It’s been an interesting year interacting with people from across the world and learning what they believe to be the truth of the events of September 11, 2001.
Very interesting to see how close-minded people can be to new information in this post Covid world, versus people who truly have woken up to how their perceptions are being managed and how people are shamed into NOT thinking for themselves. It is true, the world has become more divided in the last three years and that is because people just do not want to have their world beliefs challenged. It’s explained eloquently by Celeste Solum, ex-FEMA that was involved with the 9/11 aftermath. Have a listen.
Something else we were shamed into not doing is, your own research. You need to outsource your thinking to selected talking heads - Trust the experts! We know where that got us. Jimmy Dore has a great skit I regularly revisit it to have a bit of a chuckle.
But there I went again digressing, my apologies, back to the last 9/11 thought experiment for 2023.
9/11 and the North Tower’s disintegration:
Feel free to tag Richard Gage, architects for an engineered truth, Gene Laratonda, Ted Walter, John Cole and any other “truther” talking head you can think of, as most of them have blocked me, because they don’t want to answer difficult questions.
A great debate has been raging about the “spire” of the north tower.
The “spire” is a clump of steel beams that was still standing after the tower peeled away like a banana, it was about 900 feet tall…
As you will see in this video compilation below, just before the disintegration there was a strange static interference just before the north tower started to disintegrate. What caused that?
Then you see the building peeling away, leaving the core columns standing, wobbling to and fro for a few seconds and then it drops down vertically…
Now, the people pushing conventional controlled demolition, using explosives and more vigilantly the proponents of thermite, would have you believe that dust settled on these steel beams before they dropped down… This dust they argue is what makes it seem like dust is trailing solid steel falling vertically.
Does it seem like solid steel, dropping down into a 900 feet hole?
Or does it look like the steel is becoming nonsolid matter and turning to dust whilst it’s traveling downward?
The thermite proponents will, and have argued, secondary thermite charges broke up this 900-foot steel spire.
That leads us to a comparison of what happens when you blow a steel structure apart and you will see that the two look NOTHING alike. (A steel bridge demo vs the spire)
THE MOST IMPORTANT part to consider is the following…
At the bottom of the north tower, in stairwell B, 16 people survived, between floors 2 and 22.
How the hell, do 16 Survivors (“9/11 surfer” included) - 110 stories, equal to 10 Titanic’s stacked on top of one another, 500 000 tons of building, NOT crush them?
The survivors heard no loud explosions, no flashes of bright light, no molten steel raining on them, they did not go blind or deaf due to light flashes or explosions, they weren’t hit by falling debris, and they didn’t die later of adiation poisoning from nukes. They walked out from there.
It was POOF! The building is gone into a HUGE DUST cloud in 8 to 12 seconds.
Explosives cannot do this to steel.
Thermite cannot do this to steel.
Nukes give off heat and radiation, yet the survivors are all alive and well.
You can now watch the video and ponder these questions.
A MASSIVE shout out to Math Easy Solutions for putting this epic video together, as his editing skills are far superior to mine (something to work on in 2024).
Feel free to come interact with me on X.
Remember DO NOT get your hands on this absolutely scary book full of evidence.
And whatever you do, don’t watch the 1h “9/11 Essential Guide”.
Free PDF downloads: 9/11 – Finding the Truth & 9/11 – Holding the Truth
Nice post, short simple, short vids to the point. GREAT!
Keep chipping away at the 10%. Happy New Year!