Interesting conversation - I think ego has a lot to do with it - but there is also people who have bought in to an idea and their entire professional and social career is based on it. Vaccine science is an example two of the largest voices in the field (Hotez and Goff) have children with autism. How likely are they to admit that the vaccines they have spent their life developing and pushing may be linked to their own child's condition. Another one is Alison Singer who has a child with Autism and is the head of Autism Science Foundation - which supports research into Autism but states emphatically on their site that vaccinations do not cause autism. Then you have a heavily funded physician whose child died after c-19 vax and is denying any link but is rewarded with grants. I think in all those cases funding has been forthcoming from NIH and CDC at the price of silence. Money speaks to many. and others just sell their soul.

With 9/11 I think the biggest barrier to recognizing the truth is the implications. How many folks in congress do you think question the terrorist story. Hell they can't even mention 9/11 without terrorist - you have a whole industry built around wounded warriors and tunnel to tower and so many more - try telling them that what happened to them, their friends and relatives could only have been possible through a DEW or black budget operation which only their government had access to. You can go through history and find so many of these examples. Oil is called fossil fuel - but we have known since the end of WWII that it is abiotic - but with fossil fuel you can claim peak oil theory (which was developed by a Rockefeller/Shell Oil scientist) and scarcity and that is what drives prices up and can provide wealth. Even the oil embargo in the 70s was designed by Kissinger. Look at the attack on Israel - best defense in the world and they did not know - no wonder they are calling it their 9/11.

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Great take on it, thanx for the comment.

With vaccines, you just need to watch 3 docci's to wake up to the harms;

1. 1986: The Act

2. Vaxxed I

3. Vaxxed II

On 9/11 - There are 3 issues most people have when faced with the truth regarding the events of 9/11:

1. POOR Problem solving skills

2. Group Think (Peer Pressure, running with the herd)

3. They just can't handle the implications (they wish it weren't true)

On WWII - There is a great docci - "JFK to 9/11 Everything is a rich man's trick" and then "Europa, the last battle" (12 part series) that absolutely shattered my world view on WWII - That really was a very bitter red pill to swallow. https://odysee.com/@wonderingwhatif:b/ALTERNATIVE-TRAILER-FOR-Europa-the-last-battle:0

With regards to a lot of events in history, if you take a deep dive into things like Pearl Harbor, the USS Liberty, Operation Popeye during Vietnam, Operation Cirrus from 1947 and more, you'd find that the Military Industrial complex has capabilities that people only see in sci-fi movies...

Now try telling your friends that's how the mind control works, to make you believe something isn't possible in the real world.

This 1968 BBC piece is rather upsetting: The News-Benders: https://odysee.com/@wonderingwhatif:b/The-News-Benders:8

All one can do when discussing these touchy subjects is to plant seeds, everyone is on their own red pill journey and some will just never be able or open minded enough to challenge what they believe the truth to be...

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