I’m copying, with permission, an article that Andrew Johnson posted on his website, with regards to the information shared with him anonymously below.
Dear Andrew,
I have watched a lot of videos from you, but I cannot remember whether you have mentioned or discussed what I just discovered.
I have noticed strange flash lights on different spots around the WTC.
It is visible on the videos, but it is not easy to see. But once you know where to look at you will see it in many videos.
Unfortunately it is not visible when the first “plane” crashed into the tower; there is just not enough video footage.
But here it is for all the other “big events” on that day.
2nd “plane” crash:
Please watch the CBS Live footage again. But don’t focus on the plane or the tower.
Keep an eye on the World Financial Center (the dome) and you will see a flash light 4 sec before the impact.
And you will see another flash light on top of the “antenna” 4 sec after the impact (see the screenshot and the arrow).
Here is the YouTube video below. Watch it from 1:43.
1st tower goes down:
On this footage I can see most of the blinking lights. I count at least 3.
Here is the YouTube video below. Watch it from 10:50.
Here is a better view of the blinking thing.
It is on the same video at 2:27.
2nd tower goes down:
You can see the blinking before the “collapse” and after, when the camera zooms out again. There are 2 different lights pretty close to each other.
Here is the YouTube video below. Watch it from 6:34.
Same video from 1:01.
This is the best view of the “telecommunication mast” with a blinking light on top.
Building 7 goes down:
YouTube video below.
It is just like in the John Hutchison experiments.
Multiple parts of the “devise” are placed around the WTC and they create the electromagnetic / static field.
I only found the big one on the following picture:
I guess you have the larger archive of pictures and videos. Maybe you find all the others and you can complete a “map” of them.
The building with the 2 masts on top is the “32 Avenue of the Americas” building.
I googled a bit and found out that it was renovated from 2001-2002.
Guess what… the 2 “telecommunication masts” were installed just some days before 9/11 by the company Budco.
I found a video from Budco containing pictures of how it was installed. In the description they say: “While nearing completion of the project, the airplane which struck the World Trade Center passed directly over us”.
There is already a lot of activity going on with these 2 masts… for a project that is not yet completed. Also the 2 containers added on the roof top provide a good view on the twin towers and might be used as an operation center.
The 2 telecommunication masts are still on top of the 32 Avenue of the Americas today. I wonder if they ever blinked again after 9/11…
There is just one last thing missing; the weapon that shoots the microwaves at the towers. I believe I know where it is (but I have no real evidence). I believe it is inside the World Financial Center; either inside the dome or the pyramid (or maybe both).
The World Financial Center provides the perfect view on all the towers.
Here is another interesting video:
The video is almost uncut, but strangely the most interesting moments are missing. Both towers go down were not recorded by the camera. Coincidence? Just missed by the camera guy?
I believe the 10-20 sec of the towers went down is missing because the camera stopped recording. I can only think of one reason for that. The people and the camera were in the “line of fire” of the microwaves and the camera stopped working as long as the microwaves were shot at the WTC.
Also Dr. Judy Wood mentioned in her presentations that people on the bridge could “feel the heat” of the towers. I guess they were all in the “line of fire” and hit by microwaves that heated up their bodies from the inside.
If you draw a line from the people on the bridge and also from the camera guy to the WTC, the line will end up in the WFC.
Other interesting facts that you may or may not know:
Just before the hologram of the plane crashes into the tower you can see an “electric light ball”. You see it best if you play the slow motion video in slow motion again.
Also play this in double slow motion. You can see a small “electric light ball” also when this hologram touches the building.
Dr. Judy Wood, Richard Hall and you gave me so much new information, I hope that maybe I could give you one in return.
If you think this is the same important than I think it is, then it would be nice if you could tell me what you think about the flashing lights in one of your next videos.
Take your time for your research which might be more professional than my YouTube / google one.
I intended to send this mail to you, Richard Hall and Dr. Judy Wood, but I could only find your contact.
Please share the information if you want.
I will only check this mail account from time to time, but not regularly.
But it would be really nice if you could give me a short response, just to let me know that you have received my mail.
Thank you for your work on this and other subjects.
Best regards
What do you think about this anonymous investigation sent to Andrew Johnson? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Update to the article on 24.05.2024
Compilation of the Mystery Flashes by my friend Math Easy Solutions.
UPDATE 12 March 2025
Mysterious Flashes - DEW speculation
This footage comes from WPIX Air 11 live reporting on 9/11.
The full video has never been released to the public and was recently uploaded to YouTube by an unknown person (and now it seems to be gone). X Post
The X account that posted the video, seems to now be “temporarily restricted”.
I uploaded the video to my YouTube channel and set it as unlisted, it still got flagged for hate speech and I got a strike against my channel.
If you like reading my articles and listening to my jabbering and would like to buy me a coffee, please follow the link to my PayPal, as substack does not release payments to my country yet, I’ll really appreciate it.
If this is the first article of mine you’re reading, please rewind to my first article and work your way through all of them, as you’ve missed out on a lot of valuable 9/11 and “9/11 truther movement” information.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book by Dr Judy Wood.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF book downloads by Andrew Johnson:
Mystery Flashes on 9/11
Mysterious flashes were present at and near the WTC during the 2nd "plane" impact and the fall of the North Tower, South Tower, and Building 7.
Video: https://matheasy.substack.com/p/mystery-flashes-on-911
Interesting. Not sure what to make of it. I had suspected the Verizon bld. and that bld. next to banker's trust with all those blue contraptions on the roof (see insert or back of Wood's book) may have played a part - but the that clip of the antennas is interesting. Also in the long clip at ~10:50 watch the shadows on the yellow/white building as they disappear, may be due to the smoke but strange. Also suspicious of the other planes/helicopters in some of the videos I have watched. Came across this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-ytKT6zMjk - what he states is people jumping is interesting - if so they were trailing a plume of dust (~2:30) he also shows what his apartment looked like when he returned and what ended up in it. Interesting so many windows were broken.