It makes you wonder how much the weathermen know and how much they're just told what to say.

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They know just as much as ex-vice president Brandon - They just read off the teleprompter, LOL

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good stuff as always Ricky

At the end of the day, the last 3 years have really awakened a sub-sect of the population. You point out 9/11 and the weather related to that day. Judy and directed energy are certainly a possibility. I myself and much of the population significantly underestimates what the people in power can do with geoengineering. Military and deep state have shown that they can do a lot more than we regular joes and citizens realize.

I have done a little digging on Antartica and Alaska. DEW is a surreal concept.

But, then you look at Turkey and that earthquake after they didn't align with NATO?

Hurricane Katrina and all that water and damage?

Australia fires, California fires and Canada and now Maui. All being done in the places that were batshit crazy with Covid.

It certainly makes you wonder?

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Hi there

DEW isn't a possibility, the evidence of the use of a COLD DEW used on Sept 11 2001, is conclusive and irrefutable....

I suggest you get your hands on her book, Where did the towers go? and study it.

Then if you want some visual and audio inputs, watch these:

My top 5 on 9/11 is the following:

1. The 9/11 Observable Evidence series - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrJGxhH8pk5GLz0pwZkfeEK-Or4ARyCCz

2. This presentation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWNzq9OWGmY&t=111s

3. Where did the Towers go 2.0 - https://rumble.com/v4a8ixu-911-the-best-explainer-documentary-youll-ever-see.html

4. Irrefutable - https://www.youtube.com/@IRREFUTABLETV

5. 9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality - https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html

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just want to say a big thnx for all the effort in making this post, and sharing this valuble information.

gonna share it in a bunch of groups.

stay strong and courageous brother. Gd speed in all u do.

we the people.

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Beautiful ❤️‍🔥 thank you!

Keep punching~

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Well I have to say, your information is sickening. More so when added to the deluge of information becoming undeniable fact not conspiracy; myself, I’m in a state of overwhelm.

I stumbled upon you via a comment made on another stack and appreciative that I did. I cannot count the number of years that I’ve had a general ‘knowing’ that 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 just seems ‘off’. Now, and without serious investigation or any formal education in the sciences or governments, it’s just SO IN MY FACE that my unease makes sense.

If a random person such as myself can consistently “stumble” across such information, it poses questions. Serious questions in my opinion.

Today, May 31, 2024, all but 2 of your attached videos are unplayable. I don’t know if it’s on my end or another ‘mystery’.

Thank you. I’ll be following.

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Hi Amy - My Odysee channel was recently nuked and I'll have to go through all my articles to upload the raw files and not the links into the articles.

If you could, please indicate which videos were giving trouble...

I recommend watching this 2018 docci: https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html

Then the following books....

Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11:

1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/pdf/9-11%20-%20Finding%20the%20Truth.pdf

2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth - http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/911%20Holding%20The%20Truth%20-Andrew%20Johnson%20-%202017.pdf

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I hadn’t seen your message before now & just went back into the post; all of the included videos and links appear to be working now! Thanks for responding. Best regards always, Amy

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my advice is get the two satellite images of hurricane Erin and Gabrielle and overlay them around 14th september timewise[thats if the originals havent been deleted or altered] and see that the trailing southern edge of Erin should have appeared in the Gabrielle image 41 degrees latitude...it didnt

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It seems you need to get over your personal vendetta with Andrew Johnson.

Your history with Andrew, leaves me rather no reason to listen to anything you have to say…


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Andrew Johnson addressed ravings about GSM in this article in 2019.

Read it: https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/2019/07/03/grand-solar-minimum-weather-modification-and-soho-images/

Same with your stupid accusations about Belinda McKenzie and what not in his book, 9/11 holding the truth page 170 onwards - http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/911%20Holding%20The%20Truth%20-Andrew%20Johnson%20-%202017.pdf

So, if you have a score to settle with someone, don't come trolling my comment sections and take your meds.

