I understand why "vaporized" is wrong - it implies heat...

What about when people use the word "disintegrate"? Do you think that works?

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Jan 9, 2024Edited
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Well, we can only speculate on the serial number and what the operator had for breakfast, lol... That it was working off field effects, much like the work of Hutchison.

The best people to ask about it is ARA and SAIC as well as the The Directed Energy Professional Society.

DEPS - The Directed Energy Professional Society

You'll be surprised to hear who the members are.

Read the article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/deps-the-directed-energy-professional

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...and that would account for the material-specific effects we see? The way paper and aluminum seem to do just fine, while steel, concrete, glass, and people are disintegrated?

Have these positron wavefront beams been shown to be able to cause disintegration?

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Jan 9, 2024Edited
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Great info - Thank you.

At the end of the day we can only speculate. People to ask is ARA and SAIC and DEPS - Directed Energy Professional Society, that's part of the MIC.

Ever heard of Dean Warwick?

Have a listen to Dean Warwick's statements made on the DEW tests done in the late 1950's.... https://soundcloud.com/uprn/dean-warwick-i-dont-believe-in-911-oct-2006

Dean Warwick died shortly after the above 2006 interview and died during a lecture presentation. https://projectcamelot.org/warwick.html

Even Andrew Johnson reported about Dean Warwick "literally dropping dead", way back in October 2006! https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/2006/10/11/old-news-2333/

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This is all so far over my head... but it also makes a lot of sense.

We couldn't be fortunate enough to have access to any of this being demonstrated?

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As for that aluminum supposedly in the dust - I believe it was Denis Rancourt, former physics professor, (one of the guys on the thermite side) who claimed that they did all of their testing of the dust on an aluminum... I can't remember the word. It wasn't "slide" but I got the feeling it served as a slide, or a tray or dish the dust was in when tested. It was made out of aluminum, therefore it seemed aluminum was present... he said that he pointed that out, "they" agreed to retest differently, and as far as he knew that never happened.

Not sure how perfectly accurate that statement was, but that sort of chicanery would certainly match up w/all the rest from these people. There was a LOT of aluminum cladding everywhere after the dustifications.

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Jan 10, 2024Edited
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I'll find the Rancourt video - it's one of the great clips that 911Revisionist has on his channel... but what you're saying is more in line with Dr. Wood - the buildings were made of steel wrapped in aluminum and they were turned to dust - of COURSE you're going to find aluminum and iron oxide dust. The coverup of the crime was all planned very far in advance...

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Seems you've done more digging than me - Would love to have you send me more info on what you've studied via email - You can mail me via the substack app.

Get on with it and make a video or two! Haven't seen one from you in a while.

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Well, I'd rather use the word "disintegrate" before I use the word "collapsed".

Most people just won't understand dustified if they have not yet really looked into the work of Dr Wood. So, to ease people in, it's better to correct them when they want to claim the buildings "collapsed".

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Wood's book should be read cover to cover she lays out all the evidence in simple and illustrative form- "Empirical evidence is the truth that theory must mimic". I wish I had the fortune of being one of her students (not the one that was murdered). Andrew Johnson's books are very important, especially for those who followed the many “truth” and “scientific” movements - which he takes apart. NIST, “truthers”, “scientist/engineers” and commission were funded and loaded with support staff that could direct the outcome of the investigation. When people realized that something else was involved - they focused on Bld 7 and thermite and bombs for controlled demolition (these were mechanisms which people felt more comfortable with)- the cabalist easily sacrifice something that draws attention away from the more sinister explanation. They even encouraged pointing out events and people who benefitted like short selling, motives of building owners, transactions, investigations destroyed in Bld 7, - these are fodder and distractions. I am not saying these folks were not involved – they most certainly were and had insider information and are yet to be brought to justice. Wonder why the DOJ has not acted? Are they afraid what might be exposed if they did? What I am saying is these are distractions sacrificed in order to conceal what really happened on that day.

