Oct 14, 2023Liked by 9/11 Revisionist

The seismic evidence and the lack of destruction in the basement, as well as no damage to the “bathtub” were great convincers for me.

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Oct 14, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023Author

All one actually needs to do is LOOK at an aerial view of ground zero whilst Building 7 is still standing and you can easily see the lack of rubble - but people look, but cannot see.

Same with the initial disintegration of towers, mostly into dust before the steel even hit the ground. People were told that they are looking at a "collapse", which it wasn't.

The towers were disintegrating on a molecular level...

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Oct 14, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023Liked by 9/11 Revisionist

You can see it easily once it is pointed out, but I think it is so far beyond the ability to comprehend something never seen before that it just doesn’t compute.

Like the brain is just skipping over that bit of info that it can’t understand.

Before I heard of Dr. Wood, I assumed it had collapsed into the basements as rubble, she showed us the pristine basements and explained the “bathtub”.

I didn’t understand the steel structure at the beginning and imagined an outer layer of glass material. Once I understood that exterior steel structure, that no plane would penetrate the way we were shown, then I started looking at everything trying to figure it out.

That is how I eventually found Dr. Wood who put so much together in my mind of things I didn’t know existed back then.

Lahaina was key in my motivation to search so deep this last year.

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Have you read my article about the mostly empty basements?


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Oct 15, 2023Liked by 9/11 Revisionist

Not yet, still plowing through all the evidence and videos on the DEW.

EXCELLENT material!

I am halfway through Panama Documentary. Horrifying, yet becoming so familiar. My Veteran friend was very messed up by the war in Panama. I am understanding it better now.

Thanks for pointing this one out, I will take a look when I get through this one.

Keep up the excellent work!

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If you think the Panama Deception is bad, wait till you watch Star Wars in Iraq (2006) on what went on there in 2003...

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Let's assume everyone was wrong about the boots melting, explosions, and the molten steel being "hot", let's just debunk the thermal imaging. What disproves temperatures measured by various independent agencies?

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Jesse Ventura had a rather good point to make with regards to thermal imaging.

Listen: https://player.odycdn.com/v6/streams/21bc1dcef05e84e1b5763bef9d7177c0f5eba309/49cc65.mp4

You call yourself 911Truth - Ever read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com/

Would love to see your rebuttals ons the evidence she presents.

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None of the links work.

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They do work - just checked them - they just load slowly...

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I just tried the Odysee and no video exists, and the 9/11 Revisionist link. I can screen shot them.

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I thought you were referring to my article's links...

Odysee nuked my channel with over 500+ videos...

Most can be found on my Telegram, with various subgroups under the various talking points on 9/11 - https://t.me/Sept11_Deprogramming

I have also uploaded to Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-2588430

Is there a specific video you want to watch? Then I can quickly find you a link to it on my platforms...

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