"Directed Energy Weapons" in Antarctica?
In June 2023 there was an “alien” disclosure where claims were made about DEW
Monday 12 June, Steven Greer came out with his and make a big hoo ha about directed energy weapons.
The Reese Report also came out with a short discussion on it…
Update to the article, due to my Odysee channel that was taken down - I have now fixed links to my Rumble Channel
A short history on “science fiction” that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.
In the 1st video of this playlist, a 1985 CNN investigative report, Luitenant Colonel Tom E. Bearden discusses what was captured via satellite in the late 70's and early 80's. He explains "electromagnetic explosions or implosions" from a distance, namely the “extraction of energy from a distant point”, that looks like a "cold explosion", something the US government was trying to achieve themselves.
Strange how much those satellite pics in the CNN report looks like satellite pics we saw from the international space station on September 11, 2001.
Then in the 2nd video, listen to what Col John Alexander was up to at Los Alamos Labs in 1986, when they asked Hutchison to come and demonstrate his "Hutchison Effect". Notice what he says, with regards to what was observed in their tests in the lab.
Next thing in 1988 the US black op budget grew from $19B to $55B and in 1989, the “Star Wars program” had their first successful test.
The 3rd video discusses, WHY IT COULDN’T be “space beams” used on 9/11.
The 4th video discusses the weaponization of lasers since 1971 and refers to “The Panama Deception” and “Star Wars in Iraq” and more…
The 5th video Jim Fetzer was convinced that some sort of DEW was used on 9/11.
He was intrigued, possibly certain in 2007, but today he’d deny it – So, who got to him?
The 6th video - "The Panama Deception" is an Academy Award winning documentary, which discusses the use of experimental energy weapons during the Panama invasion by the US military in 1989.
"Star Wars in Iraq" filmed in 2006, goes into the use of energy weapons on innocent civilians in Iraq by the US military.
Senator Heinrich comments for the Feb 2023 DE T&E Joint Conference...
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If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
The Maui fire wasn’t typical. what kind of fire leaves wood unburned- except around bolts… and metal? That’s being seen in the Maui pictures too- not just the CA fires
Watch Patty Hall and Robert Brame in the below link -Same things being seen in Maui Wood unburdened Wood around bolts burned All other things ‘dustified’
And get this- the first energy directed weapon was developed in… Maui That’s a super strange coincidence, right? Proof on their website that they are creating this weaponry
Interesting listen- https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/directed-energy-weapons-maui/
And interesting information here- same burn pattern on cars- no door handles, no glass, no tires, engine blocks burned out, no gas caps
Thanks for putting this together.
The name of the nefarious human group that manages the public perception of the ET presence, related back-engineered technology and related psychological warfare operations has changed over the decades. It was once called Majestic 12 (my sources indicate that more recently it was called PI-40).
Pertinent intel can be found here: https://archive.org/details/project-aquarius-11-pages
and here: https://archive.org/details/nro-doc
As you likely are already aware, some of the original corporations that were involved in the back-engineering of recovered ET craft were SAIC [Science Applications International Corporation], TRW, Northrop, Raytheon and EG&G.
My research and sources indicate that at present time these facilities, bases and corporate entities are directly involved in the back engineering programs, R&D for covert ops (including DEW development and deployment as well as MILABS) and weaponization of both exotic tech recovered from downed craft and advanced tech seized from human inventors under national security orders:
Major bases of operations, apart from widely diversified private sites, include:
– Edwards Air Force Base in California (the Cube)
– Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, particularly S4 (aka area 51), S9 and S12 and adjacent facilities such as Pahute Mesa and Area 19, as well as Groom Lake
– Kirtland Airforce Base ( Sandia National Laboratories or SNL, Defense Nuclear Agency, Phillips labs, Manzano Mountain Weapons Storage Facility and underground complex, Coyote Canyon Test Site (north end of Manzano, White Sands Complex)
– Heystack Butte
– China Lakes
– George airforce base
– Norton airforce base
– Tabletop mountain observatory
– Blackjack control
– Fort Huachuca Arizona (Army Intelligence Headquarters),
– the Redstone Arsenal (in Alabama)
– Dulce underground complex
– Cheyanne Mountain complex
– Pine Gap (underground facility in Australia)
– – Dugway Proving Grounds (outside Provo) a relatively new, expanding underground facility accessible only by air in a remote area of Utah, among others.
Additional facilities and operations centers exist in a number of other countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia, and Russia.
Numerous agencies have deep cover, black, USAPS related units involved with these operations, including
– the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
– the National Security Agency (NSA)
– the CIA
– the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
– the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)
– Naval Intelligence
– Army Intelligence
– Air Force Intelligence
– the FBI and others.
An even more extensive list of private, civilian and corporate entities have significant involvement. The majority of scientific, technical and advanced technology operations are centered in the civilian industrial and research firms. Significant – and lethal – security is provided by private contract.
Corporate contractors:
– Battelle (you can thank Catherine Austin Fitts for bringing that one to my attention)
– S.A.I.C.
– Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc
– EG&G
– Rockwell International
– Village Supercomputing (phoenix Arizona )
– Wackenhut Corp.
– MITRE Corp.
– Raytheon (including E-Systems)
– Northrop ‘anthill’ (Tejon Ranch)
– McDonnell Douglas corp (Llano Plant)
– Phillips Labs (North Edwards Facility)
– Lockheed Martin Skunkworks including the Denver research Center and the (Helendale Plant) as well as (The Cube)
– Boeing Aerospace (Phantom works division)
– Bechtel corporation (does a lot of the underground base construction for these D.U.M.B.-s)
– Los Alamos National Labratories
– Lawrence Livermore Labs
For additional intel on the types of psychological warfare operations that are used to alter public perception on this topic through the so called "entertainment industry" see: https://archive.org/details/x-files-psyop-exposed-an-educational-presentation
Only half of the description / reference material made it through onto the upload and now it won’t let me update the description section but if you are interested in having access to the updated references and links to supporting evidence for my presentation (linked above) I uploaded that separately as a PDF file here: https://archive.org/details/references-and-links-to-supporting-evidence-for-the-x-files-psyop-exposed-an-edu_202212