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still doesnt answer the question why he blocked me instantly on facebook for saying that hurricane Erin was faked...i'd known Andrew for many years and we'd meet up regularly at my house and his so i am abit perplexed why he would act in this way?The only reason i can think of is to keep the geoengineering narrative going and divert as much as possible from the real cause of climate catastrophes in the past ie the grand solar minimum and other sun driven phenomena.David Icke also does not talk about GSM either.Also facebook have completely censored a website called www.thegrandsolarminimum.com so obviously its very important in their view to keep this information hidden.Maybe Andrew has been got at..dont know it all seems very strange to me .One other thing why is it impossible to get in touch with Dr Judy Wood?

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Steve - If you have a personal beef with AJ - Take it up with him.

If Erin was fake why would there be tracking data for days, weeks afterwards as I've pointed out in the article. You seem unwell.

Pertaining to GSM - His article explains your mad ranting and ravings, so if you want to understand it, go re-read the article: https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/2019/07/03/grand-solar-minimum-weather-modification-and-soho-images/

I'd also suggest to re-read Andrew's book: “Climate Change and Global Warming… Exposed Hidden Evidence, Disguised Plans." - https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/2017/09/24/book-climate-change-and-global-warming-exposed-hidden-evidence-disguised-plans/

With Dr Wood - She has the choice of who she interacts with and you seem to be someone she'd chose not to interact with.

One more trolling comment in my comment section and I too will block you.

I haven't got time for people's personal vendettas.

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The Sun and the grand solar minimum the next two decades will cause more damage to infrastructure than any man made geoengineering will ever do..like it has previously in history ..most notable recent event was 1811/12 new madrid fault line in America..that is why i believe geoengineering is a distraction trying to blame man for weather and climate changes...when its the SUN ..thats why the freemasons worship it with all their sun symbolism

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Yes, indeed the sun is the main driving force for climate change, but man can also control the weather as a weapon. Read the following article and listen to the prentations.

Secret Super Weapons and Sept 11, 2001

Scalar, Electromagnetics, RF Weapons and Weather modification

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/us-army-col-tom-bearden-ret

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It seems like they use the energy of the hurricane in some way, like with Maui. Also, people might have been evacuated in NYC so there would be less reason to go to war.

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Thank you for the clearest explanation of EVERYTHING, EVER, re 9/11. 😊

Dr Judy Wood must be delighted to have such a thorough historic analysis , you totally authenticate her work, and destroy the Controlled Opposition.❤️

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Thank you for the kind words. But

Now it’s time for people reading Dr Wood’s book and coming to the realisation of the complicity of the 9/11 “truther” movement and their talking heads, enriching themselves on lies, who also are complicit in the cover-up of the truth of what happened on September 11, 2001, to call them out on every possible opportunity!

It’s time to avenge the innocent lives lost that day, the first responders still dying and the innocents killed during the fake war on terror.

We need to WAKE people UP to technology used on 9/11.

Just as the hazardous and wasteful technology behind a nuclear bomb can also be used to provide hazardous and wasteful nuclear power, the technology which caused the clean and effortless molecular dissociation of the twin towers could also be used to give the whole world effortless clean energy.

Exposing this clean free energy technology means and end to the ruling elite's ability to control and exploit the general population through scarce, expensive, dirty and inefficient resources such as oil, coal, nuclear and "renewables".

Any group with an interest in maintaining the current paradigm of artificial scarcity and crappy energy technologies, which keeps the general population enslaved, would have an interest in helping to maintain the 9/11 cover up, because exposing the crime also exposes the TECHNOLOGY to commit it.

Maybe the people who did 9/11 operate under a code of conduct where they have to show this technology to the people, so they have the opportunity to claim it.

And if the people are too stupid or apathetic to show any interest, they will then feel justified in keeping it for themselves and continuing to control and exploit the human herd, like the CATTLE they have shown themselves to be.

You might think it's insane, and it is, but remember we're talking about a group of people who are willing to turn skyscrapers to DUST, live on TV.

