Keep up the good work!

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just watched that episode and thought the same thing... Also showing up on Redacted too:


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Thanx for the feedback, but I've debunked the cult that cannot count past 3 more than enough times the last year, lol. But, I'll be challenging them on each and every opportunity that I can, if they have the guts to allow me into their zoom calls and to ask a question.

Now I just wait to see if they'd ever be able to discuss all the anomalies that their guru Gage has been hiding since this interaction all the way back in 2011 - https://odysee.com/@911revisited:7/Richard-Gage-AE911Truth-caught-with-his-pants-down:9

Better not hold your breath though, because these people are seriously lost. I think they're at a point where they believe their own lies...

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