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Excellent information! About the Bushs' squints and eye movements: these seem to be dissociative state phenomena, either staying in, changing, or preventing to change states. These look like stereotypic smooth pursuit eye movements probably semi-conscious but not sure (for eye movement nerds: they don't look like saccades or nystagmus). These movements suggests MK Ultra or other kind of similar programming (the states being paired with the movement by Skinnerian conditioning) I guess to help them stay in the normal-seeming personality state vs the bad-guy state (to put it nicely).

Other choices are, bad habit (possibly), tic (not a typical tic) , signaling to others in their Order (Hmm?), mind control from outside source (placards, EMF to brain chip, etc.)-not so likely, their other being (reptilian) coming out into the human form (this isn't a realistic choice).

But I was in deep intrigue reading your post. Thanks!

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