In the final analysis there is no "grand" deception" or cover up. There is only BLUFF!

Because everyone can see what happened to the buildings was clearly and PROVABLY NOT a structural failure (collapse) or a conventional controlled demolition by ANY thermal or kinetic mechanism!

Official narrative – Jet fuel.

Option behind door no 1 – explosives,

door no 2 – thermite,

door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.

Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to, a black-ops cold DEW technology that can direct energy to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter. (Direct or control – where it goes and what it does)

Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com/

Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11:

1.     9/11 – Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/pdf/9-11%20-%20Finding%20the%20Truth.pdf

2.     9/11 – Holding the Truth - http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/911%20Holding%20The%20Truth%20-Andrew%20Johnson%20-%202017.pdf

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Hurricane Dorian 2019..stopped, 90*turn…

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Operation Cirrus from 1947, shows us how long weather has been manipulated and weaponised.

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All the News are lies & all the news of "donations" to other countries are lies to make nations against each other !!

The enemy against us " all " is the "Committee of 300" & the head of the committee of 300 is the Queen & King of the " Crown in England !

Queen & King of the Crown in England is the head of the Committee of 300 leading the enslavement, genocide , theft against humanity to own all the Earth & it is the continuation of the Imperialism colonised invasions against humanity using the technology this time !


All presidents & governments around the Earth are " Satanic Freemasons" participating in theatre fictional story that there is governments to sedate & to mislead the people around the Earth inorder to hide the main reasons for those declared wars & declared mandates which is to genocide the people in each country by their "own governments" like Bolshevik genocide & like the genocide happened in Cambodia by Pol Pot & like all the genocides happened in the last 300 years "at least" all done by infiltration of Satanic Freemasons (Nazi or called Zionists ) in every ( governments , religious leaders , Health system , banks , police , secret agencies , military etc ) around the Earth ... their loyalty to the Head of the Freemasonry & the Head of the Committee of 300 which is the Queen & King of the Crown Parasites in England the head of the colonised Imperialism invasions against humanity for centuries!

X disease means "Crucifixion culling sign" to crucify humanity by the Pirates of the Crown in England !

Amazingly the Queen & King of imperialism colonised invasions for the Crown in England are also the "Patron" for the "British Red Cross" since "1870" to inject the victims of their planned wars what they wish from poison medications for secret depopulation agenda & child trafficking under cover of humanitarian aid !


Watch This singer supported by the Crown in England & this song the "History Repeating" is released in 1997 before 9/11 / 2001


The singer showing the teeth of a predator wild Animal in Jungle because the New 'world Order is the law of Jungle opposite to what they announced the NWO ....

In this song "There is something evolving & it is keep revolving & the revolution is near & to me is quite clear that all just little bit " History Repeating" ! "

This is the story of the One World Government of Piracy (Crown in England ) Head of imperialism & colonised invasions for centuries until now to rape & to enslave humanity to steal all the wealth with invasions & this time the Crown in England evolving as they stole the technology since the start of the Royal society in 1600 & they were "Evolving" & "Revolving "around the Earth with infiltration & it is quite clear it is a " Revolution" of the Crown in England against humanity as they stole the technology & they infiltrated every government on "Earth" with their secret armies of Satanic Freemasonry & it is "just a little bit History Repeating of the "colonised invasions for the Crown in England "while this time it is "different" using " Silent weapons for Quiet Wars " as they stole the technology to enslave humanity secretly , to hack people brains since 1920 , to control every government around the Earth with synthetic telepathy subconsciously & consciously using V2K communication with the governments to mislead the people with wars & with mandates for fake pandemics & to target the people with directed energy attacks inorder to genocide the people around the Earth !

They show you the BBC podcast team are barbies sexual creatures to distract the audience with their sexual barbie looks !


King & Queen in England is the Head of Satanic Freemasonry & the Head of the Committee of 300 controlling every government & aspect of life to genocide , to rape & to steal everything from every human on Earth & they are Death Cult & Sex Cult & they are the Head of the Skull & Bones secret society!

