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Aug 15, 2023
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Trixie - The article hasn't even been up for 30 minutes, which proves by how quickly you've commented, just shows me you didn't listen to the 30 conversation video, in order to get the context of the article...

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Aug 15, 2023Edited
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Aug 15, 2023Edited
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It’s true we shouldn’t jump to conclusions, but we should always be honest about the potential ways these events can happen. Dr. Judy Wood nailed 9/11, but she didn’t do a deep dive on Paradise. Since her discussion on the California fires, at least one forensic arborist has shared tons of pictures and his observations on the anomalies in California. I think he is onto something. In Canada, a quarter of a province began smoking up in several different places. If that is typical of wildfires, then I am shocked. Of course there are people who will make clickbait—either for monetization reasons or because they are an op—but you can never really tell.

I have certainly floated the ideas of DEWs, arson and weather modification out there for Maui. If we don’t keep those ideas floating around, then the media will just declare it was downed power lines and move on. The normies won’t know any better.

Again, it wasn’t A fire. There were three fires on Maui at the same time all in prime real estate areas. It’s also important to note the governor’s recent anti-housing legislation and one cannot overlook a police chief who participated in a live drill in Las Vegas. The governor has made it clear he wants the state to acquire the land of Lahaina (which used to belong to many private citizens). It’s hard to know exactly what happened, but there is foul play here no matter how you spin it.

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You make valid points, just like Dr Wood did in the discussion with Andrew...

But as Dr Wood stated in the conversation, you cannot just jump to conclusions without proper investigation, otherwise you'd just be doing the movement a disservice and it makes it a LOT easier to dismiss us as "conspiracy theorists" and that helps no one.

I'd rather deal with rock solid facts I can back up with the irrefutable evidence...

That is why we must not push assumptions, whilst trying to wake up the "normies"...

Thanx for your feedback, much appreciated, as you seem to have listened to the conversation I shared and did not just knee jerk because the title hurt your feelings.

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Yes, I listened. I like Judy Wood, but she's not here to help us.

The issue is that they are controlling the information coming out of Hawaii. They were blocking *concerned* people from the area while letting tourists do as they please. Will we even get a proper investigation or will the debris be shipped off to China (metaphorically speaking of course)?

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With you on that, 100%

Dr Wood isn't going to get involved in all the other stuff going on in the world.

She focussed on 9/11 in good faith and her work speaks for itself, unfortunately the world wasn't ready yet to actually "get it".

In time people might just get to the point where they will realise they owe her an apology...

My main focus is 9/11 and to wake people up on the EVIDENCE that has been supressed for the last 16 years that her book has been out, but I do delve in many other subjects in my free time.

And there wasn't too much debris to ship off to China...

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Dr. Wood wrote her book.

The depth and breadth of which is hard to fathom.

The effort and personal costs are beyond your imagination.

She did not have to do a deep dive in Commie-Fornia fires, which are highly suspicious with DEW like anomalies.

Let me know when that arborist invests 8+ years and writes a Forensic Engineering Text book like Where Did The Towers Go.

Without her book the World would not have a frame of reference.

You would likely not even be aware of the acronym DEW without her work.

Maui Fires are very suspicious. Attributing any cause at this point is folly. Mis-attribution of the cause will more harm than waiting for someone anyone to investigate the Maui fires in a professional manner.

Oh, I have an idea why don't invite Richard Gage to go to Maui and have him pronounce exerpt judgment. Not!

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I'm not sure what you are trying to say about Dr. Judy Wood. You're saying she didn't have to do a deep dive on Paradise, CA but maybe she should have since she was quick to criticize people that may have been right all along.

An arborist spends their time working with trees. Their observations on wildfires are valid. Writing a textbook doesn't make a person special. Not sure what the point of credentialism is here.

We don't want Richard Gage, obviously, but we also don't want who is in charge in Hawaii right now either.

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She did not have to do a deep dive in the very strange California fires, of which one of the burned homes I evaluated for reconstruction. She had no obligation to dive into the Commie-Fornia Chaos. The internet is corrupted now and 2017 when it was largely free and open in the years after 911. An aborist is a tree person. He is not trained technically to comprehend the burn evidence that he might encounter. He cuts down and trims trees. My good friend Tyson in Dallas Texas is a fine tree arborist. He could tell if your tree has a certain disease but not anything about burn pattern and fire evidence. Writing a textbook is wide excepted measure of competence in a field or why would it be written? Her book is a textbook in logical/critical thinking and engineering analysis. The point is a lot of what can be learned from reading her book, generally speaking, has great value in evaluating what happened in Maui and California.

I mentioned Gage as sarcasm. Gage is a Truth-Traitor that one day will pay for his treason.

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Well the Pearl Harbor was a different time, the USA knew Japan was going to attack, in this case, its not clear whether USA is helping China clear the riff-raff off their islands, or if the Chinese may have deployed their agents, as a psyop not having touched the elite homes

Given all the prep like dropping aluminum foil particles the day before, or using large air-frames for microwave direct energy to inflame the aluminum, that had to be done with local air-force equipment, no way China could have just flown in there.

But like WTC-911, where BUSH had the ATC shutdown that day and go blind, they could have done the same, recently there has been massive number of russian&Chinese ships near the aleutians not far from Hawaii, some carriers could have drifted south;

US-GOV could have turned off their eyes, China could have flown over on both days


IMHO the US-GOV is doing the OP on behalf of China, probably CIA, in which case the planes would have just flown out of Hawaiian Bases and nodody asks


What's up with all this ? Simply put CHINA wants the HAWAIIN Islands to be there Pacfic Ocean "SILK ROAD " Hong-Kong Terminus, and china gets what they want, cuz they own Hawaii&west USA post 2008


Protected by Lanai to the south of Maui, Lahaina is the only logical place for CHINA to build its Pacific Ocean "SUPER PORT" for the silk-road Pacific-Basin

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Interesting take on it, thanx for the comment...

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What if the conspiracies are all intentionally ridiculous to discredit and obscure the real conspiracies...

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There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11;

1. Problem solving skills

2. Group Think

3. They just can't handle the implications

9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Read the article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

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