Txs again!

About Osama and Afghanistan have a look at this post, very interesting and well documented. Got friends that crossed that country before CIA destroyed a free democracy in 1979, it was a beautiful country with freedom and culture. Nothing to do with the monsters US and Cia built after.

Osama was and is a Cia asset, and I'm 100% sure he still alive. As for the planes, pretty clear that killed man wasn't Osama but a victim of Obama propaganda. So let's call your president as Obama bin Laden from now on! ;)


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And a missile flew into the Pentagon.

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Please read my PentaCon article and do your due diligence by following all the hyperlinks suggested in the article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/the-pentacon-on-911

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what about a two-step, 1. explosives to simulate the fake plane impacts, followed by 2. DEW dustification ?

Woods has a lot on YouTube, why wouldn’t it be censored?

thought it was also interesting her evidence about the hurricane path

also the below sea level… without flooding

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A discussion with regards to the plane shaped holes is in my 9/11 A Plane Story movie...

Movie: https://rumble.com/v3k3t3e-911-a-plane-story.html

You live in a time where your perception is being managed.

Just like with Covid from 2020 to 2023, people outsourced their thinking way too easily.

9/11 was an attack on human consciousness.

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Something I'm curious about in light of "no planes" is what to make of the (alleged?) ATC conversations and radar images showing planes diverting to the supposed crash sites. And a parallel question: what about the passengers? Has anyone delved into whether these were actual flights? We know for certain that people boarded planes and never came home? If not the towers etc, where DID they end up?

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With regards to the "real planes" and then the passengers, have a listen to the conversations in this article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/where-did-the-planes-go-on-911 and also work through Mark Conlon's website - 9/11 Planes Research - https://911planesresearch.blogspot.com

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