We have established organisations calling for a new independent study of WHAT happened to 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on September 11, 2001 and they have been at it for over 16 years, all whilst pleading for money at every chance they get. What have the donors got in exchange for their donations? What questions have they answered and are they any closer to really getting to the bottom of the question of WHAT actually happened?
What is the response if you ask them a simple question in 2023?
In the above video, Wayne H. Coste, was discussing his 2023 paper – “The Case for Propelled Demolition at the Twin Towers”, with David Chandler and Richard Gage in attendance, that has not been peer reviewed by anyone, made some explosive statements which was not refuted by David Chandler or Richard Gage.
He confirmed, NO molten metal in the core columns and they have no answer how the steel core columns were destroyed and the steel must have just disappeared and they may never know. Really? After 16 years of “intense” investigation, thousands of dollars in donations by the followers of these “truther” organisations and this is your best explanation? What have you been doing these last 16 years?
It’s always interesting to see how defensive these 9/11 “truther” talking heads can become when confronted with tough questions and the following interactions with Alex Jones is rather telling…
Then what happens if you ask the “International Center for 9/11 Justice” questions on why they aren’t really searching for justice? After all you don’t just nit pick evidence do you? They might want to rebrand to “International center for 9/11 Justice Suppression”.
Maybe they should listen to the most accurate description you can find on WHAT happened at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 seeing they have no answers after 16 years.
Maybe they should be gifted this book, that will most definitely answer all these difficult questions they cannot answer. After all this book is the ONLY independent forensic study that has been done on WHAT happened to those buildings on 9/11.
Why can’t this book be ignored, well because it formed the basis for a 2007 whistleblower Qui-Tam case against NISTS subcontractors, who were tasked with the cleanup and security at ground zero and compiling reports for the 10 000 page NIST Report, for SCIENCE FRAUD and which went up as high as the US Supreme Court in 2009.
Question: “Why does the 9/11 “truther” movement talking heads NOT want you to know about this?”
What does this book contain that they are so afraid of?
Then the question arises, what do people realise AFTER they’ve stopped listening to the 9/11 “truther” talking heads and actually have read this scary book?
What happens to you once you start asking these 9/11 “truther” talking heads about this?

To recap have a look at this informative little screenshot from the series “9/11 Observable Evidence”.
It seems the 9/11 “truther” talking heads are the glass jar, keeping the truth seekers contained, in order for them not to EVER know that there is no jar after a couple of days… One can see this happen with every good intentioned truth seeker that gets taken in by these poo-ba organisations.
If you like reading my articles and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not allow for payments to my country yet, I’ll really appreciate it.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all 79 of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
When it comes to how this technology was utilized on 9/11, I suspect that it was done from inside the buildings affected. Remember that the Twin Towers had routine maintenance/renovation done prior to the attacks (just like the Pentagon), so it's likely DEWs were installed inside them to make way for the buildings' demise without relying mainly on explosives or incendiaries to bring them down. Where they were kept was likely in the empty or understaffed floors of the buildings, probably near or in the impact points.
Hey 911 have you tried connecting with Eric Coppolino. You are probably aware of the great work he does on the No Viruses issue. There are so many similiarities between the two issues with regard to gatekeepers. I know he's had Richard Gage on a couple of times. I listened to some of the discussion he had with Richard a few weeks ago. Judy Woods came up but was dismissed almost immediately by Richard. I'd really like to think that Eric would entertain you/Andrew in a respectful manner given his history.