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With all due respect, but can you count past 3?

Do you know 8 buildings, yes 8 aren't there anymore? 7 of them highly damaged on the day and one taken apart 5 years later, after millions was sunk into fixing it. (There is an article, covering the highlights of these 8 buildings in one of my early substack articles)

I do not label myself as a "truther" or a "debunker" - If you've really done a VERY deep dive of all the narratives around 9/11 you'd wake up to the charlatans in the so called 9/11 "truther" movement.

Please if you have not, read my first article and make your way through each one of my articles, as they follow on each other - https://911revision.substack.com/p/in-2022-we-passed-the-21st-anniversary - as your comment proves you're new to the party on my substack, so context is very important to follow what I share.

If you really want to see your so called trusted "truthers" having strife - go read Craig McKee's substack article: https://thoughtcrimesandmisdemeanors.substack.com/p/erasing-ae911truth-international'

I've called Craig McKee out as disingenuous as well - https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics

I sincerely hope if you're truly interested in finding the truth and to realise your bamboozlement by these so called "truther" talking heads, by working through all my articles, you too will find it hard not to want and leave all these people with a bloodied nose on each and every chance you get.

Author of the book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

The ONLY independent forensic investigation of what happened to 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on 9/11 was done by Dr Judy Wood.

She also sued NIST's 23 subcontractors for science fraud due to their flawed studies and reports that made up the 10 000 NIST Report, in 2007. And this case was filed with the US Supreme Court in 2009.

Yet - the 9/11 "truther" movement NEVER mention her cases against NIST.

NIST used a technique that is not uncommon in science fraud and the technique that they used was basically to define their objectives in such a way as to make sure that they basically did not investigate what happened.

NIST set up its investigation so that the starting point was the moment after the alleged jetliners hit the towers which literally meant that they did not have to confirm that jetliners hit the towers and the fact of the matter is no jetliners did hit those towers. And then they concluded their investigation at the point where or when the towers were about to be destroyed.

Here you have a 10,000-page NIST investigation that investigated everything that happened after the towers suffered damaging explosions and then ended before the towers underwent their final demise.

Their language was “up to the initiation of collapse.” That is science fraud. - lawyer Jerry Leaphart.

As the world slowly stirs to consider what really happened on 911, we need direct unambiguous answers.

Challenge, Questions / Controversy between Where Did The Towers Go and the controlled opposition traitors like Gage, Walters, Corbett, Steven E. Jones, Alex Jones, Fetzer et al. must be embraced and directly answered.

The world needs to recognize that Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) have been around for decades and were used on 9/11.

About 3,000 American people were murdered by the perpetrators in order to launch unfounded wars that murdered over 4 million innocent people.

The American people, via the consent of the governed, are ultimately responsible for the actions of the UNITED STATES / United States / US FedGov.

The People have to stand up and peacefully, resolutely fix the problem.

The same underlying technology demonstrated on 9/11 can be used to peacefully power the world with free energy or shatter it to pieces like a 1,000 mile diameter asteroid impact.

The time for conscious, fully informed choice has now come.

Choose you this day who you will serve.

A thought experiment: https://911revision.substack.com/p/a-911-thought-experiment

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Jan 31
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Did you not go through my statement above? Please do your due diligence before knee-jerking an answer.

1. Her name is Dr Wood

2. Dr Wood DID have her day in court - Your courts are corrupted and in the judges summation he stated - I am IGNORING the law by not hearing the case - might he have been pressured NOT to by the US Military industrial complex, after all we are talking about "free energy" that can relieve us all of a world of artificial scarcity where we are made slaves by the giant energy industry - Listen to this for context - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/6.-QuiTam-and-Censorship:f

3. No proof? Here is 500 pages that is the only independent forensic investigation of the observable evidence at ground zero, a conclusive body of evidence that points you to an irrefutable conclusion of the destruction mechanism that a conventional controlled demolition using explosives / thermite / nukes CANNOT explain - I suggest you read it - https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

4. The court papers as well - https://www.drjudywood.com/wp/court-case-qui-tam/

5. The planes, always the planes - People love falling back to the planes in order to distract from talking about what happened to 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on 9/11 - A tactic used by all the 9/11 "truther" talking heads when backed into a corner when they cannot discuss points with relation to the DISINTEGRATION on a molecular level.

6. I have been follow James Corbett's work for MANY years and indeed he continues to do great work - but when it comes to 9/11, he is a limited hangout, just like Alex Jones and Gage et al - Here is a break down of James to enlighten you - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-James-Corbet:e

Then, it is time for you to do a thought experiment - What is the difference between a conclusive body of evidence, vs a belief or theory - as presented as truth by the so called "truther" talking heads?

Give this a listen: https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/911-Conclusive-body-of-evidence-between-a-theory-or-hypothesis:e

Please if you have not, read my first article and make your way through each one of my articles, as they follow on each other - https://911revision.substack.com/p/in-2022-we-passed-the-21st-anniversary - as your comment again proves you're new to the party on my substack, so context is very important to follow what I share.

