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May 2
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Like Clint Eastwood said, a man needs to know his limitations. Corbett is neither a scientist nor a trained engineer. He's an ex-TEFL teacher in Japan. Nothing wrong with that, but when genuine experts like Dr Wood speak, people like Corbett need to shut up and listen. He seems to operate with blinders. The phoney Muslim " hijackers " and their convoluted backstories, coke habits, and stripper girlfriends are irrelevant. It has nothing to do with what happened on 911. Nothing at all. Mossad recruits these Arab types by the dozen to serve as fall guys for various operations. It's how they roll.

911 was a terrible thing for the deep state to do to Americans.

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Interesting Corbett recently released this on his substack: https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/how-to-defeat-a-gatekeeper-solutionswatch

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Corbett is a strange one. He's done good work on Gates, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, banksters, globalists, media capture, and so one. No doubt he's a researcher of note. But science and physics and DEWs seem above his pay grade. He can't wrap his skull around the concept. 911 was both a false flag and an inside job. Corbett's done a lot of deep diving into the alleged Muslim " hijackers ". But we know this is a red herring and a dead end street. There were no planes hijacked on 911 by anyone, Muslim or not. No planes hit any towers or the Pentagon nor did a passenger jet crash into a field in Pennsylvania. That's all a deflection, part of the coverup. The so-called " hijackers " were just phoney baloney Rent-A-Terrorist dumb Mossad-handled patsies. Most are still alive. Bin Laden was a CIA asset by many accounts. Sounds about right. He actually dindu nuffin. Al Qaeda? More like al-CIA duh.

Corbett just doesn't seem to get it. He's not in the same intellectual league as Dr Wood, that's for sure.

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He a researcher that will lead you only so far, then astray. It became clear when he would not discuss the fact no Covid virus was found. See this and ALL the links in it, you will understand about JC:


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I did have Corbett bookmarked but haven't looked at his site for a while. He seems to repeat himself a lot, especially in his podcasts and interviews. Maybe he's a limited hangout, I don't know. He wouldn't be the only one.

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Interesting Corbett recently released this on his substack: https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/how-to-defeat-a-gatekeeper-solutionswatch

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His real message here is this deception, "Oh I'm not a gatekeeper, I'll help you fight them."

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Yes he's a LH and leaves the audience thinking that's the full story. Once you know the real truths you have to move on from him except for the occasional good post.

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Everyone is human, and people have their blind spots...

BUT, when you present someone with NEW evidence and they are NOT willing to look at it or discuss it - RED FLAG.

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Interesting Corbett recently released this on his substack: https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/how-to-defeat-a-gatekeeper-solutionswatch

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Great info, this one is an archive. It teaches deception methods that are applicable to pandemics and others. Much thanks!

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Thank you - A more in depth dive is from the "9/11 Observable series" - 9/11 Liars for Truth

Link: https://youtu.be/iuPq-cQS-5c

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What are your thoughts on Steve De'ak's theories and logic?

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Completely illogical - Watch 9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality: https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html

It will give you a great over all understanding of what actually happened and if it's too "long" for you, start with the 1 hour "9/11 Essential Guide" - https://rumble.com/v4b3ptu-911-the-essential-guide.html

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This is amazing! Is there a link to the whole video? I drive for work, so 5+ hour videos are great! Thank you for your still so important work!!! Sheeple, wake up! They’re about to run the bird flu simulation!!

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Here is the full presentation, uninterrupted - https://youtu.be/QzxFHzQWE1Q

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How silly of me, the first link in your article!! 🤦‍♂️ Incredible presentation!!!

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Wowee, didn't know Icke went frum DEW-land ta "I dunno" land (how Icky!) after the other guy died--nor 'bout Fetzer. But yup, death threats do seem ta do wonders ta glue jaws shut...

Methinks whoever is wuz charge of the original dis-info campaign had to round up a few stray wild horses... same team workin' overtime--but how? Direct threats? De-monitizin'? ('er demonizin'!) Lawfare?

CLEARLY when folks are over the target spooks emerge ta skeer 'em away.

Not sure about Corbett--he's gotta lotta blinders an' seems too smart to narrow his vista so sharply--for example, he doesn't seem ta wanna talk about some of the truly dystopian nano tech in the clot shots an' the killbox control grid that others (Dr. Ana, Maria Zee, Todd Callender, Sabrina Wallace) are exposin'. Question is--are the blinders his own or did the same folks that "go after" these others write him a prescription?

The AI viddo's "ain't bad" an' they certainly tell the story better than many who "won't go there"--but (bein' vellly wary of all AI), I'm sure a real live human bean doin' the same "shorts" would'a done far better--better not, of course, quicker. Some generic clips applied were far less compellin' than the real live stuff that still is nab-able online. Many examples--but heck the green holograms shot is lame--it's hardly as convincin' as some stuff I've seen online like the giant chinese dragons that swoop down at'cha at football games where folks duck--to make folks really understand how good the tech is, you'd use a far more convincin' image. I believe ya always would need a real-live human bean ta make the "best" choices--I'm biased of course. Also, there's a little too much of a canned feelin' ta the narration--wull doi, it's AI after all--but that type of authoritative--even while postulatin'--official BBC (or the US equivalent / History Channel type) narration has a hermetic feelin'--cain't quite put my finger on it but it's limiting-- I like hearin' real people! And of course... AI kin insert it's own agendas, subliminal stuff (flickers, messages, underlyin' sound tracks like in "Leave the World...") I dunno whut--into "its own" creations -- AI has no vision...mebbe that too is a thing--like seein' far more vast and exciting potential of usin' this tech to HELP mankind, I feel the options are so limitless that such a staid modestly hopeful clip couldn't encompass the full wonder of it...I mean if ya think 'bout it--it's stunnin' info-- Like I say when I call customer service on jus' bout anything--"Get me a human!" --just a few thoughts but again, it's impressive for what it is...

Just bookmarked the full viddeoy ta "digest" over time... otherwise it's all a treasure trove here! again, happy fer the belated discovery of this great stack!

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