrorism department, also seems dead set on pushing the official government conspiracy theory, of two little planes taking out the whole World Trade Center complex, after being asked by Tucker Carlson, “Why Won’t the Intel Community Declassify the JFK and 9/11 Files?”.
Well Tucker, as stated in my open letter to Sarah Adams & Shawn Ryan, once the 9/11 files get unsealed, the jig is up for the US US Military Industrial Complex and their involvement in the execution and the cover-up of the events on 9/11 and the installation of COINTELPRO agents in the 9/11 ‘truth” movement, that started forming in 2005, will be exposed. You might want to read this article, to understand who they are and how they tie into the government. 9/11 is an ongoing psyop.
Have a listen to this short clip and you tell me in the comments, what you think about what Bernard Hudson had to say and also note Tucker’s body language.
Just a quick push back on his stance of the PentaCON, there are issues with the confiscated videos from all around the Pentagon - Here is a breakdown proving the anomaly in the footage that was released by the government, as Photoshopped.
Then keeping with the PentaCON, we also have Adam Eisenberg.
While serving in the Army as a member of Alpha Company, 3rd US Infantry, Adam Eisenberg spent approximately 240 hours on site, with at least a hundred of his fellow servicemen, at the Pentagon on 9/11. In short, he helped clean up the mess from the plane crash. Except that, well, there was no plane, he argues. Interviews here.
Now if you want to tell me that the CIA and the counterterrorism department does not know what is contained in the two 2007 whistleblower cases against the 23 NIST subcontractors, you have way too much trust in government, even after the last 4 years.
Case 1 on the Plane Impact studies. Case 2 on the WTC complex destruction.
Now, this is where I need to backtrack a bit and start focussing on our friend Tucker Carlson.
I specifically want to rewind to his interview with Shaun Ryan in 2024.
There is something you also need to remember, Shaun Ryan has had a vast array of guests on and one guest in particular Colonel John Alexander.
Colonel John Alexander is a former Army Special Forces Commander with an impeccable career in leadership across multiple agencies and programs within the U.S. intelligence community. Post retirement, Alexander became the Program Manager for Non-Lethal Defense at Los Alamos National Laboratory – the same lab responsible for the creation of the Atomic Bomb. At that same lab, he worked with our infamous John Hutchison, known for his Hutchison Effect and it also so happens that our 9/11 captain thermite, Dr Steven E. Jones, also worked there.
The interview with Colonel John Alexander was nearly a 6 hour marathon, but I’ve broken it up into three important clips to listen to, with regards to what Colonel John Alexander was working on, that relates to 9/11 - 7 minutes, 12 minutes and 22 minutes.
But before we move on, let’s give you a short clip of John Hutchison and Colonel Alexander working together at Los Alamos in 1986. 4 minutes (full documentary link)
For a bit of a history and Steven E. Jones and the battle for 9/11 truth, his role was discussed in length in this article. Now back to Tucker Carlson and Shawn Ryan.
On Ryan’s show, Tucker made the following statement;
So, Tucker states he watches Ryan’s show with all these guest that talk about exotic tech and that’s he looked into it. Other guest like Steven Greer, also talks about the same tech Dr Wood talks about, like Scalar Waves, Electromagnetics, RF Weapons and Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reactions, as discussed in this article, but everyone steers clear of mentioning 9/11 in the same sentence.
Then later in the conversation Tucker makes the following statement with regards to 9/11 and especially Building 7.
Now Tucker, you talk about the academic side of the destruction on 9/11 and evidence, so my question is, why don’t these two professors ever feature on the mainstream alternative media podcast scene?
After all, they were the first to call bullshit and filed their evidence to court in 2007.
They should be the first people you would want to talk to about 9/11.
Tucker also points to what the CIA does to dissenters in this clip and it falls in line with what the 9/11 “truth” movement has done to the two professors above, as discussed in this article, that proves it as been in full effect since 2010. (1min 25 sec)
To Tucker Carlson and Shaw Ryan all I want to say is, after people have been reaching out to YOU BOTH, to bring these two people to your attention, who have brought these two cases back in 2007 already, why does it fall on deaf ears?
It makes one wonder what you might be afraid of? Will you ever be brave enough to have them on your shows? Alex Jones sure has hell has been ducking and diving these two people since 2011. Jesse Ventura also seemed to NOT want to point a finger at the US MIC.
There is STILL a psychological operation being played on the people who believe the official government conspiracy theory and the government approved counter narrative, pushed by the 9/11 “truth” movement and their followers have unwittingly fallen for the COINTELPRO agents leading them astray…
The real truth stays hidden and ridiculed, because they just cannot handle the implications.
The truth is out there Tucker and Ryan. No amount of counterintelligence propaganda will bury it, and it is telling that the mainstream alternative media has not picked up on this information. You might want to hire new researchers...
People are waking up to the 9/11 bamboozle of the official narrative of jet fuel and the official counter narratives of controlled opposition touting bombs, thermite or nukes.
At the end of the day - WE CAN PROVE the official government conspiracy theory of what happened on 9/11 is WRONG and those put in play to distract from truth.
It’s just time that the mainstream alternative media gets the correct 9/11 researchers and whistleblowers to sit down with you and not the proven disinformation peddlers.
Jerm Warfare and Prof David A. Hughes discussing Dr Judy Wood vs. the bogus nanothermite hypothesis and the belief in absurdities as a humiliation ritual. (2 min)
As an added bonus, I tweaked the discussion on 9/11 between Tucker and Bernard. (4 min)
There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11;
1. Problem solving skills
2. Group Think
3. They just can't handle the implications
Wikipedia's block listed 9/11 scientist.
Cancelled by Wikipedia for 14 years and counting.
9/11 Truth and the Silence of the IR Discipline
Given the massive amount of evidence calling the official "9/11" narrative into question, why won't academia ask any critical questions?
Read the paper here:
Thank you for reading, thank you for watching, listening and still caring.
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payments to my country yet.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
Body language of TC indicates, he dares you to defy the official narrative. "Prov'em wrong". Seeing his most recent change of persona, sickens me with his attempt at being a 'Valley Girl'. Frankly, I am disgusted by them all! Lies, lies and more, all to enslave humanity, whilst obliterating what is beauty and the meaning of life. I choose love. Thanks again for your time and articles supplied for 'DUHmASSes'. Blessings ~
I've been through hell these past years and I'm old and financially ruined. I'm trying hard to survive and take care of my rescue animals. I came to realize many terrible things a little over 30 years ago about the relationship of the fraternal order of police, Scottish rites temples, and drug trafficking. I assembled a pile of research papers, interviews, documentation etc... Then I was labeled a conspiracy theorist, eventually told to shut up or face dire consequences. I put everything in a box and turned my back on it all. Now years later, it appears my conclusions were not misguided. However, the amount of evidence of widespread nefarious operations by agencies of the government appears to have only emboldened them. I hope and pray that you and many like you keep up the good fight. Perhaps the tide will turn in the future but for now I no longer can afford the energy or time to become mired in endless battles or mental gymnastics. I won't hesitate to give my life in the battle to free humanity from debt slavery but we have reached a point in which the enemy is unclear and no one can be fully trusted. Dangerous situation in my opinion. I appreciate your work and wish you the best.