As the world slowly stirs to consider what really happened on 911, we need direct unambiguous answers.

Challenge, Questions / Controversy between Where Did The Towers Go and the controlled opposition traitors like Gage, Walters, Corbett, Steven E. Jones, Alex Jones, Fetzer et al. must be embraced and directly answered.

The world needs to recognize that Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) have been around for decades and were used on 9/11.

About 3,000 American people were murdered by the perpetrators in order to launch unfounded wars that murdered over 4 million innocent people.

The American people, via the consent of the governed, are ultimately responsible for the actions of the UNITED STATES / United States / US FedGov.

The People have to stand up and peacefully, resolutely fix the problem.

The same underlying technology demonstrated on 9/11 can be used to peacefully power the world with free energy or shatter it to pieces like a 1,000 mile diameter asteroid impact.

The time for conscious, fully informed choice has now come.

Choose you this day who you will serve.

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Jan 31
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So, you're voicing an opinion when you've NOT looked at all the available evidence out there with every narrative pertaining to 9/11.

What a truth seeker you are.

You should really read this article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-and-the-debunking-olympics

You will see that MOST people who are detractors of Dr Wood has never read the book or the court transcripts, so they, like you aren't really well informed enough to have an opinion.

Keep on believing what people tell you to believe - outsource your thinking and whatever you do - DON'T do your own research (reading).

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Yes Gene is the gatekeeper for the Facebook page and is a fanboy of David Chandler and all the Colorado "truthers" in the group.

Have you met Nelson and his serial killer buddy Adam yet? Or Ed Brotherton?

They had a couple of weeks summer 2022 where the warroom was dedicated to the Pentagon and Gene shut that down too ...

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"Nelson and his serial killer buddy Adam and Ed Brotherton" - Please elaborate...

Gene claims to be a Christian, yet he is following and protecting false prophets.

It's a sad state of affairs, but we see people waking up to the bamboozle and these false prophets are running scared.

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That would have been FANTASTIC! Poor little liars... they knew better than to actually engage with you :)

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We need to keep religion and slander out of the discussion. That will only serve as ammunition for the debunkers to use against us.

As you have done, but I fear we're up against the same "brick wall" as we're finding with the Covid scam.

We're basically fighting the most powerful forces on the planet. Those that can enact then cover up these crimes against humanity for "humanity's sake", allegedly, are beyond our reach I'm afraid. Those layers of "truth" are created by their minions. Paid or otherwise. They cover for our "leaders"!

We may NEVER out the truth.

Good luck, may justice prevail.

Peace and Love without religion, thanks... ♥️👌

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As you will see, Gene made all the unfounded accusations with regards to my integrity and brought religion into the argument. I will then attack him on the basis on which he attacks me.

This whole interaction exposes him, Richard Gage, his lawyer, architects for an engineered truth and all their minions for the distraction, disinformation peddlers and snake oil salesmen they are.

They KNOW if we are to hold an honest, open discussion with regards to the observable EVIDENCE at ground zero, their whole GRIFT will come to a screeching halt.

The 16 years of bamboozling people and swindling and racking in millions of dollars needs to stop. Anyone that has woken up to seeing exactly what they are doing should be calling them out on EVERY single open public discussion...

"We may never know the truth" - Really?

Have you read Dr Wood's book and read through her 2007 Qui-Tam case as well as her 2009 US Supreme court case? She has been the closest to finding out what happened, because if she managed to depose the two main companies that know - ARA and SAIC, then we would have been able to say who dunnit. https://www.drjudywood.com/wp/court-case-qui-tam/

But the 9/11 "truther" movement, MSM and even Wikipedia does not want you to know about these two cases and the evidence it contains.

Gage denying knowledge - https://rumble.com/v3g82mu-911-truth-what-does-it-take-for-you-to-distrust-someone.html

Ted Walter, "Int Center for 9/11 Justice", suppression denying knowledge - https://rumble.com/v3mmu61-the-disingenuous-search-for-911-justice.html

See how uncomfortable they become - blood red in the faces when called out.

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I've just noticed that David Icke and Alex Jones have "met" on a podcast to tall.

I find it interesting that the modern Dad of conspiracy, Mr Icke is talking to the Daddy of Global Conspiracy, Jones.

Is Alex Jones still dismissive of Dr Woods work?

I read Ickes book but forget what his conclusion was.... ?

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You can read my David Icke article here: https://911revision.substack.com/p/david-icke-on-911

Jones has never had Dr Wood on and never will - I will be writing an article about the limited hangout Alex is in the near future.

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Gage really is the biggest loser. He'll gatekeep until he's dead. Such a commited liar.

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Then he also has his team of gatekeepers to keep people away from him...

So much for finding truth, they'll rather just muddle it up.

This is why one must challenge them on every public platform during question and answer sessions. They can feel lucky I don't live in the USA.

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Just reading it and right away I see they try to tar you with being a Muslim immediately. Let that stick in peoples minds. These people are trained in psychological manipulation. It's their forte ffs!!

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