They want you to believe in the accidental theory of history and dismiss Dark Winter and all of the war games and planning scenarios that went on prior to 9/11. They want you to ignore that on 9/10/01 Sec. of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, disclosed that his dept. was unable to account for 2.3 Trillion in unsupported adjustments. That problem disappeared along with the WTCs and the budget dept of the Pentagon on 911. On a typical day upward of 70,000 folks inhabited the WTCs - so it is a miracle that relatively few lives were lost - or did some sort of warning occur? I don’t have the answers, nor am I claiming that I do. But typically when the perpetrators are asked to investigate something – you can bet the truth will never come out, espc. when those same perpetrators control the flow of information.

9/11 like so many previous events (WACO, Oklahoma City ... ) and the many staged and false flag events since always find something/someone to blame, and the press which has been funded and in bed with the conspirators will shoot down any alternative theory. 9/11 was a transfer of wealth, justification for invasions, and an excuse to steal our inalienable rights - the results were the conveyance of your rights to the government without your consent – they did not get all of them so other disasters and enemies were needed to secure the rest. This was no different than the Reichstag Fire which the Nazi leaders used to invoke emergency legislation abolishing the number of constitutional protections and to pave the way for Nazi dictatorship. Except this time it is not national or expansion of national borders – it is global (something that has been planned for over 100 years).

Some people buy into the fear, especially when actions to lessen that fear are taken immediately after an event and folks don’t have the opportunity to reflect on what has happened. Fear is an incredible motivating power -especially if that thing which you are told to be afraid of cannot be seen (viruses, CO2) or is something you have no control of (terrorist).

So why is the acceptance of Dustification so important? The only ones with access to this technology at the time was the US military and their partners in 5 eyes, and they will do anything to protect it from the public they will spare no expense to cover up the technology. The many folks that participate in their actions – fear what exposure will do to their reputation – if whistleblowers try to expose the lies they will be destroyed mentally and often physically. Unfortunately it is easy to buy silence, just look at the paid doctors, medical staff, scientist, media and influencers who refuse to speak up even after losing loved ones or having family friends or themselves injured by the COVID medical countermeasures.

Why is it imperative that the truth of 9/11 get out? For many reasons – but one of the most important is to return back to the people the rights taken from us based on false premises. About 6 weeks after 9/11 (on 10/26/2001) The USA Patriot Act (Public Law 107-56) was enacted. The timing was very important – the shock and the demand for retribution (based on the official narrative) was at a peak. This 173 page law – was probably drafted well before 9/11 and was waiting for the perfect planning to implement it. We should look at the authors and supporters of this Act. The stated basis of it was “to protect innocent Americans from the deadly plans of terrorists dedicated to destroying American and our way of life”. Such a lofty goal, for an Act that basically created the surveillance state and has subsequently been built on and expanded to usurp practically all of our protections guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The purpose of the Constitution was to enslave the government and not the people. So if the basis of this Patriot Act was built on fraud and deception – shouldn’t the Act be repealed and every decree and rule that stemmed from its poison be removed from the books? Yes 9/11/01 was an act of terrorism – but it was the government and military industrial complex that were/are the terrorist – the same group that had their powers, reach and/or funding greatly expanded after their successful Acts. Powers not delegated to the Federal government were reserved to the States, or to the people (Amend. X). Neither the Federal or State governments can covet the Rights specifically reserved to the people (the freedoms noted in the Constitution) nor certain inalienable Rights (among which are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness) which are endowed to each person by his Creator. These rights are retained by the people (Amend. IX). Such Rights cannot be divested except by the consent of the individual who possesses those rights. Neither the federal/state/local governing body can usurp those rights nor can they grant them or restrictions thereon to a third party (such as a medical doctor or Alphabet agency). On a somewhat lesser scale we might consider how other historical planned/staged events led to laws (many of which are still in effect today) which successfully enslaved us. Create the problem – dictate the reaction- then offer/mandate the solution.

Even most of the right-leaning new outlets always refer to the terrorist attack on the US - I think this is because if they entertained the idea that it was something other than that and espc. if it was something that only that our government was capable of then the whole “Never Forget” falls apart. We had the largest enrollment in the military save WWII because folks believed the propaganda, we destroyed countries based on this propaganda and thousands of organizations raise money based on this propaganda. The truth really does hurt and I would bet that much of the PTSD we see in the military is among folks that have learned the truth but can not speak it. Practically everybody sat in that camp for a while. But I truly believe that we can never stop the global cabal until we wake up and see 9/11 for what it was – then we can dismantle the laws that enslave us and begin to prosecute the real enemies of the state. The only good thing about COVID is it made people question other things and begin the painful journey to realizing our beloved country has slowly been hijacked.