They already hacked our brains secretly by impregnated our bodies with these nano technology at least since 1920s in water we are drinking , in air we are breathing through the chem-trails spraying , in the injections through the first infant vaccines in history & in any injections & medicine including the dental anaesthetic injections all loaded with hydrogel , graphene , nano smart dust to connect us to the satellites ( clouds ) & to the Pirates of the Crown Military Industrial Complex "supercomputer 666" & to control the people brains globally with synthetic telepathy to the subconscious mind by sending synthetic thoughts to make the people feel & think negative against themselves to accept certain agenda or to suicide or to feel & to think negative against each other to kill each other for secret depopulation for the Crown in England ..

They hacked our brains via satellites that they see through walls , They see what we see and They hear what we hear & they read the mind !

There is no virus as germ in human history..

They did not isolate any virus in human history !

The infant vaccines is to inject us the nano smart dust , hydrogel to connect us to the satellites via the free energy technology to hack our brains secretly & record all our lives what we see , what we hear and what we say inside our houses !

"Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ..Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language while the Virus it means in Latin language the "Poison " !

Means Corona Virus is " Crown Poison" against humanity

The genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison "either with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning ) & with "bioweapons injections" using the poisons as venom " snake venom, other poison , & by poisoning the people mind with "Fake News " & with synthetic telepathy ( synthetic thoughts ) beamed via satellites to make nation against nation for depopulation & to make the people think & feel negative against themselves or against others for silent secret depopulation !

Since 1600 the British Crown controlling the science to get more power over humanity to enslave & to steal all the Earth ..

See Royal society !

1) https://royalsociety.org/about-us/who-we-are/history/

2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Society

This is how the British Crown they controlled the science & they stole the science including the Electromagnetic Technology , Free Energy Technology & others science to attack humanity secretly with Directed Energy Electromagnetic Field technology ..

Infiltration of Freemasonry to every governments & to every religious leaders around the Earth



Freemasonry & Satanism is freedom of morality !

This is " The Monarch Pox " to Rape & to Kill humanity to Steal all the Earth !

World Economic Forum is led by " K " Charles III & he is talking about cutting the emission of the CO2 & we need martial law to do that !

Watch !


This means this is announcement to kill humans on Earth with their livestock because we all expel CO2 when we breathe !

CO2 is not dangerous & this is a lie & deception !

We have infact very low level of CO2 in the environment because they are using technology to suck the CO2 from the environment because their plan to push humanity towards starvation because CO2 very important for the plants to produce food & in fact the higher level of CO2 is only dangerous to the Crown Parasites in England because this means more food for humanity that will live happy long life against the plan of the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide secretly against humanity!


Happer explains CO2 is life gas & we have very little CO2 in our environment now !


This One World Government Piracy against every human on Earth regardless what religion they are on and what race !

1) Trump Rolled out 5G & it is military weapon against the people in USA to make the people have short life span & to have cancer in the next 5 years !

Read his speech rolling out 5 G against the people in USA in 2019 in (Roosevelt Room)


Why Trump his speech was in ( Roosevelt Room ) because this is a signal that Trump following the path of "Franklin Roosevelt" (the traitor) as F. Roosevelt drafted Declaration for the "United Nations" with Churchill ( Crown in England) in 1941 & also Roosevelt in 1933 forced the people in USA to give up their gold to the government !

Means Trump like Franklin Roosevelt slave to the Head of the One World Government of Piracy ( Crown in England ) Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide against humanity secretly to own all the wealth & to own all the Earth!

2) Trump rolled out the death bio-weapons injections called vaccines against the people in USA !

Millions are dead or disabled for life because of these injections


Who created the United Nations to fool the world is the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 and their Committee of 300 members including Churchill & the Presidents including Franklin Roosevelt working for their secret genocide agenda against humanity to steal all the wealth on earth and to steal all the earth while enslaving humanity with the technology they stole since 1600

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