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Amen -You should put this comment of yours into a substack article...

"He who controls the energy controls the people,

He who controls perception controls everything" - Dr Judy Wood

Two very vids for you to watch:

1. 9/11 - What is really being hidden in plain sight? - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/The-importance-of-Dr-Woods-work:b

2. Sept 11, 2001: An electric light bulb maker vs candle makers - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/explosive-disinformation:6

PS: Mind if I share this comment of your on one or two of my socials?

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Thanks and yes you can share my comments if you want to.

As much as I love the concept of free energy for all - the biggest impediment to it is human nature - which so far has proved consistent throughout history. The term “Free Energy” is a misnomer (though I understand the term) – the use of unrecognized/classified energy sources to accomplish the events of 9/11, the subsequent wars, and in the “Acts of God”/incidents/accidents that were staged throughout the world afterwards – the loss of lives and the individual and societal costs demonstrates that it was anything but “Free”. There is a costs associated with every source of energy and a risks/benefit that must be accurately calculated and disclosed, and we have some prime examples of the risks. Nuclear energy – a somewhat cheap and clean source of power (ignoring the obvious) was the basis of the cold war – preventing that same source from being used in bombs that could potentially destroy humanity. I think it would be the same with “Free” energy – it can liberate the users and at the same time potentially enslave them. Yes, securing sources of energy has been used as the basis for hostilities for centuries – but if we had a “free” source – you can bet that something else would have been used as a justification for expansion or wars. It’s all about power, control and domination and always has been.

There is no energy crisis, even the 1970s oil embargo was later revealed to be upon instructions from the State Dept. It was an intentional artificial shortage to justify belligerent actions. The high costs and instability of energy in the US and most of the “free” world is due to decisions made to create shortages, funding the pushers of the green agenda, and fear mongering. Why did we blow up the Russian gas pipelines, and so many of the wells in the Middle East? In 2019, the US produced more gas than ever before and exported huge quantities of it. Most of our coal is shipped to China. Yet we are pushing for solar and wind – which is far more environmentally destructive then any mineral fuel, have short life-spans, are not reliable, require massive uses of land, destroys birds and marine mammals, are creating a disposal issue, are incredibly expensive and heavily subsidized, depends on foreign countries for material and is not compatible with the engineered solar dimming. Should we attempt to reduce pollution and conserve energy? Hell yes. Currently the coal fly ash which we were informed was causing acid rain is now sprayed overhead and even coated on icecaps to increase melting. We were warned about destruction of the ozone and told that CFC were the source – so those were banned but our military scientist were allowed to explode nuclear bombs in the upper atmosphere creating holes in the ozone (our current weather modification instruments probably do the same thing).

If it seems that the world is upside down – it is. Ban straws and plastic grocery bags (yep they do it here)– but use micro-plastics in geo-engineering and pay China to recycle our plastic while they dump it in the ocean; eliminate gas stoves – but blow up a pipeline and flame methane from oil wells and mines because there are prohibitions on pipelines; eliminate incandescent bulbs but use LEDs that contain poisons and are banned from disposal; tax bottles and cans to reduce litter – and establish redemption centers where you must drive to return them, where they must then be separated by manufacture, where the manufactures must send vehicles to pick up their bottles and cans – where they are allegedly recycled – think of the energy and time wasted for this feel good endeavor; and on and on.

In my opinion- the reason we must expose the classified energy sources – is to wake folks up to what has been happening here and around the world – bring the culprits to justice – and regain our freedoms stolen on a false premises of the Patriot Act and subsequent legislation. Then we can discuss the development of new energy sources – assuming Deagel’s predictions (at https://expose-news.com/2023/08/06/cia-deagel-2025-depopulation-on-target )for 2025 (that US population will decline by 68.5%, UK by 77.1%...) are incorrect.

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Hi Jewel - Is there a way I can get into contact with you?

Please email me on: revisionof911@gmail.com

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These Directed Energy Weapons have been around for a very long time apparently. More and more people are becoming aware of them, especially on 9/11. Only a matter of time before they enter mainstream discourse.

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For more detail on how long they’ve been around - Read my David Icke article…

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